
Geneva Swingers in Idaho

Geneva Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Geneva, ID, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Geneva looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Geneva, ID. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Geneva, Idaho Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Geneva, Idaho so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Geneva Swingers right away!

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - We agree with Davidandmarie exactly!

We're going to SEMA! - Gonna be in Las Vegas for the weekend. Sexy swingers?? - We are here now... going home on Friday. We aren't "SEXY swingers" since we have had our AARP credentials for a few years now. We will check here from time to time. Have a great SEMA, see you there.

Mexico! Come with us!!! :) - Trying to put together a group of Swingers to go to Mexico with us! - Dude! if yall dont get any bites; yall should just go with our group "the hot tamales", to desire may 8-15 2010. we're taking over the whole dayum resort! http://home.comcast.net/~hottamalehosts/site/

LDS Survey Results - - [b]LDS Swingers Report[/b] [url=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4436895/All%20Responses.pdf]Link to All Responses (PDF with graphics)[/url] [url=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4436895/Yes%20Very%20Active.pdf]Link to results for those who replied "Yes, Very Active"[/url] [url=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4436895/No%20Removed%20From%20Records.pdf]Link to results for those who replied "No, removed from records"[/url] Not too many surprises, but it is always interesting to me when there are couples who are still active believers. There were 10 responses who said they are still active and 39 who still believe but aren't active. This was a lot of fun for me, so perhaps I'll revise this and do it again in a few months. Feel free to send suggestions and interesting questions. There are a few things I would change if we were to do it again. For example, it would be nice to define what "sex" means or even what "porn" means. Also making all questions individual (not as couples) because some questions don't make sense as a couple. Who is taking this survey? [list]The Mr. (76/122) 62%[/list][list]The Mrs. (22/122) 18%[/list][list]Together (24/122) 19%[/list] Have you ever been married in the temple? [list]Yes (67/123) 54%[/list][list]No (56/123) 45%[/list] Are you still a believing member of the the LDS church? [list]Yes, very active (10/123) 8%[/list][list]Yes, not active (39/123) 31%[/list][list]No, still on the records (54/123) 43%[/list][list]No, removed from records (20/123) 16%[/list] How long have you been swinging? [list]Less than 1 year (12/123) 9%[/list][list]1-3 years (39/123) 31%[/list][list]3+ years (72/123) 58%[/list] Do you feel guilty after a swinging experience? [list]Yes (4/123) 3%[/list][list]No (100/123) 81%[/list][list]Not anymore (18/123) 14%[/list][list]Not sure- haven't actually participated (1/123) 0%[/list] Before getting married, how many people did you have sex with? [list]0 (35/123) 28%[/list][list]1 (8/123) 6%[/list][list]2-5 (34/123) 27%[/list][list]6-10 (17/123) 13%[/list][list]10+ (29/123) 23%[/list] After being married, how many people have you had sex with [list]1 (10/123) 8%[/list][list]2-5 (34/123) 27%[/list][list]6-10 (24/123) 19%[/list][list]10+ (55/123) 44%[/list] Check each of the following if they are true of you and/or your spouse: [list]We watch porn together regularly (41/112) 36%[/list][list]We have watched porn together but not very often (68/112) 60%[/list][list]We enjoy making our own porn (49/112) 43%[/list] Girl on Girl [list]Yes (91/118) 77%[/list][list]No (26/118) 22%[/list][list]N/A (1/118) 0%[/list] Guy on Guy [list]Yes (24/109) 22%[/list][list]No (82/109) 75%[/list][list]N/A (3/109) 2%[/list] Full/Soft swap [list]Yes (113/118) 95%[/list][list]No (5/118) 4%[/list][list]N/A (0/118) 0%[/list] Threesome (F-M-F) [list]Yes (80/113) 70%[/list][list]No (32/113) 28%[/list][list]N/A (1/113) 0%[/list] Threesome (M-F-M) [list]Yes (87/112) 77%[/list][list]No (23/112) 20%[/list][list]N/A (2/112) 1%[/list] Orgy [list]Yes (61/102) 59%[/list][list]No (39/102) 38%[/list][list]N/A (2/102) 1%[/list]

ha just horny...How bout you? - yep horny still haha - [quote=UtSkier]i think we are all always horny maybe that is why we are swingers. plus i love loads on my boobs[/quote] You go girl...awesome sexy picture!!!

Just a little friendly advise to most single male swingers. - Male swingers - Well said, Benz!

New Forum Category Suggestions - Let's hear your ideas. - how about one called "Swingers Business Network" or something similar where users that own business can post what services they have. or if they know a swinger friendly business. We would much rather give our hard earned cash to a fellow lifestyle or Lifestyle friendly business than to some of the wretched closed minded old farts in this world. M~

Swingers Dares - Text for cards in the game - OMG *K* aka 22play... You have this game going already. We are sooooo glad you're going to be at the party. Can't wait!!! What happens to the begal afterwards?

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - Having a safe group is so very fun. We currently have a safe group that meets frequently for game nights for laughs and friendly competition (helps to know who is leaning on your hair later). The group is very diverse in age and likes. Evening ends in a pile of bodies.

Are you still interested! - Dynamics amoung swingers - Two comments I am going to try to keep short. First.. there are the couples we see somewhat regularly, we enjoy the more intimate moments with them, but we need to take a break every so often and just be friends. We are glad they understand that. When we are ready to get back into the bedsheets with them, its much more meaningful and fun. We respect them when they feel the need to become vertical friends for a while and not horizontal. So its not always a loss of interest, just a temporary change of scenery or personal events in our life... (Then again, some people do have issues that change their attitude towards lifestyles altogether.. and you have to respect their needs when they become just vanilla). Second. Old topic, but similar in nature to this string. Whatever happened to plain old honesty? Its a frustrating experiences to chat over a period of time, feel a friendship is developing, finally meet and spend a great eveing together... talk about getting together again soon only to be continually stood up or given a rash of excuses. I think everyone understands that finding a good match with another couple comes with several disappointments. Its so much easier to accept when you are told straight out that its not going to work out, rather than being lead on and on with the premise that there is something developing. Common courtesy goes along way and commands respect. Even after a relationship that may have developed for extended periods of time, why not be truthful and let the other party know when the interest is dying or gone? Or when its just a social relationship you are comfortable with.. why not be honest? There are some great friendships that can be made here that dont require sex. It happens to all of us.. think about how you want to be treated when you are on the recieving end. HUGS... Cyn, (and him)

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