
Malabar Swingers in Florida

Malabar Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Malabar, FL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Malabar looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Malabar, FL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

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In need of advice - sexual - [quote=ANDRAYWAY_SHANAYNAY]I just have to say it amazes me how judgmental swingers can be... you would think from the outside looking in that they wouldn't be. [/quote] Not judging just yet, I do that and make a fool of myself more than I want to admit. But in this case I am trying to see something real.. Have you considered he might be a single male posing as married? We have seen that a few times over the years. My point is there is no one to validate him or his story. When we have differences of opinions or ask for advice on the site we recognize who we are talking about and can respect or have some faith in what they are saying. I believe if your going to talk about a specific person in a negative way on a forum they should have the right to see it and defend themselves.

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - Will that

Gangbangs/ Wife sharing - - I have been to gangbangs before, as a solo male, that were posted on the swingers sites and pretty much open to anyone. The percentage of guys who are no-shows is pretty sad. When we schedule a gangbang, we only invite guys that we already know and have partied with before. Only once have we had a no-show, and we crossed him off our list forever. We meet in a bar first, and all go over to the room together once everybody

Age differences - How do you handle it - We look to make some sort of a friendship with anyone we play with so we feel the best chance that would happen is if they were close to our ages but we have found many exceptions to that theory. We are just playing the odds that a connection is most commonly found with someone of similar ages. The reason for this thread was because of conversation we were involved in at a party recently that we attended. People of all ages were there. I was sitting with a few older ladies, who I must say were very attractive, but then they started talking about all of their ailments and it almost makes me afraid that I might accidently hurt them if we played. I want to provide pleasure, not pain. Also a few were saying they went to a big party and it was mostly younger couples who were dirty dancing and flirting but not really playing and they felt the younger swingers are not as sexual as the older people are. One rationalized it by saying that maybe the fear of pregnancy is the issue. We try to be ourselves at all times and if we find common interests with a couple younger or older then us, great. Since we are somewhere in the middle we can go higher or lower then our ages. We would go higher then our ages first because of the experience and maturity factors hoping their experience will provide us some fun and share their knowledge with us. We wonder what those at either end of the spectrum think and what is their biggest concerns. Great input so far from everyone so thank you for that. Joe and Lori

Vegas! - - [quote=titforatat]We went to Whispers in December. It was amazing. We thinks it’s the best swingers place in Vegas.[/quote] In our humble opinion, it is without question,the best swingers club in Vegas. Since we live in Vegas, we have had opportunities to check out a few.

closed doors? - - also, we started going to swingers clubs in our area, it was a lot less pressure for us because we didn't have to go on a "date" with another couple Just a suggestion

Single Males vs. Unicorns - this is ridiculous - This site is no different than any other swingers site. I'm afraid that you will find good and bad in all groups, be it single males, single females, or couples. There are those that give their perspective groups a bad name, but unfortunately, little can be done about it, as it can be hard to verify who is for real and what someone's intentions are, without knowing them in person. In my time in the lifestyle, I have observed...single males who were actually in relationships but looking for secret side action, single females, who seem to have a husband/bf who's looking to join...but she still lists as single, and couples who believe that simply because they bring someone along to a party...it gives them free range to do as they please. On the flip side, I have met some very nice people from all 3 groups as well. My point is...all 3 of these groups have their roles in the lifestyle, but until a foolproof way comes along of determining who's for real and who's not...we will all have to deal with the good and the bad. As others have mentioned though...if you are object to a particular group and don't want to hear anything from members of that group...block/ignore them. Just remember that you are throwing out the good along with the bad.

LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - Done

Time for another poll: Unicorns - - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]Well, perhaps, if a woman really wanted to get into a full-time ongoing relationship with two men she might want to consider targeting bisexual men. We think the reason a lot of couples, within the swinging lifestyle seem to want to find a unicorn is because so many swinging wives are bisexual and therefore both the male and the female within the relationship sexually desire women. The three can all share every point of intimacy from flirting to foreplay into sex and multiple orgasms and even the afterglow. When everyone in a sexual encounter, wants and wants to be wanted by everyone else involved then hooray, hooray! Same would be true with a threesome involving a woman and two bisexual men. If both the men were bisexual then all three of the lovers in a DVP as an example, would be equally excited about all the points of intimacy down below and the list would go on and on. [b]Yes the triad would be shunned by the more homophobic swingers[/b] and a lot of couples with a straight male or female only interested in straight men and yes the triad would have to remember that not all people are bisexual when playing with couples with heterosexual men or women. Never-the-less, the threesome could find a lot of joy together. [/quote] Bigots not wanting to hang w/ me would be the best self-selection EVAR.

Ice Breakers In Ogden - - Rumors - We've been up there, and yeah it would be worth looking into. Goldenhand - Its on Highway 89 between Wall Ave and that Pepsi warehouse. AMMEND - I think North and South Ogden is pretty decent, Ogden City not so good. Now West Jordan is the place to be for swingers!

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