
Baxley Swingers in Georgia

Baxley Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Baxley, GA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Baxley looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Baxley, GA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Baxley, Georgia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Baxley, Georgia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Baxley Swingers right away!

Single male in this lifestyle.. - I have questions for couples and single females. - [quote=STARTERPUP]Other states' swinging communities tend to be a little more open minded and accepting than here (I know I'll get slammed for that comment but the truth is the truth). With that said you've just got to be genuine, nice, outspoken, open minded and always eager to please. Some genuinely open minded and cool couples will enjoy your good attitude and become your friends :-)[/quote] Don't worry. Not gonna slam ya. Just curious what state(s) you're talking about. We've lived and 'swung' :-) in a number of different states. Additionally we're on another, older swing site that is FAR larger than this one and people on that site often complain about how closed, cliquish and inhospitable swinging is in their particular area (most notably Minnesota where the site originated and especially in California where there is ostensibly a much larger population of swingers than in most areas). Personally we've found the swinging community here to be much more open than many areas we've visited. Of course openness is relative when it comes to an activity that most people tend to hide, like swinging.

Any swingers advise for Spain? - Swing clubs in Madrid - [quote=FUN4ALL208]One thing to watch out for are escorts(prostitutes) if you see an odd couple say an obese Turkish man with a hot lil thing. Escort. Half the time they'll say they aren't going to do anything, just want to watch their "girlfriend" have some fun. Just don't do it. Same goes with most of the swinger clubs in Europe. Sorry we don't have a recommendation for a club.[/quote] I dunno about Spain, but the STD thing isn't much of a problem among the licensed prostitutes/escorts in Germany, it's legal, and they're careful and have regular checkups, so I'd say have fun with the girl and let the old perv watch and jack off. Who cares? And a lot of the prostitutes over there are otherwise "normal" girls. The old cliche about the girl working her way through college? Happens in Germany, and some other European counties. Prostitution isn't exactly a high class job, but doing it while young doesn't necessarily ruin a girl's whole life. Different laws, and a different social attitude. Now that doesn't apply to streetwalkers, who are most likely drug addicts, and may also not apply in Spain. It's a highly Catholic country, and while I don't know their laws, I wouldn't be surprised if prostitution was illegal there, and if they had all the problems associated with it that exist in the U.S.

Friend collectors or swingers - - Well we are here to meet people learn more about the lifestyle make friends ..send a friend request our way or you can chat with us through kik (riskeroner) let's not just sit on the sideline let's play 😉.

How did you get started? - - Scott was familiar with the subject of swinging though not experienced, I had never heard of it. One day he started asking questions about my fantasies. Over the next several weeks we really had honest conversations about what we fantasized about and what turned us on. After that Scott found a local swingers club so we went to their social dance. It was not until then that I realized there were a lot of people (most, very normal) that also had similar interest in exploring their fantasies. I would love to hear how others got started. Who brought it up? Did they bring it up because they had prior experience? How did you react?

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - another scorp:D

KSL swing story - - The story was terribley produced. Little to no research. As I said in the thread leading up to KSL being at the Club 90 party, they decided what story they were going to write before they even put pen to paper, and they were not going to let the truth get in the way of their story. I particularily liked the way it played women to be victims in the Lifestyle, especially when everyone knows it is women that really run the show and have the biggest say-so in who a couple plays with. Also, in surveys of swingers when asked "Who's idea was it to start swinging?" 34% of the time it was the wife that first brought it up. Sure, men still accounted for 54% of the survey (the rest couldn't remember who's idea it was originally), but it's not the men wanting sex with other women and drawing their poor defenseless wife into the lurid underground world of wife swapping to do it. Hell, anyone who's been around it for a while knows it's more "husband swapping" anyway. :p I've been following the comments on KSL's website, and these people have no life. They wait to watch the news every night and then add their two cents to every subject. None of them have any idea what they are talking about. As Ozzie Guillen says about arm chair coaches and sportscasters "the farther you sit from the plate the smarter you think you are." LMAO But all the comments are along the same lines, the evil cheating husband luring his innocent, unsuspecting wife into the seedy underworld. Then you get the fake profile they put up and within "six days, 70 married men, most from Utah, ask to start a fling." LMAO Damn, how many couples get emails every day from "free member" married men looking to cheat? We get at least one a day. The same old story over and over: Married Mormon family man who says "I love my wife but she doesn't like sex". These people need to look within themselves. We're not the problem, they are. Plus, most of us won't play with cheaters and after a time we've become very adept at sniffing them out. My wife gets at least one married Mormon man a day sending her an IM on her personal Yahoo! Messenger ID, and they find her in the Yahoo! directory (not Yahoo! Personals, the directory). They just go through looking for women online to contact. They don't know she is a swinger. Her Yahoo! profile is innocent as can be. If they are going to cheat they will find a way, with or without swingers. Wow... I'd love to say this on KSL's site, but like fun4usxx said, it will just add fuel to the fire and you can't win. You can't fix stupid. Mr. Caress4u

National Underwear Day Party on Friday- but can't post it! - Unable to enter location due to "state/province not recognized" error - Wait, what?!!? I thought swingers were sorta anti-underwear...and clothes. Doesn't underwear kinda get in the way of playing with each other's naughty bits? [em]Emo_49[/em]

First time stories, wanna share? - - Our first experience wasn't so great. There was mis-communcation, and it was fairly awkward. Actually, when my wife and I left the hotel in the morning, we decided swinging wasn't for us. A few days later we decided not to let one experience be the final judgment. We joined Swingular and started talking to a couple that contacted us. My wife and I were a bit worried by their much higher experience level, but than we decided maybe that would be better. We were right. They were nice and respectful and did a great job of making us feel comfortable, and we ended up having a really fun night with them. I think being with experienced swingers allowed us to just be ourselves and only have to concentrate on our own boundaries. If we had been with another newer couple, we'd all have to worry about going to far. We had a good enough night that we have kept in contact with them and continued to slowly check out the lifestyle. We're still Soft Swap, and full swing couples have been really gracious to us, letting us join them and get a better idea of the lifestyle, and letting us get our feet wet, before diving in to the deep end. :) We've had no bad experiences, but some could have been better if we had communicated on our end better. We're still learning how to do that. Overall, these early experiences have been a lot of fun, and we're finding that easing into the lifestyle isn't as rocky as we feared. It's been a fun journey so far.

Swingers Kickball Society - - We would also be interested.

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - Actually many fat people are hot. But this is a good way to cool down. [img]http://sadgirlsguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ocFJQhc.gif[/img]

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