
Lilburn Swingers in Georgia

Lilburn Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Lilburn, GA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Lilburn looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Lilburn, GA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Lilburn, Georgia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Lilburn, Georgia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Lilburn Swingers right away!

Help us out.. Take this Survey - For Utah Swingers - Done

Swallow or not to swallow - - Mmmm... call me crazy but I love the power of knowing I have made a man cum with my mouth and love the taste. I will have to say though that it is a taste that took a while to acquire a desire for. In my early teen days I did not like it but gradually grew to acquire the tasty flavor. I know several women that do not like to swallow and most of them put on a show of letting it run out of their mouth down their chin or simply tell the man that they don't swallow. However, I have run in to very very few ladies in the swingers community that do not swallow. Just tell the guy up front that you don't.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - DAVEJO, Your welcome, anytime! I just believe in treating people the way they treat me.

Club 90 party - - We have been in the lifestyle for over 10 years together and we usually do not worry about these kind of things, because they are usually in other cities and states. But if you all remember the murder of that young girl in San Diego, Ca and they focused on the parents being swingers and not the dejected nieghbor who killed that poor little girl. Link: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/05/16/national/main509253.shtml Here is a good one for those who want to know what can happen to a club. Link: http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/02.27.03/swingers-0309.html here is another that i found interesting. Link: http://www.timesunion.com/AspStories/story.asp?storyID=444851&category=REGION&newsdate=1/29/2006 we are going to make our pic's privatefrom now on(face pic's), not to hide from our family and friends, who already know about our lifestyle, but the people who we work with that will not be as understanding. What I do is sells and if anyone found out in my field that we are swingers, I could have a drop off of my sales quick enough to put me out of business. I already have a hard time selling to certain companies because i am not Morman, now just add to that i am a swinger, i will never sell them anything ever and most of them would let it be known throughout my industry. We hope to meet many more people on this site, but this will make it a lot harder to do so, the screening process just got a little more complicated. Enjoy the party, but i do not think that is where the problem is in this story.

Utah? - - OH MY GOSH !!! Swingers in Utah? Has someone talked to KSL about this? It would make a great news story... (just kidding) For the record... its not just an abundance of swingers.. but one heck of alot of very wonderful people. The scenery is fantastic and depending upon where you locate... it may be alittle retro "Mayberry" in some areas... but the peace and quiet is wonderful. You still have the big city atmosphere too if thats something you like.

Keystone-Denver, CO - looking to visit a club in Denver area - We are skiing in Keystone and might visit Denver this Saturday feb. 21th. Can anybody recommend an upscale swingers club in the area? We are looking for an attractive crowd. Will appreciate any info. thank you so much.

D&D free? - is this an oxymoron? - As I've been pondering all the intriguing aspects of this new world we are entering, something doesn't mesh in my mind. We live in a nation where billions (at least multi-millions) are spent daily to advertise drugs. This is done because it enables the drug companies to make multi-billions selling drugs. You can get prescription drugs for everything from your pecker to your severe depression about your pecker! And this is only the legal/prescription drug industry - I imagine the illegal drug business is even bigger. Just exactly where do all these drugs go? I suppose a lot are consumed by folks who have minimal concerns about engaging in high risk activities? Hmmm..... swingers?nah? Fact is the math would indicate that there is a lot more coursing through the veins of just about everyone we encounter than just the good ol redwhite&blue! Same goes for disease. I don't believe the existence of most of it is caused by long-term monogamous relationships. When you are only as safe as the very last physical contact you have and you deal in a world of relative strangers, well, you get the picture. I hope these are not interpreted to be negative comments. I truly am just trying to figure out the mentality of the profiles I read. It strikes me the whole "d&d free" thing is either a formality/some sort of cover-your-ass disclaimer or just people kidding themselves.

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - [quote=CHUCKSTOE]to us swingers are people who want have fun some want to be friends and have fun, and the single males need to know there place and not be pushy or circle like a vultures. [/quote] Tell me you just did NOT insinuate that single males are not people who want to have fun and want to be friends...did I really misread that? And quite frankly the majority of pushy vultures *I* have experienced on Swingular are MARRIED. And not just men either. Being a pushy vulture is not related to marital status or gender. Just the lack of class and manners.

Reject Affair Match - Cheaters are not swingers - I would have to say that I am not a fan of the ad either it goes against everything we stand for. But with that said, How many of us have profiles on other swinger sites that charge WAY more money.... and that does not even include a lifetime membership. This site is someones business like it or not I would assume they need other ways to gain revenue, With lifetime memberships, the majority of us have paid our dues and they will not see a dime from us again unless we attend a party. Bandwidth cost $$$.. I would gladly put up with an add for naked alien fish monkeys covered in slime if that meant that our cost for this great site was kept to a minimum.. I would hope that the majority of us are open and honest with our spouses and that this "banner ad" is not even a temptation. If they get no click though traffic i would think it would go away...

RECOGNIZING OTHER SWINGERS - Outside of clubs & parties. - I have always just asked...

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