
Dade City Swingers in Florida

Dade City Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Dade City, FL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Dade City looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Dade City, FL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Dade City, Florida Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Dade City, Florida so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Dade City Swingers right away!

Honesty - parallels? - The topic of honesty (more accurately, lack thereof) has been prevalent in recent political posts - for good reason. Everyone would like to see more openness and honesty from the candidates. That sounds similar to one of the most common complaints among swingers. Here's the question - Does anyone think that a person could win the SURVIVOR TV game on a platform of "honesty"? Personally, I think it highly unlikely. Honesty in politics? Honesty in swinging? Honesty in game playing? Any chance?

Are you still interested! - Dynamics amoung swingers - Actually, we can't seem to figure out what the f...k anybody in "the lifestyle" wants. It is becoming one of the most frustrating things we have ever done. Everyone seems to have all these issues, rules, drama, etc., etc. I thought we were all just trying to have some sexual fun. It's almost like a second job. Geez!

Swingers gone bad?? - -


I agree. That is why I think morality has nothing to do with it. The law is in place to protect innocence from predatory assholes that take advantage of naivety of youth. Many young boys don't consider fatherhood, disease and other complications that can arise from sexual relations. Hell a lot of adults don't either.
I am not religious at all. I think adultry is a morality based law. I think Fornication is a morality based law. They stem from the church. Laws to protect children are that of humanity. No one should have to be victimized by a fuckin pervert that can use their adult influence to overpower a child, whether is mental or physical or both. Whether it's a young boy's libido or a young girl's insecurity or low self esteem... IT'S WRONG!

-Don- "Sic vis pacem, para bellum"

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On a serious note... - A court case that could effect lifestylers with children - IMPORTANT COURT CASE MAY AFFECT SWINGERS WITH CHILDREN NATIONWIDE!!! URGENT NOTICE TO RESPONSIBLE PARTICIPANTS IN THE ADULT LIFESTYLE This Notice is directed to all swingers, exotic dancers, adult business owners and anyone involved in the adult industry. There is a very important legal case going on in the state of Florida which can affect everyone in the swinging and adult community nationwide who has children under the age of 18. Deltadawn who is a fairly well known member of the swinging community in the Tampa Florida area has lost her right to see her 2 1/2 year old baby girl simply due to being a swinger. Deltadawn had shared custody of her 2 1/2 year old baby girl with her "ex," who happens to be an attorney. He found out that she was in the swinging lifestyle and has filed a motion with the Hernando County Court of Florida to remove all of her parental rights, primarily on the basis of her swinger lifestyle. THE OUTCOME OF THIS CASE COULD HAVE VERY SERIOUS AND DETRIMENTAL REPERCUSSIONS FOR EVERYONE IN THE ADULT LIFESTYLE. The outcome of this case is critical and could set precedent for everyone involved in any form of the adult lifestyle nationwide. If the argument that participating in the adult lifestyle reflects adversely on parental rights, losing this case could open a Pandora's Box for lifestylers with children across the country. An adverse decision in this action could mean that anyone, gay or straight, with children could be at risk of losing their children and having their parental rights stripped away, simply because of the lifestyle that we all enjoy. Swingers and everyone in the adult entertainment industry would have to live in fear that they may be turned in and could lose their children simply because of our lifestyle choice. WINNING THIS CASE COULD HELP ESTABLISH CASE PRECEDENT AND HELP PROTECT OUR PARENTAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS Winning this case will mean loving parents do not have to live in fear that our legal system, some governmental agency, or some adversarial parent, will have the ability right to terminate your parental rights or take your children, simply because of a lifestyle choice that never involves well nurtured children. The rejection of private sexual lifestyle as a basis for terminating parental rights will set precedent that could serve to protect those in the lifestyle or in the adult entertainment business from unjustified intrusions into their personal lives. Under the U.S. Constitution we should have the right to our lifestyle choice without censure, condemnation and fear of losing our children. Deltadawn has retained Luke Lirot as her attorney in her fight to maintain her parental rights. Luke Lirot is one of the premier Constitutional and adult civil rights attorneys in the country (you can do an internet search of him to verify his credentials). He is constantly traveling all over the country defending peoples civil rights and is a true champion of justice. He is constantly in the newspaper and often appears on television nationwide. As any lawyer, he depends on his clients to provide him with a living, and Justice comes at a price. Deltadawn needs your help... We need all people involved in the swinging community and adult industry, nationwide, to reach into their pockets and contribute to her legal defense fund by donating what help they can to attorney Luke Lirot. THE OUTCOME OF THIS CASE COULD HELP US ALL Please make checks or money orders payable to: LUKE LIROT, P.A. (Please write in "Deltadawn Legal Defense Compensation" in the memo section of your check or money order) For further information, please contact: Luke Lirot Attorney and Counselor at Law 112 N. East Street, Suite B Tampa, FL 33602 (Tel) 866-387-8469 (TOLL FREE), OR 813-221-9533 (Fax) 813-221-9175 Email: [email protected] We sincerely appreciate your goodwill and support in this urgent and important matter! POST SCRIPT FROM LUKE LIROT: This legal battle is truly tough. Deltadawn's lifestyle experiences are being used as a weapon to try and take a loving child, much in need of her mother's love, away from her. To stop this effort, we must employ every possible tool at our disposal. We need the services of psychologists, social workers, and other professionals to show that Lifestyle characteristics, never revealed or foisted on any child, have no detrimental impact on children. Under Florida law, like virtually every other jurisdiction in the nation, the factors evaluated by the courts are whether parental contact "is in the best interests of the child." To do this, we need to show that participation in the Lifestyle, in and of itself, does not make anyone a bad parent. There are only a few formalities. Under Florida Law, Rule 4-1.8(f) of the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar governs "Compensation by Third Party," and allows for parties unrelated to the litigation to pay fees and costs on the clients behalf. The Rule states: Compensation by Third Party. A lawyer shall not accept compensation for representing a client from one other than the client unless: 1)The client consents after consultation; 2)There is no interference with the lawyer's independence or professional judgment or with the client/lawyer relationship; and information relating to representation of a client is protected as required by Rule 4-1.6 (confidentiality of information)." If these conditions are acceptable to you, and you care about this important case, we would welcome your help. These donations are not tax deductible, but they are evidence of true human kindness. Thank you! -Luke Lirot-

