
Ponderay Swingers in Idaho

Ponderay Swingers

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Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Is there a dress code? Cover charge? Never been there.

Orlando on the 21st - - I don\'t mean to be negative or difficult, but the general \"lay of the land\" for swingers in Orlando - has been discussed here before - with the conclusion that aside from Tastebuds (which is wonderful, but meets each *Saturday* night - not on Friday when you\'ll be there) - there really isn\'t much in the way of \"public\" entertainment. You can enjoy Rachel\'s Steakhouse (near the airport) for some great steak and topless dancers, or your best chance is to see if you can hook up with a private party - or *make* a private party somewhere - because Orlando is desperately trying to keep the \"Family\" image - and clamps down hard on anything \"public\" for swingers - or even just good-old nudity in strip clubs and such. It is ironic that Vegas has the same problem: in the city of Vegas - one cannot be *nude* in public shows. Particularly funny because when the Swingers and the Soccer kids clashed at the hotel near the airport recently, one person said \"Orlando isn\'t VEGAS, for goodness sake\" (meaning that MCO is supposed to be MUCH more wholesome - whatever that means). Anyway, not in any way shooting at you - just kind of sad that a big, tourist city like Orlando - hasn\'t managed more \"action\". It may be there, but it\'s \"underground\".

That little nudge many of us need - - [quote=PARTYINLV]We think honesty is the best way to be. If she found out about the meeting without her knowledge, your tryst into the lifestyle may be over. Plus, she might feel the pressure to play at some point anyway. Also, she will always wonder if the next meeting is arranged without her knowledge. Evildoers is correct in meeting with zero chance of playtime. Take their advice. She will feel more relaxed and could enjoy herself with the pressure off. We will take it a step further: Step 1: Set up a date with ZERO playtime opportunity and let the other couple know that. Do something fun (a hike, Topgolf, etc) and get to know them. At the conclusion of the date, let them know that if they do not receive a message from YOU within 24 hours, you don't feel you are a match. Step 2: If you send a message to meet again, let them know your intent and your boundaries. For example, (kissing ok), (fondling ok), (bi kissing ok), (same room, separate room, either room ok), (nudity ok or not). But, speak honestly with each other about this. It's not nice to lead people on after you have committed. At the conclusion of the date, let them know that if they do not receive a message from YOU within 24 hours, you are not ready to go further. Step 3: If you send a message to meet again, let them know what is acceptable. For example (full swap or soft swap), (same room, separate rooms or either ok), (kissing or no kissing), (bi play) etc. Again, you will have to be honest with yourselves if you can do this. By a third date, the other couple has invested a lot of time in you. So, be nice and don't lead them on. Enjoy the playtime. Save enough time for the afterglow sex with them relaxing, chatting, and laughing. By this point, you may have found a couple that you can see multiple times. Doing vanilla activities with them might be a bonus. They may even introduce you to their lifestyle friends too. The other option is attending a house party where play is not expected. You will be able to speak to several couple and perhaps, use the process above. Or you can play that night. When we entered the lifestyle, we never had that couple who could mentor us. After we considered ourselves as no longer newbies, we became the newbie "whisperers" to offer what we never had. However, we've gotten away from newbies since our circle is with experienced swingers now. But with covid, we would date newbies again.[/quote] Sounds like an excellent plan to avoid those one and done awkward meet ups👍

Were young but give us a chance!!! - - I notice that you two signed up just about two weeks ago? I would say first off to give it time. Trust and friendships within the swinging community often takes time and cultivating. It is a large and close-knit community...which means that the more people that you meet, you will meet their friends and get more peeps in your "swinging network". Only being on this site for 2 weeks means that your exposure to the social side of the community has been VERY limited. To compound that, you're legally underage for the types of activities (drinking) and venues that many of these activities occur. Be patient, and look for the other ways to meet people on here. The chat room is always a good start, there is a good variety of swingers from all age groups and social statuses that are there. Being active (in a POSITIVE, not argumentative way...we all know who we are) on the Forum threads is another way to get yourselves better known. What I would NOT do, however...is whine that you're not getting any chances given to you. That arguement is certainly not unique to the younger crowd here, as many of the older people can complain that they're not given a chance either due to their age, gray hair...whatever. Trust me...you don't want a reputation for being a complainer. Time & patience.... ~J~

single male's showing on cam - curious on what you think - my initial thought is,what does it matter who shows what. this is a swingers site

Single male in this lifestyle.. - I have questions for couples and single females. - [quote]Hey, bucko. Polaroid cameras didn't grow on trees ya know. And our P.O. box was like 10 bucks a month! Then there was the HUGE cost of depilatory creams, gaudy gold jewelry and Nehru jackets. [/quote] Well, that was the ONLY advantage to being a single male in the lifestyle back then. NOBODY was going to ever answer any ad you put in the mag, so there wasn't any point in spending the big bucks on a Polaroid, and they didn't come out with cheaper ones that most people could afford until what, late '70s I think it was? (I wonder how many people on the site ever even saw one of those) Anyway,no need for a camera or a PO box for replies, there wouldn't ever be any replies. That "advantage" was offset big time by the fact that the only way you ever even knew about any gatherings, let alone got into them, was if someone knew you and asked you. Which hardly ever happened even if you knew a couple dozen swingers, like I did, because it WAS essentially wife swapping back then. Or if not full swapping, a sort of swapping with everyone in the same room So if you didn't have a lady with you, you had nothing to offer. I was incredibly lucky 'cause I was really good friends with a few couples, friends to the point that I once in a great while got to got with the mrs. to a party. If it weren't for that I doubt I'd have ever gotten into anything. I'm not certain, because it was something that never came up with me personally, but as far as I knew, back then single guys weren't even welcome if a couple brought them. It was all one guy and one girl, or forget about it. I don't really know what went on through the few mags, because, knowing it'd be a waste of time, I never bothered. And I never had to buy disco clothes, I grew up with Hippie rock and folk, and always hated disco as what destroyed rock and roll as well as folk. Hell, the only difference in my clothes now is that the jeans aren't flares or bells and the shirts aren't either flowered of psychedelic 'cause nobody makes them anymore. But I do still have Frye harness boots, same as in the '70s.

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - We would definitely come when the wife is in town from work. Sounds like a great idea. Sounds like david and Marie are right on point.

Cruise in May - Anybody going on this same one by chance - My Wife and I are going on a cruise the week of May 12th out of Long Beach to Catalina Islands and Ensenada Mexico on Carnival... we were wondering if there are other swingers going to be on that one by chance. We are also going with another couple in the LS, the more the merrier right?

Tooele swingers party - - So update. I hate to say it but we have to push it back to memerial day weekend which i believe is the 25th? The wifes NEW job has her working on the 11th. We still intend to have fun and wish to host our party. Hopefuy you guys understand us moving the date and some of you are still interested in joining us for fun on the 25th

Swingers in a vanilla bar... - - @JSTJIM72 - OK - so if they say 'no' - just how would you explain a swingers type of bar / club to someone who's vanilla? If it was you, and you were approached in a vanilla bar, how would the converastion go?

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