
Mountain View Swingers in Hawaii

Mountain View Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Mountain View, HI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Mountain View looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Mountain View, HI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Mountain View, Hawaii Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Mountain View, Hawaii so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Mountain View Swingers right away!

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - 08 Subaru Impreza WRX and 91 Jeep Wrangler. One fast and one slow...

Swingular Hacked! - profile and email revealed - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET][quote=EVILDOERS]Hmmmm. I got a lot of soft core and hard core porn when I Googled DELICIOUSLYWET. Oh wait. There's a pic of some food. Lot's of stuff about wet panties too. I'm not gonna go to the next page. Afraid I might get a bunch of pics of people micturating...possibly on rugs. [em]Emo_8[/em] [/quote] That is why, unlike Shatner, rather than go get a toupee I just started shaving my head when my hair got thin. Nothing worse than going to a swingers event and having ladies with a fetish micturating on your rug.[/quote] OMG, had no idea TBL was a thinly veiled reference to water sports and in particular water sports and toupees. Gonna have to watch it again to see what else I missed.

YOLO Cruise April 26 2009 - swingers cruise - WE WON the swingers cruise, from CLUB ELITE!! We are so excited!!!! This will be our first ever cruise and wanted to know who was going, and any advice to "virgin" cruisers... Hope to meet many long lasting friends..... hugs Liz :z :z

lost with people - florida wanna be swingers - The use of the word "fake" is so subjective that at times it is can be rather difficult to determine what the person who used it actually meant. Here is a for instance: Your reference to your friends list. You hit the proverbial nail right on the head. YOU decided that you had a thing or two in common with the people in question. YOU decided to add them to your friends list. The people you are adding as friends have absolutely no choice in the matter. Some of them may have done the same to you in return, but adding someone to your friends list does not guarantee a meeting, or even correspondence does it? Some of them may not even want to be added to your friends list, imagine that. A lot of misguided people seem to think that the lack of replies indicates that the site is full of fakes! Come on now. Here is the reality of swinging: Forgive MY bluntness, but since we were speaking frankly I thought that it would be good to hear another point of view. 1. There are assholes in every state. Be vigilant, be smart about with whom you share your personal information, and learn from your experiences. Pic collectors, cheaters, people trying to convince others that they are something that they are not...Just remember, those people are most likely horny 15 year old boys posing as others so that they can giggle and jerk off... men and women (thats right, and women too) posing as couples to get dates...the list goes on... We lived in Lake Worth for several years, and I can tell you that there are as many low rent assholes there as there are here in MD. Thats swinging, so get over it. The sooner you do, the less it will irritate you. 2. People dont answer their e-mail. The lack of replies means that you havent made a connection with someone YET, or that they are not interested in you. Maybe they are busy and do not have the time to respond to all of their mail? Thats all. Yes we consider it rude to ignore someone, but trust me, you dont want to to hear back from some of them anyway. Consider it a blessing from whomever you worship and move on! A lot of people lack the basic social skills required to be polite to others, even by e-mail. Unfortunately, thats swinging too...on ANY website...so get over it. The sooner you do, the less it will irritate you. Your profile says you joined on January 30, 2006. If this is accurate then it seems to me that you are fairly new here...if only a few months. Perhaps you should be more patient? Your profile is rather sparse too...give it some attention and let your personality come through in it so that others can better judge if they are truly interested in getting to know you. People also read these forums quite a bit, even if they do not openly participate. The forums are an excellent way to make new friends, but it works both ways. Who wants to meet with someone who is complaining about "fakes" because they did not get a date? Isnt that just like the kid who doesnt get picked for kickball taking his big red ball and going home? It just seems to me that FIRST you should do everything in your power to seem appealing and approachable before you pass judgement about the intentions of others. None of this was meant to offend you, and if I did, then for that I apologize. It just seems to me that your time could be spent more constructively if you intend to meet people that you can see socially on this site. Luvbugs! (mR.) ;)

stupid posts on topics that may make newbies change their minds! - - Yes, we've personally been responsible for countless noobs joining convents and/or monasteries after realizing that some swingers are simply not taking this shit seriously enough. Sex is serious business and if a post or thread isn't directly leading to someone getting laid then it should be banned! Thus saith the forum hall monitors. And I think I could make a pretty valid argument about who the "frustrated" party really is here. [em]Emo_67[/em]

Verified "Real" People - - [quote=DE2OFUS]Sorry folks, you are wrong. This is not a "who is cheating on their spouse" site. This is a swingers' website. A site designed to allow persons to have sex with other persons who are not their legal spouse. The question is, "verified REAL people". The gentleman in question, who INFORMED the young lady who started this post that he was married and cheating, was apparently VERY real. It is not up to you to call this man out as someone to stay away from. It is ENTIRELY up to you whether or not you want him to have sex with your wife, KNOWING he is married and cheating. Else, where do we draw the line? Is it up to me to send a note to the entire community if I believe your wife had a hygiene problem? Should I call her out by name in a forum and label her as someone to stay away from? I think not. The question was whether or not the guy was real...he was...and, again, probably more "real" than most of the people on this site.[/quote] [quote=TINKFROMHELL]I am really interested in the feature as it is suppose to help clear out the fake people on the site, right?? I just talked with a "Single Male" that is interested in hooking up with couples and single females. However he isn't single he is married and is looking to cheat on his wife. So why do we even have that feature when they verifies a liar.[/quote] Sorry DE2OFUS, but you are wrong. The verification process is to verify that a Couple is is a real couple or a Single Female is a Single Female and not a Single Male masquerading as a couple or single female as a way to infiltrate the site being something other than a single male. That was happening at the beginning of this site. It caused a lot of problems. It is not a question of whether this person is a real person or not. But, if we were to take the Real Seal literally, it is for 'Verification' to prove that this person is what he claims. He claimed on his profile to be 'single'. He admitted he is NOT single. Therefore the verification would have been false as he was NOT a Real 'Single' Male. He was married, whether cheating or not. [quote=ADMINISTRATOR] As a matter of fact [The VIP and REAL seal verification] was NEVER intended for single males and we actually stopped verifying them because people were thinking that we were vouching for them. The only purpose the seal serves is to know that you are truly talking to real couples or single females. Single men have it hard as it is so why would anyone want to fake being one. And when we verify somebody, we do not verify their looks, age, color, build or any physical property so that doesn't help single men either. [/quote] For the people who do care if the SM is lying or not, men like this do a great disservice to a SM like myself who is honest and truly single, not lying on his profile about his status. And remember that Swinging by it's nature must be about honest communication. It doesn't matter that this person 'admitted' a lie. What matters is that he LIED, and that the person who posted this question wanted him to be single, not a lying cheater.

