
Andover Swingers in Illinois

Andover Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Andover, IL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Andover looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Andover, IL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Andover, Illinois Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Andover, Illinois so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Andover Swingers right away!

Why are there so many swingers from Utah? - - It's either mormons or swingers in Utah and sometimes both!! Have no idea why but I'm glad lol...

swingtown - a new show on cbs - we liked it and record it on DVR. It all looks pretty much "period" for the times. My only thought is: I wonder how many people will watch that and think they can be swingers?

Blindfolded Gangbang 12/13 in Murray - - **UPDATE** We have 4 reliable tall attractive guys coming. We did this a couple weeks ago with +4 and with everyone staying for round 2 it was all she could handle, even had to shower in the middle of it. So we are capped with single males. We have a few more that would like to join but we need another couple with a PARTICIPATING female before we can add more. We are totally laid back, comfortable and fun to be around. The males invited are also fun and comfortable. So,if there is a couple that would like to join, please PM YOUR KIK USERNAME. With work restrictions, this is the only way we can have a conversation, and you will need to live pic verify on kik. Sorry if that is too much, but with all the fake couple profiles here we must have that in order to be invited. DO NOT CONTACT us if both parties are not 100% in and 100% excited to join us and can bring that fun vibe with them. We will have enough fun as it is, but we are swingers and love to share. PM you KIK username and be able to answer a few questions and live verify together.

Why are there so many swingers from Utah? - - this site started in fla it was rob and another (will leave nameless ) were partners in another site(will leave that name out too) and rob had idea's of a swingers site the other had idea's of being rich so they parted way rob moved to ut and is filling his dream as for nameless who know's a person that dreams of being rich that ever thought they made enough? any way this is way most are from FLA or UT been with rob since the begining and will always say I went with th better of the bunch keep up the great job and we will make one of your great parties (can't wait) spread more then just legs :)

western slope colorado swingers - trying to find fellow swingers - You should stay away from Craigslist, the law enforcement types use that as a trap. There are members here from GJ and other areas, or middle west Utah. Refine your search. Good luck!

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - Wow...very cool replies!! BTW that minivan sounds awesome...lol!! Thx for posting all the cool pics!

Another Swingers Show on TV - - [quote=SEXPERIMENTORS] This September, Discovery Fit & Health delves into a mysterious and daring world in its all-new series, SECRET SEX LIVES: SWINGERS, which follows five all-American couples as they juggle marriage, family commitments and careers. But behind closed doors, these husbands and wives share one surprising thing in common: they all lead double lives as swingers. SECRET SEX LIVES: SWINGERS premieres Saturday, September 7 at 10PM (ET/PT) on Discovery Fit & Health. Nice! If there are enough of these maybe eventually our lifestyle will become normalized. Mr. Sexperimentors[/quote] I think you two should come over and we can watch it together!!!!

Black Ring - Who has theirs and how have they caught on? - We have talked about this at parties with our group. Most have no idea about them and those who did said they never worked for them.. We also brought up the UPSIDE DOWN PINEAPPLE in your grocery cart and also the Pineapple flag flipped over.. Most had no idea on them either.. Some say they would try the pineapple in the cart while shopping, but most just say: We'll wait to hear from peeps coming to parties!! Side note: One of our son in laws wears a black ring in place of his expensive wedding band while at work. One of his friends asked him if he and our daughter were swingers. HE WENT NUTS... He knows we are in the LS, but doesn't like it. So oddly the only person I have ever heard of that was asked about the ring and knew about it, asked a VANILLA MAN.... How are we doing???????? ;)

Would You Tap That? - - [img]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/mkUoJPh_y3M/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] 1) All day long and twice on Sunday. 2) Meh, I've seen better...Deanie Wimmer is a total NILF (newscaster I'd like to fuck). 3) I would SO tap that. And I'd make her bark like a dog (best Bill Murray [Carl Spackler] voice). 4) You are rude, Evil. Heidi is just doing her job. Swingers ARE kinda disgusting ya know. 5) No but I'd do that guy...or maybe have a threeway with them. 6) She makes me want to go on a crime spree so she can track me down and "interview" me. 7) I wanna see her nude mud wrestle Shauna Lake! 8) No, but Hope Woodside gives me...wood! 9) Kerri Cronk turns MY crank! 10) We're meeting Heidi and her hubby for drinks at Habits tonight. 11) Don't know about Heidi but I wanna make Kevin Eubank my little sissy bitch! Btw, in case you can't tell, in the above pic Mark Koelbel is under the desk givin' Heidi an anal 'oil check' with his middle finger. She's shocked and surprised because usually Rod Decker does that. [em]Emo_96[/em]

Dinner party - - We would love to attend a classy party so tired of the stand around slamming drinks with people type party. I think the wife and I would be more inclined to enjoy a touch of class and I know from there things could become more and as for fun oh HELL yes!!!! Again anymore the lifestyle has become a fuck fest and that is a major turn off for most. Sorry the pressure to play is become a game of who can fuck who, rather than lets meet people for long term friendships who enjoy the benefits of possible play. I'd love to dress up and meet people for a few drinks in a classy social setting verse the meat market so if you're planning on setting one up include us and let's kill the myth that all swingers just want a trash fuck.

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