
Patterson Swingers in Georgia

Patterson Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Patterson, GA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Patterson looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Patterson, GA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Patterson, Georgia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Patterson, Georgia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Patterson Swingers right away!

Disabled Swingers - - We don't post in the forum often but we feel this is a good time. Me being the male half of the couple and the wife being in a chair have been through this at the beginning. Sure there are people out there that for some reason have a problem, but you will find more people that are open to the experience. We have met cuntrybumpkins at parties and they are great people. We have met alot of great people from swingular that look at her as a person and dont even notice the chair and for that there have been many memorable times. Majesticwolf also very cool Naughty and Lucky the list goes on and we hope not to ofend the others by not mentioning them. We have even met Rob several years back and he is also an awesome person. The point is don't be discouraged, keep on getting out to meet people. One thing she would like to see is for people to just come right out and ask, to her that is the most polite way to get to know her and find out what her limitations are. Which are very few. twobears

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Probably the same as the ration between a nice married male and arrogant married male. LOL! -D-

What are swingers really looking for ?Are they looking for frien - Has the happen to you. - ok now it is time to be blunt you all appernlty dont know what this is about nor have you got a clue i do realize that you are new but other people have said the same thing to you over and over again not only on this thread but others that you have posted like i belive that cplinjax said if i missed spelled the name i am sorry but people come here to expolre thier wants and desires with like minded people whatever thier comfort level is with others in this area is completly up to the couples in question but from everything you say it seems that you either try to justfiy or explain your stance on what you are looking for i think you two should talk and try to look at it from another persons point of view of what you are sayin you might learn something

Tooele areas - Who is from tooele - [quote=Harleynight12345678]The Kik group was fun but no one met...and I mean some swingers in the area๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† my nad[/quote] Are you not willing to travel. Their are ton's of peeps on this site looking for single males.

Mormons - - Ya somebody side there was only 50 real swingers in ut. I wanted to know if I was one of the special 50

Is this one of your rules? What is it? is it fear? or something - Does everyone feel this way? - To everyone, and no one in particular, The reason I have asked this question was not to insult any one's rules, or chastise as some seem to have taken it, AGAIN. I have asked this because our rules have changed and even lightened. As we get deeper into the lifestyle we have given up alot of our original rules and now they are more like guidelines. (I don't know if any of you remember the beating I took in the forum for having a no kissing rule, but after abandoning it I still have yet to find another man I can kiss passionately, just doesn't do it for me I guess.) I am still wondering why this is such a popular rule. It seems there are many who have the "No friends, No play rule." I am only curious as to why. I do not think anyone owes anyone sex, I don't think that everyone should fuck on the first date, I am simply curious. We are very secluded in the south, and are limited as to options of swingers to befriend. A great deal of you Northern Utah swingers have this "No friends, No play rule," out of respect for your rules I can't hardly send you an email asking if you want to hookup this weekend as we are only going to be in town Friday, and have a life to get back to on Saturday. This would break your rule and I cannot feasibly ask it of you. Our guideline for this situation is "Management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone." or in other words, we will see how it goes. Anyway, I hope I didn't offend anyone, I have my own weird guidelines as well and have often wondered if there are just a bunch of weirdos out there I don't know about, or if I am the weirdo. ~CLASSY~

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Anyone going tonight?

Polyamory - three (or more)-way RELATIONSHIPS - Hi, I've been closely associating with poly individuals for about seven years now. Find your local poly group(s) http://ohiovalleypoly.150m.com/ Make it a point to attend as many meetings and functions as you can. Keep in mind that some poly people (some) turn their nose up at the idea of swinging, just as many swinging people turn their nose up at poly. Also don't be deterred if you start attending poly meetings and don't see the kind of people you normally hang out with, your tribe, so to speak. The benefit isn't finding your people as it is in meeting people with lots of experience with poly-relationships. You can learn from anyone who has been where you are heading. Making up your own rules is great, so long as they work for you and your family. Here in Utah there are circulating groups. We have swingers, poly, kinky, burners and in each group there are the core members (hardcore) and then there are those of us that circulate among them all. So, when attending meetings be aware that one day their might be four people, the next 40. Also that the opinions of the core members may not be representative of the life you three have created for yourselves and don't let anyone sway you from what you know works for you. Congratulations, don't ever let small minded people make you feel bad. I wish you all the best.

Blind Requests and Fake Profiles - What's your experience with blind requests and fake profiles? - We met some blind swingers once. They found us very attractive!

seniors - why is it so difficult to find senior swingers or single ladies? - Mark it on the calendar, I agree with Tequila Rose!!LOL Tact is usually taught by our parents and environment, not geography. However.........(speaking of Southern Utahans) We live in a "Jack Mormon" area of the "south" people don't shove religious beliefs down our throat, different Mormons in different places (not trying to bag on Mormons, just a using them to make a point) 50 miles south, they are not as tolerant of us "Non-members" My point is this......TACT is something you have to WANT to learn and apply to your life, where you live usually only decides how far you can run your mouth before getting punched out, some people tolerate others better over different subjects, you might find more racism in a community that has a majority, the more mixed the culture, the more diverse, the less mixed, probably less diverse (that can be a matter of geography.) BTW, how did this topic take such a sour turn? from swinging seniors to tactless posts on the forum........UGH Anyway......back to the sex...... ~K~

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