Pineapple Stickers - pineapple sticker = swingers? - Interesting. I have not heard of this, but this is definitely going to have me on the lookout. 😁

Nasty In The Nati Party 9/25/10 - - On September 25th Nasty In The 'Nati Interracial Parties is hosting G's Birthday Bash/Leather & Lace Party at a hotel in the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area. If you are interested in attending you can send us a message and we will send you an invite ASAP. You can see some of the event details below. Thanks - C & G G's Birthday Bash/Leather & Lace Come join Nasty In The 'Nati Interracial Parties AT OUR NEW & IMPROVED LOCATION & see why our parties have become one of the best interracial swingers parties around, with guests from all over the country. This is a one day event, with afternoon events starting at 2:00PM on Saturday & the Saturday night party starting at 7:00PM. The party room Saturday all afternoon for people to meet & greet in & we will have a cornhole tournament for the ladies, play poker, dominoes, etc.... The party Saturday night will take place in the hotel ball room starting at 7:00PM, WE HAVE A NEW DJ!!! DJ Adam is awesome, he will be playing up to date music and taking your song requests, so get ready to dance!! There will also be connecting group hospitality rooms open both nights for party guests. Light snacks, pop, & water will be provided & Gary, The Nasty In The 'Nati Chef, will be serving food starting around 8:00. When checking in you must give your screen name and you will be given an armband that YOU MUST HAVE ON AT ALL TIMES in the main party room & the hospitality rooms. If you see anyone without an armband please let our event security or someone working the check in table know so they can be asked to leave. If you have any questions or need more information feel free to send us a message or give us a call at 513-442-9761 or 513-442-9201. Thanks C & G

LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - Done, looking forward to the results, probably no surprises though

Exclusive Couples - couples who are committed to another couple - Ok! You have heard from someone who is poly....ME. But we are still swingers and no one expects us to be exclusive either.... anymore than we expect them to remain true to us and us alone. Polyamorous is a conjunction of a Greek and a Latin word. Means to love more than one.....I don't fall in love with everyone that we have sex with but I do have 2 secondary relationships. One woman is separated and we met her in the lifestyle.. We love, yes WE love her as much as people can feel love. The other were seeing what swinging was about and came to a club that we attend. The lady and I started talking and then on line and we discovered that we loved each other. I stopped by their house and talked to her husband and we, that couple and us are great friends and she and I are lovers.... and everything is open and above board. Recently while I was in the hospital from a heart attack, they came to visit everyday. So poly really isn't about swinging at all but there are poly people in swinging who are looking for exclusive relationships... I let people know that I'm poly because if the lady and I hit it off...... I don't want any surprises... BUT I never go looking for that type of loving relationship in the swinging community, i.e., "the lifestyle" I think that some people use the word without a true understanding of what poly really is... Poly can involve sexual relationships but those are based on love not sexual recreation. My wife is not basically poly however, she loves that lady who is not attached as much as I do... so in a way she may be poly but does not wish to define herself that way. When talking about poly and swinging one has to make a distinction as to what people are looking for in a relationship. And, let's not kid ourselves...swinging and sex with people outside of your marriage or relationship is really a relationship aleit maybe a short lived one but one all the same. I'm just a person who can and does love more than one person. Like being hetro or BI or whatever..... that's just part of my make up.. I have chosen to be a swinger and if it lead to something I hope that I have let people know ahead of time and found out their feelings on that possibility... If they are not open to that but are sexually attracted, then we can keep it on that basis and I simply have to be aware. I think it can best be analoged to a couple or one of the partners in a couple being bi. They find a couple to play with but that couple are not bi or have no curiosity in that bent.... So they play and the bi part is never an issue because they discussed it beforehand and everybody was fine with the situation.... I belong to a poly group here in my state. the group is more a discussion group although they get together once a month and every mon or Fri to discuss poly issues. Most of the people who are in that group, over 300, will say that poly and swinging are two entirely separate issues and they are totally unrelated. There are a number of members, both single and couples, who are also listed on swinger sites....They are looking for sexual companionship and maybe, if it happens, loving relationships... So poly and swinging are not so exclusive nor does it mean that poly swingers are only looking for LTRs any more than bi women will only play with couples who have bi women in them.... Being poly of Bi ain't an issue...playing is... There may be some who are in the lifestyle to find lovers... Easy to find out and make a decission about....

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