
Mauk Swingers in Georgia

Mauk Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Mauk, GA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Mauk looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Mauk, GA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Mauk, Georgia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Mauk, Georgia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Mauk Swingers right away!

Swingers' club to shut after disabled access complaint - - It doesn't appear the issue was financial. At least not if you read the story. The way I read it, they wanted to conform, and were willing to conform, but couldn't get a building permit to make the necessary changes.

swingers defined - - [quote=KIDSATPLAY]How would you define yourself? How would you defend yourself if a respected vanilla challenged your lifestyle? [/quote] sex is sex and love is love... one has nothing to do with the other, but together they are amazing! the way I see it, he is mine and any girls who may come along are just fun sex toys for him.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Posted By: TEQUILAROSE Reply posted on: Jan 8, 2008 - 4:33 pm I have a question for those of you that allow single females and not single males. You could use the they "bring nothing to the table" argument as well. After all, many of them don't want to play with the male half. =D= Well, here is our take on it. BTW, we don't play with single anythings. If we know you well enough and say one of you is going thru our state, we don't mind playing with you as a single provided we know your other half won't mind. Played with a single girl who turned out to be in a possessive relationship. Ditch the bitch was the operation that followed. Anyways, with a single girl, lets say she only wants to play with the lady. Guys are fine with it since they can watch 2 girls go at it.

Private Pics and Someone Likes You - what is the purpose. - This is a good topic and I have a few words to go with what has been said so far. For the most part, when the private pics was invented on this site (way back in early 2000), we wanted an easy way for people to add others so they could view them. Because we don't have a 'favorites' feature, people started using the 'add to friends' as a way to 'bookmark' who they thought were possibilities, etc... Thus people getting tons of 'Someone Likes You' messages without further response. I've done it plenty of times especially to build up a list of people I 'Liked' just from what I saw or read so if we ever had a private party, we could invite. Now, after personally realizing that this did not work the way I WANTED it to work and that they were actually two different functions, we've decided to create a new feature called 'Favorites.' Its basically a personal tagging system so you can tag who you think is 'hot' and who you may want to contact in the future. This allows you to keep two separate lists. One for actual friends, another for favorites. Also, because we have the custom photo albums now, you can choose to put your more risque stuff in an even more private folder and selectively add who you wish to view them. THIS IS AVAILABLE NOW. Just go to your photo albums page and click the CREATE NEW ALBUM link. So for those of you who are wondering why you get so many 'Someone Likes You' emails, it's not the fault of the person sending it but rather a missing function on the site. For those of you who get an additional email because you didn't reciprocate, don't look at it right off the bat that these are picture collectors, because there are a ton of people who are real swingers that know they can't hook up with someone '5' states away but can still make a friend and get their jollies from just chatting online and seeing pictures of each other. Who knows, maybe one day that trip will be worth it. With that said, I'm not saying how they approach you is right, no one should be mad or beg to see your private pics just because they allowed you to. I probably wouldn't want to respond back to someone like that either. So hopefully by adding a 'favorites' feature will help reduce some of that. Oh, I think someone mentioned something about the 'send a kiss' feature missing from Swingular as well. That used to be a feature here but it became a very hot topic just like this one and more members thought it was annoying than useful as they also got tons of kiss emails with no further response. So we removed it.

Is there a small group of couples - - [quote=DODGE1]We spent the night at Secret's Hideaway in Orlando last week, Now the miss's want to buy a hotel and turn it into a place like Secret's I told her Utah would never allow a business like that in the state of Utah. So we figure go with some thing that would work in Utah :) [/quote] LOL, we were driving though sardine canyon the other night and I said we should buy Sherwood hills and turn it in to a swingers resort.

LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - Ok, I'll leave the survey open for now, but there are over 120 responses which is more than I thought I'd get. I've posted the responses to [url=http://www.swingular.com/post.php?_a=view&_PID=13124]a new forum for discussion[/url]. This was a lot of fun. Feel free to post suggestions for improvements if we do this again.

Donte and bre - Hot swingers - Can anyone translate?

BiCouple2018 - Texas Swingers? - You'll have my screen name from this message. My FWB's handle is kitkat1168 we can't travel to college station, but possibly could meet you folks in Houston when when you go there. We are available either together or as singles. I have a lot of experience in MMF & MFM 3somes. She is a newbie, but ready for anything. She especially wants to get into the FF action and get ears deep. I excel in that area as well. Sessions should be measured in hours, not minutes.

STD/STI Testing - - [quote=ABCWOMAN]No, Toki, you are the Jackwagon! The way you responded to this thread is an obvious display of your lack of intelligence about this issue. Maybemor and others are just attempting to make this lifestyle a little safer for all involved. Not sure if you read much but there was a situation recently in Kansas City where a man and his wife were HIV Positive and managed to put a number of people at risk of contracting HIV, and these are supposedly "swingers" who know better. I've been to parties for over 4 years!! Not everyone uses condoms. Maybe you do! But even a condom isn't going to protect you against Herpes!! You always use latex with oral sex Toki.. hmm... probably not.. and guess what, you are putting yourself at risk for Herpes! Even if you get tested for Herpes you still are at risk. You could have contracted it on the weekend, go in on Monday get tested, the whole gamut of tests, get negatives on everything. Then two to three weeks later you come down with itchy bumps that turn into sores, oh shit, guess what.. yep.. you just were infected and are now positive for Herpes.. Why.. because you don't get it!!! The reason we need more people to talk about this is people are getting STD's on this site and others like it. I applaud Rob and his willingness to do what some of you may think is not needed. Toki is a prime example of why you don't play with just anyone! Sure you can't stop everything all the time, and frankly anytime you have sex with multiple partners it's a risk. But let's not be stupid folks, let's be careful. You only have this life to live, why fuck it up for yourself and the one you love because you are stupid? PS.. I wrote a long post a few months ago about our own experience with the STD issue. I received a number of posts about others who carry HSV2. Interesting thing is some of these people who have HSV2, DO NOT always tell their potential partners they have the disease. Why? PURE IGNORANCE or just they don't give a shit (which is worse). I want to make sure everyone knows, this is MR ABC who is writing this post.[/quote] Again, the voice of reason. (((K))) Do we need to remind people that if they don't want to read about a subject on the forum they do not have to click on it? But in the meantime, until all potential risks from having sex are wiped out, reminders to get tested, practice safe sex, and having open dialogues are not going anywhere. If it reading about hits a nerve perhaps you seriously need to ask yourself WHY. And then GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF. Kudos to MM for posting this. xox Tammy

Can you be in love AND swing? If so, tell us how! - - Your "Life Counsler" is an idiot. Also the answer about love is within yourself. Nobody can tell you if it is right for you ar not. Swinging is not for everybody. Some people are looking for replacements, some are power swingers who get addicted & others like us just enjoy an evening of fun once in a while. If you have a strong relationship then swinging just multiplies your feelings for one another. If your relationship is a little rocky then it is definitely not for you.

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