
Indian Valley Swingers in Idaho

Indian Valley Swingers

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Indian Valley, Idaho Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Indian Valley, Idaho so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Indian Valley Swingers right away!

Do you disclose your STD - - there is a swingers site for people with herpes, generally one would want to become friends before having sex, if you are in contact regularly, they are not going to infect you intentionally, so dont have one night stands and sex with people whos identities are unknown. also any virus can be killed by making it resonate, the resonating frequencie for herpes is simplex1, 291.25-293.05 KHz simplex2, 353.9-362.9 KHz zoster, 416.6--420.2 one would need to purchase a frequency generator i got mine at www.drclark.com, and no i dont have herpes, the fact is that every parasite and virus has its own resonating frequecie

Swingers Party - Doesnt mean who ever is there is open to everyone elsa - You should have come down to our party...No one did anythign that was not requested and/or OK'd,,,, You are a better man than me...If someone did that to my Mrs....They would be toothless as fact as they kissed her like that...No doubt, somone will test me on this one now....Don't recomend it...LOL Seriously,....They would be trying to figure out how an elbow got that far down their throat... Males you wonder though.....With all this bashing of single men...were that(ose) guy(s) single or married?

Swingers invading Vegas fall of 2024 - - It's been very successful in London. Looks like fun. Sort of like the Top Golf of miniature golf. It will probably be expensive like the ultra upscale darts throwing venue at The Venetian

If you give it a try, it don't mean you're bi !!!!!! - - All I can say is be true to yourself. Whether in or out of the lifestyle, that above anything else is what ensures your happiness and success. Now enough of the philosophical mumbo jumbo... My experience with this topic is pretty varied. Obviously I not only list myself as bisexual but I also am transgendered; so in the swing lifestyle my potential partners are severely limited. But with that said, I have also met a large number of sweet and understanding people out there. I have also met a fair amount of swingers on a more intimate level. Thanks to our religious "western society" however, listing yourself as bi, does pretty much brand you. There have been plenty of opinions on this subject in the forums since I've joined and I'm sure long before hand. The one re-occurring thought I see over and over is that when you are talking about sex, it's simply an act of pleasure in this type of setting. If it is good for the woman, it should be good for the man as well (or TGirl in my case). Long story short dear, just do what your head, heart and little (maybe big, I haven't seen it) head tell you to do. If it feels right, then it IS right. Don't let anyone tell you any differently. If you don't get laid as much, that's their problem for missing out on a great guy that is truely in touch with himself. Alecia

Desire - hot vaca!! - [quote=TURBOLOVER]We are looking at doing the MSC DIVINA April 2016 - Eastern Caribbean Full Ship Charter, anyone been on one of these and can you share you thoughts, it looks awesome? ?? Thank you very much [/quote] We will probably be doing BOTH of the major upcoming cruises.. the one in November (Bliss Cruise) and the one in April (Couples Cruise). I really don't understand why people go to the resorts when the cruises are SO MUCH better across the board, and they're cheaper, too... Speaking strictly in the context of swingers cruise versus swingers resort: -----[ Swingers Cruise Pros:]-------- - Lower Price (compared to resorts, it's a lot cheaper overall, especially when you factor in travel costs) - Easier and cheaper to get to. You generally arrive/depart out of Florida (Versus traveling for 15+ hours to get to Jamaica or something). - TONS of activities to do. Non-Stop entertainment on the ship and on the excursions. (Not a lot going on at the resorts.. one or two basic activities per day is all). - Many of the excursions are takeovers as well, so you can be naked if you want during adventure-time. (Many of the resorts are topless-only -- and if you want to do "excursions" you're mixed with the vanillas, and all vanilla rules apply). - You can be completely naked on most parts of the ship, if you want. - Dedicated play-rooms. Lots of them. (Many resorts only have one smaller area dedicated for play... which makes sense... generally only 200 to 250 people at a resort at any given time). - MASSIVE crowd. 3,500+ people on a single ship. You'll never possibly get to know even 5% of the people on the ship. (In other words, you have a huge pool of people to choose from to find people you like!!). - Better / more types of food to choose from. Better alcohol choices. - Adult-themed vegas-quality shows every single night... followed by swinger-oriented after-parties. - Higher-end facilities and nicer overall atmosphere. (Cruise-ships are equivalent to a 4-star or even 5-star hotel. swingers resorts are usually 2-star..... 3-star at best.. most are pretty worn down and kind of gross). -----[ Resort Pros:]-------- - Smaller, more intimate setting. You'll get to know everyone at the resort at the time you are there. - Much more laid back. If all you want to do is lounge by the pool all day, every day, it's for you. - You can leave the resort any time you want and venture into town. - Typically you have better access to phones, internet, TV, etc. - Rooms at the resorts are bigger (although they are NOT nicer). If you look at the activity list on a typical resort, you'll find there's only one thing going on at any given time. Most people just lounge by the pool all day, every day -- and then they go to club-style events at night. The cruise is totally different... At any given time, you can choose from 3 or 4 different activities (or just lounge by the pool)... and you can still do the club-style stuff at night IF YOU WANT.. (but there's usually other alternatives to pick from). Honestly, the ONLY major downside to the cruise compared to the resorts is that they don't do the swingers takeover cruises very often. (Once or twice a year is all you've got to pick from). So if you're picky about WHEN you go... the resort is probably your only bet. If you're flexible, don't give it a second thought... the swingers cruise is where it's at. =)

