
Richfield Swingers in Idaho

Richfield Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Richfield, ID, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Richfield looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Richfield, ID. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Richfield, Idaho Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Richfield, Idaho so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Richfield Swingers right away!

swingers helper... - I know some of us need this every now and again... - OMG FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!! BTW A car battery charger works great too...........lol (So i hear) :z

Swingers Dares - Text for cards in the game - We are filing up cards for a game we are trying to put together and we've run out of dares. Give us some more ideas. Remember this is for a game with very "risky & daring" swingers and everything goes. These are some dares we've come up with so far... - take a shot and everyone slap your ass - remove an article of clothing

Mexico! Come with us!!! :) - Trying to put together a group of Swingers to go to Mexico with us! - Oh also it will depend on what type of room people want as well. For us we had a ocean view swim out Jr. Suite that we loved (the picture above was the sunrise view from our room) but some people might be happy to opt for just an ocean view or a pool view or something else that would be cheaper for that couple. Sooo let me know! And if you want to see more pictures from our trip I have some posted in our private picture album.

Swingers at work... - - Yes it's fascinating, what kind of reaction you will get from people when you realize that you know them from some where else. I (male) had a similar experience on one of my many business trips. I was visiting a place far from home and was searching the local area as I do for someone to meet and try to find a tour guide of the local area. I have always figured why not be a swinger, because if we hit it off then everyone wins, new friends in different parts of the country. Anyway, I arrived at my business location and after about three days of working with this certain gentleman I notice A photo on his desk that was identical to one they had on their profile (different site mind you) now we had been working together for almost a week straight and he was a very nice man. So I pondered how I would suggest that I had seen the picture somewhere else, I figured that a nice little greeting card was the way to go. I politely wrote in the card, something along the lines of "I believe I have seen you and your wife on the site (bla, bla, bla,) and was interested in whether you two would like to spend sometime showing me the local area. Not once suggesting that we play. I gave him the card on a Friday, and I let it go for the weekend, hoping to chat with him and see what their reply would be. When I arrived at my work station on the following Monday I found out he called in sick, and had scheduled vacation for the rest of the week that I would still be there. I never did get any reply other then the cold shoulder. As I said it's very fascinating what kind of reactions you get from people.

Tooele swingers party 2 - Doing our second party - So were gonna go for the sunday the 21st of this month. Also this will be going on during the late afternoon since it is sunday and alot of us have work on monday. So this will be a bit of afternoon delight with all the dirty fun to go with it. If anyone is still interested feel free to reach out to us. We will have a kik group set up laterto get everyone familier with each other, at least a little bit. ;-)

Best Swingers Club in Houston? - Going there in Sept - Johnson Space Center

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - Semper Fi to all my fellow Devil Dogs out there past and present and for all the ones still kickin in the sand pile be safe take care and COME HOME

A paradigm shift - polyamory - Your thoughts? Here are mine... - This is a big big topic... good one. It is true to say that an amazing thing about being human (thank any God figure you'de like :)) is that we have an INFINITE capacity to love. It is most obvious in women but exists in us all. I understand all of the comments about walking a path together, finding the one and only, etc and that is a great way to live but the fact is, we can love more than we do. We can choose to want to be with a certain person more than any other but we can love many. The easiest way to show this is that when a child is born they make the parents feel as if they could never love like they do this first beautiful child but when others come along what we experience is an expansion of our capacity to love. It is limitless. As mothers and parents can love many children so can we all love many others. We dont need to, some dont want to, but some feel it is a natural and Godly way to live. The biggest obstacle to it is jealousy or feelings of ownership which Swingers have largely learned are "lower thinking" attributes and, at least as far as the physical goes, they are beyond jealousy etc (of course I mean the healthy ones). Big Love is a real deal. It scares many people, even swingers but it is the next and logical progression in the more enlightened thinkers out there, which many swingers are. We swingers have at least tackled the threat that comes from "physical" sharing but many are scared to death to hear their loving sharing spouse express feelings of love for another man or woman. A great book on this topic is "The Future of Love" by Daphne Rose Kingma. It's excellent. Im sure this idea (polyamory) is not for everybody but it is natural and can be as rewarding and freeing as swinging is I'm told...(Jealousy, guilt and ownership are unnatural 'learned' behaviors). I already know I cant be 'everything' to my loving partner but am I strong enough to allow her "love" someong else? Oh wait... is that really my decision? Thats my 2 cents... Dave

Carnival Inspiration out of Tampa - 5 day cruise Nov. 7th - 12th - We are doing a 5 day cruise on the Carnival Inspiration with a small group of swingers from Nov. 7th through the 12th. We got a great deal of $299/person. Can't wait to kick back, relax, and have some sexy fun. Would love to see some more sexy people join us on board.

Parties/Events - Maybe a Good Public Screwing is in Order?! - [quote=KRAZYGIRL]Hi Pals sorry to hear about the year or so of sorrow, things seem to just kicking you when you get to those places s,o hope you can keep your chin up, or maybe we can help you hold it up if need be. If you need help with that public fucking we could hold the towells for you but I want to at least watch, lol I have invited you to club Krazy a few times but timming was off so didnt work.(or you just cant stand my face ) Maybe a party at Club Krazy is needed for you to let loose. Might just have the owner plan one tbose for ya. He he Hope things get better for you two we can understand some of how you feel and it sucks. Cheers Krazyguy.[/quote]Well you are super sweet and I appreciate your attitude 'cause the times you are referring to as far as your parties are exactly the peak of craziness here in reference to my child. We got a few offers about then that I had to turn down and some folks just don't take that so well. (even though we explained ... some just think you're playing games anyway). It's just a bitch enough having a sick child and then all these fucking vultures come out of the woodwork. For some reason it sorta kills my "swingers attitude."

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