
Ty Ty Swingers in Georgia

Ty Ty Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Ty Ty, GA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Ty Ty looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Ty Ty, GA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Ty Ty, Georgia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Ty Ty, Georgia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Ty Ty Swingers right away!

Kink Community and Fetlife.com - What do you guys think? - [quote=FALLENEROTES]It's a whole different world! We haven't found a whole lot of swingers in the BDSM community but have met some very awesome and open people. We found the "play parties" to be a bit awkward but enjoyed fetish night at area 51 and have also enjoyed some of the educational classes and [size=200]munches[/size]. Overall we found its less about the sex and partying and more about community and education.[/quote] ....what?

Polyamory - Please share your thoughts.... - you can be non-monogamous without being a swinger. polygamists aren't swingers.

STD Testing - How often are you tested? - Just the totally Mormon ones. Love to see the looks on their faces when we describe what we like to do with other swingers. [em]Emo_84[/em]

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - What did we expect? "Couple celebrates 15 Happy Years of Swinging, story at 10."? Gotta pimp yourself for those ratings, especially when the younger generation wouldn't be caught dead turning on a television to get their news. I wouldn't call that a balanced report by ANY stretch of the imagination. Could she not, in her lurking around this site, have found ONE couple to go on camera anonymously or otherwise to say that contrary to what this woman is saying, swinging has been great fun and enhanced their life as well as their marriage and helped them to communicate on a whole new level? That they know MANY couples who feel the same way and are happy, well adjusted people who work and raise their kids and contribute to their communities? Reasonable and balanced my hairy ass!

Have you ever met anyone TRULY crazy in the lifestyle? - - OK so we're not overly qualified to answer, as we're quite new and haven't gotten to know anybody very well yet at all, but I do have some observations to add. Are we all nuts? NO. some are, some aren't. Many "normal" folks may think we're abnormal, crazy even. I mean, we don't exactly run around telling everybody we like to see our spouses pleasured by others, that isn't a very "Christian" or "normal" thing in society's eyes. It doesn't make us crazy. Adventurous? YES Thrillseekers? YES Different? YES Insane? NO Case in point: It's my observation that most swingers ride motorcycles. That puts them definitely in the first 2 categories. There are a ton more Bikers that are completely Vanilla and totally sane, some may say "Different" because riding isn't everybody's thing. (We're scared to death of riding, and probably never will know the serenity and enjoyment it brings most.) As far as meds go, remember this is the Zanax capitol of the world right here in the land of Zion. Not to mention the number of swinging active LDS members, other church-goers, retirees, well-paid professionals, business owners, and hard working blue collar folk. So the cross-section of society really is still there. Obviously by profiles you will find different strokes for different folks in the sexuality department, and on a Vanilla dating site, you get the same. We have members here who are octogenarians, and others who are barely old enough to get into clubs. Crazies? sure you bet, there has to be. Just as with everything else, a certain percentage of any group will be a beer or two short of a sixer. I think that's why many here are hesitant, if not reluctant to entertain the thought of a hook-up with somebody they know from the web, but haven't met in real life. We definitely fall in that category ourselves. How many booty calls really get answered? Alot of times your mailbox gets stuffed with candor, friend request, and maybe a few cell #'s, but when the brass tacks fall, they end up lying there. It's good to know that Evildoers hasn't ever feared for their lives, with their experiences over the years. The few couples we have met with one-on-one have seemed completely normal, honest, and respectful, regardless of whether or not they (or we) felt any attraction sexually. So I guess we're doing OK, and we're both excited to meet new people as often as we can. That said, I'm going to take my meds and get some shut-eye ;) ~Torque

Parties - Venting - We go to many of the parties and know many of the planners. They put a lot of effort into creating a great experience. This is certainly party season for Swingers. Its unfortunate that the price has risen this year because there are going to be great fun people who can't afford it and not be able to attend. The party planners do an swesome job creating the environment and the opportunity for us to all get together, but it is the people that come, that make it epic. C&K