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - Here is a definition that I think is pretty good: Swinging or partner swapping (sometimes referred to as the swinging lifestyle or simply the lifestyle) is a non-monogamous [1] behavior, in which partners in a committed relationship agree, as a couple, for both partners to engage in sexual activities with other people, sometimes referred to as recreational or social sex.[2] Swinging can take place in a number of contexts, ranging from a spontaneous sexual activity at an informal social gathering of friends to a swingers' club and can involve internet-based introduction services.

Do you long for your "vanilla" friends? - Have you been with any? - [quote=DANISHDAME]> I'm attracted to the notion of connecting with a solid LDS couple. Something about those women🔥👍 Haha that's the opposite for me! If I hear someone's LDS I turn right around[/quote] Agree. The problem with Mormon women (and men!) is that if they're strict, by-the-book Mormons, they were virgins (we were!) when they got married and know little to nothing about sex and how to pleasure the human body (including their own!). It took us a LONG time to figure out sex and THEN, once we started swinging, to realize that there is a big wide world of sexual experiences and techniques and that no single act, 'move', or technique is universally preferred or desired by everyone. Having said that, probably the vast majority of swingers we've encountered in Utah are or were Mormons and you have to decide, especially if they're new and/or you're trying to convert them, if you're kind of willing to be mentors (for lack of a better term) and/or just be very very patient and sort of go back to the basics or at least to whatever level that they're at. It's really quite sad since we've known SO many Mormons who strictly followed their law of chastity only to find, after they were married, that they weren't at all sexually compatible. And I personally think that is one of the leading causes of divorce (along with different types of abuse) among Mormons. P.S. I hope this didn't come across as condescending. Like I said, we were Mormons and went thru pretty much everything I mentioned above. But we were some of the lucky ones who were both pretty much on the same page sexually. P.S.S. If you DO happen to find a great current or former Mormon couple who is keen on having sex with other couples, you're likely to unleash a LOT of repressed sexual energy that you will likely enjoy very much! [em]Emo_4[/em]

What would you do if you knew a member is fake? - Fake cpls on swing sites - I can see your dilemma, but are you sure they are fake and not just desperate, lifeless, pitiful fools? at the end of their pitiful ropes? Maybe just crude, rude, hillbilly rednecks or something? We get hit up by the same single males quite often, seems as though they shoot in the dark hoping for some sort of outcome, and then quickly move on when they don't get a response. then a couple months or so later, back again with the same plan that didn't work the first time! Doesn't mean they are fake, just desperate, and obviously unorganized! The problem with outing people, AT ALL, is that you never know. Thing is you never know who will end up being your future Boss, co-worker, or client. (using as reference, you just never know) I myself am very turned off by smack talkers, had someone email me very recently talking smack to me (their idea of a warning) about someone I have known my entire life. Now how could they have known you ask? they couldn't have, but.......my advice to them......never smack talk, because you never know. (One persons "truth telling" is another's "Shit talking") I'm sure that full swap couples would view us as fakes because we are soft swappers, and then get butt hurt. (Only full swappers are real swingers blah blah blah) But I promise you we are as real as the next dumb ass. And probably spent more time realizing our place in the lifestyle and why we are here. Anyway sorry for the babbling. Just my 2 cents! ~K~

Party Games - - We\'ve played around with a computer game called 4 play, from rwb productions, its kinda of like a monopoly style game but for swingers. Haven\'t ahd a chance to see what it might be like in a party situation but might be worth checking out...... Tandvplay

Finding Connections - Do the majority of swingers wait to be approached? - Curious as to the activity of swingers here. Do the majority of people wait to be approached by others or do the majority search for profiles and send emails to find a connection? If you get an email, do you reply if not interested or just ignore? What do you do to connect?

Have you ever.... - - Thanks for the awesome stories! Glad to see so many good outcomes.. sad for the few not so wells... there is always a risk in New experiences even with those that deem themselves "swingers". :)

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