
Pine Mountain Swingers in Georgia

Pine Mountain Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Pine Mountain, GA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Pine Mountain looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Pine Mountain, GA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Pine Mountain, Georgia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Pine Mountain, Georgia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Pine Mountain Swingers right away!

Swinger Friendly Businesses - Business or services friendly to swingers - I do garage door work, installs and repairs. I am also a licensed gunsmith, hit me up.

The Vent part II - Secrecy - I once heard it put *I dont grow potatos where I get my meat*, I prefer to say *I dont play in my own backyard*. I know... I'm just one of *those* single men. You know, it doesnt sound like you give your *vanilla* friends much credit. You assume *they* would not enjoy a local *off premise* swingers club. Have you ever sat your vanilla friends down and talk to them (feel them out so to speak), to see if they are looking for ways to *spice* up their relationship? I've taken many *vanilla* women to the local swinger clubs. Ok, so some wont go back, but others are like *wow, that was fun!! I'm not into swinging and swapping, but these people are great!* Here in the Dallas / Ft Worth area, the lifestyle is HOT and happening! There are at least 7 off premise clubs, and as many on premise clubs. Plus many swingers in the area prefer going to the *vanilla* clubs to pick up men, women, and other couples. In MHO, IF, and I say IF, you go to a swinger club hoping/looking/expecting to pick up someone, I feel you've gone for the wrong reason. Go to have fun, meet new people, network, and IF you find someone at the club you enjoy being with, then I'm sure *as they say here in Texas* ya'll are going to have some swapping fun.... And yes, I have been part of a couple, with a few different women. Why am I not still a couple with any of them? They seem to start really getting into the lifestyle, and then they realize they're having too much fun, and scare themselves out of it. Oh yeah, and I'm the asshole single male, the most unwanted animal in the lifestyle. lol

Another Swingular Members Party - Concerns Addressed Here! - [css]background-image:url('http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll175/simplychicblogs/pinkandblackmodflower-1.jpg'); color:#FFF; padding-left:220px;[/css]First, we just want to thank everyone for a very successful night at our last party. We had over 400 members there and it was the sexiest crowd we've ever seen! We read the forums and some of you had some concerns and we want to address those concerns before announcing the upcoming party. Overall, most of you were happy with the party and the venue, however, a small percentage of you didn't like the venue. We totally understand that a nightclub like The Hotel isn't the perfect setting for a swingers gathering when you are trying to meet others and be social. To set the record straight, we just want to let everyone know how difficult it is to find a venue that will not only give up it's busiest night of the week, Saturday, but also give it up to a group like ours. All of the lifestyle parties in Salt Lake combined don't have the best reputations for throwing 'by the law' parties as it is so a lot of venues won't even give us the time of day. Not that any of us have done anything wrong, it is just that the liquor commission keeps a close eye on the bars and nightclubs and if there are any minor violations, like nudity or sexual acts, it could shut down the venue or cause a huge fine. Venues don't even want to chance it with any of the local lifestyle parties. So, imagine how difficult it is to find a venue that will take us. Now, for the sake of providing all of our members a comfortable, fun place to hang out, socialize and dance, the ideal type of venue is one with lots of seating and tables, no-smoking inside, an outside patio for smokers and those who wish to get away from the music and heat, a bunch of bars for easy to get drinks, and a huge dance floor. All of this of course has to be able to hold up to 400 plus people in a private setting without sharing the club with the regular night. There are only a few venues in Salt Lake that provide that, and the best one, Habits, will NEVER allow us to take over the club as they don't need our revenue. Anything else that comes close to Habits is the same way, they don't need us and won't piss off their normal customers. So we found a new venue that hasn't opened yet, that is perfect for our event. We set them up for the last party, however, they couldn't get everything ready in time. So we had a back up plan to go to the old Butterfly Lounge @ The Depot. They cancelled on us 3 days before the last party because they didn't want to host a lifestyle party. So this brings me to how we ended up at The Hotel. It was the only venue that could hold up to 400 plus guests, provide a dance floor, provide some seating, as well as have a couple of fully stocked bars and the entire place to ourselves. The Hotel actually did us all a HUGE favor, so a special thanks goes out to them for accommodating our group at the last minute. As for the music, since they already had a prior commitment to some DJ's before we got there, we had to agree to let them play for the first couple of hours. So for those of you who did not like the venue, or the music, I apologize, however, this is the best we can do in a place like Utah. If you want to be able to go out and meet other members without having to share the club with non-lifestylers, I guess we all have to make some sacrifices and put up with what we are dealt with. Also, some of you asked why we charge as much as we do. Honestly, $20 per couple is nothing. A normal night club charges that in Utah ($10/person) and if you go to most any lifestyle party or swing club outside of Utah, you will pay at least $50 or more per couple. So you are actually getting a deal here. That money covers a lot of things that go into putting the party together such as deposits for the venue, DJ's, bands, supplies, etc... It also covers hosts and door staff, tipping out the club staff, and a lot of the people who put the work into to bring you such an event. You may not realize, but there is a lot work that goes into putting these things together, and the crap you have to go through with the venues doesn't help. ;) With that said, I hope I have at least explained ourselves in our choosing of the venues and that we can move forward with your support in putting together more parties, not only for Swingular, but others such as Utah Uncensored, etc... And now we can announce the next Swingular Members Party.... [b] [size=300][align=center]*** UPDATE ***[/align][/size][/b] Saturday, June 19th, 2010 @ 9 PM We have been unsuccessful in getting the previously announced new venue for our party. This new venue could not accommodate us and the lifestyle, therefore, our only choice to have a lifestyle party would again be The Hotel. This venue is still a great venue to have a lifestyle party. It is very nice (vegas style), it has multiple levels, it has 4 + bars to get drinks, and it is downtown next to hotels. We will be arranging a specific hotel for our group and try to get a group rate as well. This time, we have full control of the music, so we will make sure that the music is not too loud and we have arranged for a DJ to start with classics to rock, to 80's, to 90's and end the night with more dance music. All seating will be first come, first serve, no bottle reservations required. Tickets will be $20/Couple in advance and $30 cash at the door. Select single men that accompany another couple will be $30 in advance, $40 cash at the door. Single women are always free, at the door, no ticket needed. We will also be selling tickets at local establishments through out Salt Lake, Provo & Ogden. If you live in one of those areas and would like to help us find a place to sell tickets and manage that for us, we will give you free access to all parties you manage. Contact us for details. Tickets will go on sale online Tuesday, June 1st @ 8 AM. We will post pictures of the venue here shortly. That's pretty much it for now, see you at the next party!!