Swinging/Polyamory - I just wanted to hear other people thoughs on this....... - Posted By: XPLORR94248 Reply posted on: Nov 10, 2007 - 12:11 pm Poly people generally take issue with swinging as be strictly recreational SEX! and no love where as poly, supposedly, is love based not necessarily any sex....but sex usually is involved at some level. The attitude is that swinging is not a good thing that swinging is diametrically opposed to poly. So while there are some similarities in swinging and poly in that more and more swingers are looking for relationships, i.e., "friends with benefits" ; "Friends in and out of the bedroom". These friendships are based on attraction and sex after the attraction. Poly people take the concept that poly is based on loving someone and if sex happens then OK, but that love is the key and sex is at best secondary. I would say that swinging (full swap, soft swap) IS recreational sex. It ISN'T about falling in love with someone. That poly people would think swinging is bad because it is diametrically opposed to poly doesn't surprise me one bit. Kinda like me being a Grand Dragon of the KKK thinking that people who even can think of having a relationship with a black person are sick in the head. To a poly person, the only difference between them and a "normal" person is that they have more than one person with whom they have love in the relationship. "Normal" people also think spouse swapping is a bad idea too. Again, no surprise. I would say that swinging and poly have only one similarity and that is that they are having sex with somebody that they are not legally married to and the spouse is fine with it. Beyond that, I don't see the similarities.

Friends or swinging partner - - That's not really an easy question to answer. We've met a bunch of couples just once. We generally don't hop into bed on the first date, but it does happen. I think there have been couples that we've hopped into bed with that we might not see in other than swinger settings, but we definitely have friends we swing with that we would and do. There are swinger couples we'd really like to spend vanilla time with but just haven't had the time. Candycanepa is right in that this is a swingers site for swinging friends, so the intent is to find friends to hop into bed with. We're a super busy couple. He travels 4-5 days a week and, like a lot of you, we have kids at home. That makes it tough to have time to really have close friends, swinger or vanilla.

Swingular Travel is Back! - Book your lifestyle vacation today. - Swingular Travel is back. We've partnered with a trusted licensed travel agency that specializes in lifestyle vacations and cruises to be our official travel partner. Whether you are looking for an all adult clothing optional resort or a swingers cruise, we can help. We have many members who are looking to travel with like-minded individuals from Swingular so we'll be putting together group packages to popular travel destinations. In the future, we'll also be putting together Swingular group take-overs. If you are looking to plan that fun adult get away, contact Lisa today at 877-859-3925.

New to this all - - Single guys don't exactly have an easy time of it in the swinging world. It's made up mostly of couples with the occasional Unicorn (single female), and many couples have a "we're trading, but you're not providing the female part of the trade" attitude, which goes all the way back to when what is now called swinging was called wife swapping. And the vast majority of couples who are interested in inviting a single person to play with them are looking for a female, not a male. There just aren't very many people looking for a single male, and there are tons of single guys looking to be involved. So the numbers are against you. Besides that, it's hard for a single male to meet people. They're allowed to attend only a very, very few parties and/or events unless they have a female with them. Even the male half of a known swinging couple often isn't welcome if the female half isn't with him. He may be in a couple, but without the woman he's just another single guy. Your best chance at someone being interested in you is online at a site like this. But, again, there are gazillions more single males than there are people looking for them, so the competition is pretty tough. To be a "winner", you usually need to be relatively young, pretty good looking, and fairly fit. Unlike in the outside world, what the guy looks like is more important than what the girl looks like. So if you want to generate any interest, you have to post pics. And while nudes are a good idea if you have the body for it, straight dick pics are not, unless it's 10 inches long or something. And even then it might be a turn off more than a turn on for lots of people. If you don't have any pics of yourself posted, those difficult odds you face morph into impossible odds. If you do manage to attend any parties or events, chill. Don't be aggressive. Single males have a rep for assuming that any woman at a swinger's function wants to jump into the sack with them. From what I've seen, most single males aren't really like that, but enough are that single guys get labelled as a group, so the best way to behave is as if the woman you're talking to is someone you just met at some "normal" party. The only real difference between a swinging woman and a "normal" woman, whether she's single or in a couple, is that she doesn't think that it's necessary to be in some kind of a relationship with someone in order to have sex. Female swingers are just as selective as women in general, and while her presence at a swinging party does mean she's interested in sex, she might not be interested right then, or she might not be interested in you. And a good way to turn that interest off if it's there is to act like it's a given that she wants you. The most important thing to remember is that it's always up to the woman. Whether anything happens, and if it does just what happens, is her decision. So post some pics, be just as respectful to any swinger women you might meet as you would be to any non-swinger woman and if she's part of a couple be respectful to her man, and good luck.

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