Single Men Meeting Couples - Are Single Men Treated Un Fairly In The Lifestyle - In an earlier response someone wrote: ______________________________________________________________________________ *** Short & Sweet: In our opinion, we don't view single men in the swinging lifestyle as swingers - more like single men wanting to have easy sex (most of them anyway) with someone else's wife. They bring nothing to the "table" that another man "within a couple" could bring. *** ______________________________________________________________________________ What anyone brings to the table in the lifestlye is highly subjective; it would greatly depend on what you were looking for in the first place wouldnt it? While we have met quite a few single men who were lying assholes, we have also met as many who were complete gentleman who earned our respect and trust. As for having "easy" sex with someone else's wife...well, it shouldnt be all that easy should it? That is, unless we as couples are as indiscriminate as the single men are about with whom we have sexual relations. What is the proverbial "table" anyway? What you bring to the "table" is YOU, or yourselves if you are a couple. What you have to offer can only be valued by those who would recognize and appreciate your contribution. It isn't a swap meet. (My wife for your wife.) That is a classic misconception about who we are and what we do as lifestylers. During the "key " parties of the 70's this was the general attitude, but those days are gone. We are a much more sophisticated breed now, who have exprienced a sexual evolution unlike anything our parents could have imagined, thanks to the addition of the internet and sites like this one. There are GAY swinging couples comprised of 2 MEN. We have no desire to date them, but we do not disagree with their right to participate....Are they swingers? Absolutely! Why not? They seek what we do for all of the same reasons. Who are we to determine their place, or value in the lifestyle? A lot of couples take a very narrow view on this subject, which to me is very sad. I am here to tell you that the word "swinger" is absolutely NOT synonymous with the phrase "wife swapper". That archaic, stupid phrase only hurts us as lifestylers, and is not truly representative of who we are, and what we do. "Threesome" does not ONLY imply 2 women and a man. We come in all flavors, with varying desires and fantasies to fullfill. Many times (and we have seen this too many times to count in the last 13 years swinging) it is the MAN of the COUPLE who is too insecure to allow HIS wife to be with another man, 3some or couple! So they only date single women... or attempt to atleast. LoL. I am not saying that this is true for everyone. But I have seen it too many times to count. The hypocrisy is staggering. Everyone makes choices, and we are all free to make them. We do not judge those who choose to only date couples. YES, there are single male assholes in the world. The fact that they are single does NOT make them a health risk. Swinging COUPLES have far more sex than ANY of the single men I know! Most of the COUPLES we know have done things in the clubs that these poor guys can only jerk off too in their dreams, with far far more regularity. A well dressed, well mannered, MATURE, professional male who is not cheating on his spouse, looking to attempt cause trouble in someone's marriage, and wants to have a great time with an honest couple is out there. We have met scores of them! Police officers, doctors, lawyers, business professionals....you cant sell me that they are all midnight "corner store" Johns looking for a cheap sexual fix with any pussy that comes along. Geesh, guys have standards too. I have FAR MORE sex than ANY single man I know! And so do the rest of you couples! Unless ofcourse they are college kids, and then....come on! What wild and crazy college aged 22 year old man ISNT looking for pussy in bars and strip clubs? Is THAT who you would swing with anyway? If there were as many single women swinging as single men, there would be quite a few single WOMEN assholes out there too. We live right next to The University of Maryland, so I employ some of the biggest hookers I have seen anywhere, anytime. I say, pick through the weeds, be selective about with whom you have sex (shouldn't we anyway?), and let the chips fall where they may. Thats what the lifestyle is all about. Just my $1.25... Luvbugs! (mR.) ;)