Swingers Next Door! - ABC news story on Swinging! - I caught the second half of this show while staying in a hotel a few nights ago. It seemed like kind of a hatchet job on people who enjoy the lifestyle. There was a lot of negative social representation. It was not what I was hoping for.

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - We really hope it's just time for that new group to go wild. We love those a list couples like everyone else but we love feeling like the a list couple too lol but all these older couples 60-90 keep trying to add us and the younger ones won't even reply hi or anything and don't even get me started on the females it's like we are the plague up in here we just want to have some real fun we are planning on getting a few motels/hotels this summer and hope more people want to play and we are moving to west south salt lake valley area and hope to throw some crazy parties there too. We've been on here a year and it's quite the challenge especially cus we aren't in the utah valley clique and everyone who seems interested is to far away hope that changes when we move but if that doesn't work we getting the f*** out of here. And welcome to Miami will be our new fav thing to say. Hah

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]Gasp! Tens of thousands of swingers here in Utah. I believe Utah now has a slightly higher-than-average divorce rate. The national divorce rate is 3.4% with Utah slightly higher at 3.6%. The percent of divorced residents in Utah is reported as 9.3% which is the 18th lowest in the nation. Don't ask me how those numbers reconcile. It has something to do with immigration into the state I am guessing. New Jersey reports that 8.5% of it's residents are divorced and that is the lowest in the nation. Well what do you think? Did more than 3.6% of all the swinger couples, that you have met end up getting a divorce? Was it over swinging? Are more than 9.3% of the swingers population divorced? This would include all the singles now swinging that were once married. One woman telling the media how swinging ended her marriage is anecdotal at best. Do I believe she is telling the truth? Yes I do. Do I personally believe swinging ads an extra element of jeopardy to a marriage? Yes I do. Do I believe there are quite a few people that would be happier staying away from the swinging lifestyle? Yes I do. Never-the-less, most of the couples, we have personally met, that are swingers seem to enjoy swinging and frankly enjoy doing it together. Do I believe there are quite a few couples who will enjoy swinging? Yes I do, we certainly have enjoyed the lifestyle experience as do a lot of swinging couples we have met. In the end if you are a married couple you have to make the decision based on the two of you, as to whether or not swinging is a good thing in your lives individually and as a couple. As for statistical models as to the divorce rate within the community of swingers well there aren't any. This isn't really a news story it's sensationalist journalism designed to attract viewers. Anyway, the divorce rate has been going down since the 1980s and swinging has been on the rise since the 1980s so you could make an analogy that swinging is saving marriage. Yes it would be a bunch of anecdotal bull shit just like this story. [/quote] Right. And swinging doesn't end a marriage anymore than cheating or lying or alcohol abuse or drugs, etc; people end marriages. Any relationship is an invention solely created by those people involved and only they have power over its progress forward. Will swinging or discussions about it lead to problems between people in relationships? Potentially. But any attempt by the anonymous lady in the story to blame swinging for anything is an attempt on her part to avoid accountability. You can't blame the alcohol itself for the drunk. PS, NJ may have a lower divorce rate b/c it's one of the few states that still grants annulment instead of divorce in certain cases.

We Need Our Members Opinions!! - Please read and reply.... - 1.What was the determining factor to get you to buy a membership? Definately the cost, it was a bargain fo rwhat was being offered. 2.What features were a big part of your decision? The fact that it is dedicated (mostly) to Swingers. 3.Are there features you didn't know about until you discovered them later? Not really, I had a pretty good idea as to what was on the site because the person that recommend it gave me a pretty comprehensive tour. 4.What do you think could have helped you make a quicker decision? Nothing.. 5.Do you have any ideas that could help entice more members to purchase a membership? Maybe restrict full search capabilities to only members. 6.If you haven't made a purchase yet, why not N/A

Swingers unnerve families at hotel - - HeHeHe! TAMMYNWALT....too funny about the Swingers Pride Day idea. We\'ll help carry the flag! Sounds almost like our post on another site. Nobody cares anymore about WDW Gay Days but some questionable naughty (not law breaking or nekid) Swingers at a party and the whole world goes apesh*t. For heaven sakes keep those vanillas off of the beach they might see a thong or boobs! LOL! Geez! If they had broken any laws there would have been all kind of media chatter about the arrests.....hummmmm..... To each their own. We weren\'t at any NYE parties due to working taking care of idiots shooting each other and drunks. The shame of it all ( ; Happy New Year! :D

A quick question about Facebook groups - How do we find them? - There is a daybreak swingers group that was pretty fun...its died down lately though. I forget who the admin is on it..hopefully he will see this post and give you some more info.

Why are there so many swingers from Utah? - - Weve seen that utah and florida both are represented well......now just to get rid of the 1800 miles inbetween them;)

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