
Allentown Swingers in Georgia

Allentown Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Allentown, GA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Allentown looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Allentown, GA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Allentown, Georgia Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Allentown, Georgia so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Allentown Swingers right away!

Newbie Advice? - - [quote=EVILDOERS]Unless that's specifically the scene you are looking for and only want to play in you might want to seriously reconsider your screen name. A HUGE misconception among single males looking to play in the lifestyle is that most, or even many, married males are cucks looking for a bull to fuck their wives. While there certainly are some that are into that scene they are a very small minority of swingers. You might want to check out some cuck-specific websites or maybe even some Hotwife sites rather than swinger sites if that's your thing. [/quote] Thank you for the insight here, unfortunately I haven't come across any sites with such a strong presence as this one.

sh*t swingers say - to preach to the choir - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5v-6_6qat4 Yeah... we've heard it all... more than once... yet there is humor here.

Secret facebook group for SLC? - - I actually started one: Northern Utah / Southwest Wyoming Swingers It isn't jumping yet, but would like to see more people added. Search for Nathan H., I live in Mtn View. I posted this in case you are interested in joining. I figured that if we were able to get a group going we could communicate in ways other than on here. The choice is yours, there is no pressure

Freedom of the Seas Swinger Cruise Nov 2012 - - [quote=JONJOY17]Is it really that much? We were looking into it but only on the website. Never made any calls... [/quote] Yeah, go here https://secureregistrationonline.com/freedom_nov_2012/decks.php?affiliateId=6 In retrospec, that isn't too bad. Desire costs $400 a day per couple so this is right in line. Mav PS. Anyone want to open a Swingers resort and make some good money? ;)

I Have A Question - Poly vs. Open - [quote=PAIRPLAYERS][quote=EVILDOERS]Thanks for the responses so far. I thought of a couple of additional questions. Are you seeking, finding and connecting with other open/poly people here on Swingular or are you finding people thru other means? Also, do you find that most of the people you connect with are single or are they in their own primary relationships? Does it matter much to you if they are single or coupled?[/quote] Great question. Almost exclusively non swinger community singles surprisingly. Have tried amongst the swingers but they seem to have a very quid pro quo mentality. [/quote] Yes, they do! We noticed that dynamic almost immediately when we first entered the lifestyle and were actually talking about it just today in the context of no quid pro quo being a distinct positive in the column of open or poly lifestyles vs. swinging. SO many times when I was even just TALKING to a woman her partner or husband would basically go grab Ms. Evil, no matter what she was doing or who she was talking to, and assume it was perfectly okay to just do more or less whatever he wanted. After all, I was doing something/anything with HIS partner! Wow! Great responses everyone. SO informative! Thank-you.

...or do i just suck? - Site Slow? - My son has a t-shirt that says, "It's not lag, you just suck!" Is it just me or has Swingular been REALLY laggy of late? 1) Nope, you suck, Evil. 2) In fact your sucking sucks so bad it sucks! 3) Yeah I blame constant monitoring by the NSA (and prolly the Family Research Council) for the lag. 4) Try logging in on something a little newer than that Commodore 64, Evil. 5) Whine, whine, whine. There are swingers in poor countries who only have dial up! 6) Don't EVEN get me started on tech glitches on Swingular. 7) Could be worse. Could be the early launch Obamacare site. 8) It's all those damned pop up adds for single males that slow shit down. 9) Don't worry, Windows 10 will fix EVERYTHING! 10) YOU try pleasing a bunch of horny swingers. They're raging hormone monsters who compulsively log in 50 times a day! 11) It's all the 12 year old boys logging in when their parents are out that slows everything down. 12) We should all just meet at Jordan Landing 24 and fuck in the back row.

choices - - you don't plan this lifestyle , you just fall in to it ! you got some thing like love missing you don't know what it is and how to get it so you try this , or you get horney only to sin ,or if you are the male part it is normal and it is in your cells or genes the need for a variety of females don't ever forget the fact that most men had more then 1 wife about 100 years ago and a lot still have now and the desire did not change , the body and brain don't change by the only fact that gov. banned it , so we see a new era of prostitute filling in that gap like , gentlemans boutique , sex xxx , swing clubs , it was there and its still here just took a diff. shape or in couples swingers sometimes you are pushed in to it by an insane spouse that you actual depend on , "or you join or leave " or a childishly jealousy by the female part if you fuck whom you want so i will too , risking family values .........:h

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - Well we are barely 30 and we find that we usually end up with couples mostly our age, not for any particular reason its just how it seems to work out. We have hung out

seniors - why is it so difficult to find senior swingers or single ladies? - all i can say is WOW

Young Swingers Myspace Swinger Party@Club Hedonism - - Maybe we're missing something here.... but if we're reading this correctly... the HOSTS who are ages 40 and 45 are hosting an UNDER 35 swingers party? What are we missing here?????

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