What the fuck - I'm not normal, please help me. - Here I am, one of them sick swingers with no morals or values. I can fuck a mans wife and let him fuck mine and feel good about it. Then go home still excited and fuck the wife talking about our experience. We are a menace to society, should be locked the fuck up before our choices destroy the very foundation our country was built on. And did anyone else hate their parents? The ones that would not let you run wild and scream in a restaurant. Said you would never drive unless you had a job and could forward your share of insurance. The ones that neglected you so they could help take care of their ailing parents. What was the sense in that when they couldn't walk and were ready to die anyway. Told you to eat the shit that was put in front of you at the table, if it wasn't good enough don't eat it or find a better table with food on it to sit at. Who would believe that I would someday look at myself and see them. That horrible person that helps a neighbor if in need, makes sure the kids needs are met before mine, tell them the same old stupid stories about how we got fresh air and exercise instead of finger cramps from sending those incredible words with no feeling or emotion. So what the fuck happened when they became adults, why are they not like me? For them saving for the future or crisis that is bound to happen doesn't exist. Maybe they are smarter because when rent and utilities came due they can reach into my bottomless pockets and grab a hand full of cash. But on the way to pay the bills choose instead to get concert tickets and that new 600 dollar cell phone they can't survive without . No big deal they can turn around and reach right back in and grab another handful. No need to bother with a how are you, can I give you a hand with something or spend some time together. Guess I'm done being a cry baby, no one will read this or give a shit anyway, think I'm going to grab my lawn chair, go out and look at the stars fantasizing about fucking Wilma, seeing the smile on my wifes face as she rides Fred's cock during a cruise on the ocean, might even shoot a load. To bad reality will sneak up on me when I realize that deep picket I worked my ass off for has run dry and there will be no cruise. The kids won't come around anymore or even text because we refuse to give them what must be rightly theirs, shit we don't need it because we have a rocking chair and a remote, what else could we want or have the energy for. Hum, you know what, I'm proud to be that sick swinger and don't even give a shit if my kids know it. Give me a little time and will tell you again what society should do with my sick ass. But until I get caught and made to pay for my sins it's time to take my cock out and stroke it again wishing I could be with friends, fucking and sucking with until all are satisfied and happy. Someone help me please and direct me to that magic pill everyone seems to have to make this madness go away. JUST SAYIN, hum anyone know what the fuck that is?

Seeking mormon swingers - - [quote=EVILDOERS]Exactly [i]how[/i] Mormon we talkin' here? I'd wager that a fairly good portion of swingers in Utah are or were Mormons at one time. We're [i]technically[/i] still Mormons so I guess we should get together and play Strip Know Your Gospel and or Spin The Book of Mormon. It's MUCH hotter when you think you're gonna finally get to see the goodies and you really only end up seeing some sexy garments. [em]Emo_100[/em] [/quote] Alle-fucking-luya, we got sum balivars up in this bich!

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - The wife loves DP might have to try the DVP thing!!!!

Explain why you like being a swinger - - Can't really answer as to the exact question posed, as I am a single guy and, therefore, I suppose I can't really be categorized as a swinger, per se. But as to why I like being part of this site with it's potential for associating with swingers: It's because I have never really fit the standard model of sexuality (if there really is one) and the opportunity to associate with people who have broken out of the "mold" and experience something new and bring something new to the scene is very interesting and exciting to me. Hopefully I will get to do a little more than theorize about it.

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