
Big Pine Key Swingers in Florida

Big Pine Key Swingers

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female AGE turn on-off - - Yes indeed , i know the females disagree with the concept of cheating and dislike my advice , my reply was intended to the men on this site , you will not find a marriage consular nor a family therapist that will not advice the way i did , in a private practice you would pay $ 250 per hr. for 2 hour the minimum for this advice ,my dear swingers ,you got it for free ! enjoy fucking and cheating;)

Can bieng Mormon (LDS) and a Swinger co-exist? - - Every time I see this topic somewhere I wait until there are a number of replys and then put my $ 1.28.7 ( dollar three eighty seven ) into the pot. Religion is a means to control populations. Moral and ethics are dictated by religion and or organized religion first and then government... But lest we forget that organized religion was the government in the early days of the church.. Monogamy is the product of religion and government to make sure of heritage and property rights. BTW this is not simply a Christian practice but many religions do exactly the same thing.. Now, as for the Bible. The Bible is a collection of books and stories that were handed down by word of mouth and then laid down in writing in Sanskrit, and ancient Hebrew and then to a more modern form of Hebrew as well a Ancient Greek.. then a more modern version of Greek. These text were translated by the "Holy" Roman Church and transcribed for humanity and the masses control by monks under papal control. many of the Cannons of the Roman Catholic Church have been more or less adopted by the secular or temporal law, the law of the government. Some things need to be understood about the Bible. IT was written by men translated from dead languages or languages that had changed and it is entirely possible that it was manipulated for the purposes of the Church... So where does that put us.... We believe what we want to, what we have been programmed to or we modify that programming to allow for us to do what we feel we have a right to do. What we believe will allow us to still live a good life even if it is against the mores and ethics of the church and or the temporal laws. It kind of like going 70 in a 65 MPH zone... We feel we have a right, besides we'll probably not get caught and maybe we just want to see if we will get caught.. Doing things against ones religion is like that to some extent... Maybe God is watching Mary down the street. Maybe I don't believe that my church is right. Maybe heaven and hell are a fabrication of religion to keep us in line... Maybe God was invented by man to explain why things are what they are and why things happen the way they do... Do we have to reconcile our lives to religious "BELIEFS" or do we live our lives the best way we know. Harm no one if possible. Live life to the fullest, it's too short to play it too safe. Oh and before I forget, someone stated that they love their creator....Isn't that kind of like swinging.... He/She is not our mate. Oh and how about the old testament... All the wives of Solomon and David. How about Isaac... His wife gave him her hand maden and besides if you look at the text... he already had several concubines as did many other biblical figures.... I think maybe we could call them all swingers.....So beat this subject to the ground and in the end it's all up to what you WANT to BELIEVE.

Swingers Vacation Spots - Help us - I always here about Hedo as the place to be for swingers and we have discussed going there too, but have heard some stories that there are mostly men there. Point in case I had 3 male friends go. Is there a certain time of year that is better for couples to go? I though we had heard something along those lines, there are certain weeks that are much better for couples that normal. Also....is there any place else that is good. We are planning to go to Vegas in November...was wondering what types of trouble we can find there......

Gloryhole - Any glory holes in northern utah? - [quote=MAPARTY][quote=EVILDOERS]You should go on two for one single male night. All ladies get their choice of any two single dudes and all the condoms they can eat...er I mean use. And any accompanying hubby gets a free commemorative blindfold and bottomless Diet Coke laced with saltpeter. [em]Emo_67[/em] But seriously...swingers who've never been to Habits?!!? That's like a Mormon who's never been to Wendover. A Muslim who's never been to Mecca. A stripper who's never gotten pole burns. A fire hydrant that's never been peed on. Boobies that have never been to Victoria's Secret! [em]Emo_84[/em] [/quote] Never been to Wendover either but I'm not mormon... or Christian for that matter, thank god.... fuck me, I'm lame.[/quote] God can cure that. Saw it on tv when I was a kid. For some reason, though, he has trouble with amputees. [em]Emo_8[/em]

Other activities? - Do you only meet swingers for sex? - no,hehe kristylynn

Swingers Dares - Text for cards in the game - all males/females change places change places with the (same gender) person across the table from you while blindfolded identify your spouse (date?) without using your hands

Single Males - Question - Lifetime Member Location: WICHITA, KS Join Date: May 12, 2002 Posted By: CASIOOO72 Reply posted on: Jan 9, 2004 - 12:56 am -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Trashing the single male again, Have you clps looked at yourselves? You are lucky to get a single male to play with your old lady. You might have to tie a bone around here neck. Give me a break most of you cry babys got married in the first place becouse your partner is the only one that would give you any. Single males power too you." This is the kind of reply and attitude that is the reason why single males get such a bad rap. In response to you thinking that the only reason we our with our wifes is because she is the only one who would give us any is ridiculous especially coming from someone who is single and needs to troll a swingers site to get laid. So until you can go find someone of your own, you should keep your comments to yourself.

Best swingers club for a 26m/36f couple - - I would recommend playhousLV for people your age. Just my personal experience. We've been to all of the above mentioned ones in vegas and the crowd at those clubs were much older. PlayhouseLV has been amazing every time we've been. Always a good crowd of attractive younger people. Lots of play spaces and always a ton of people playing. We get lucky every time we go there. When we went to flirts all older people literally just hanging at the bar drinking. I kid u not. Not a single room was being utilized to play in. EXTREMELY BORING. Whispers we left 5 minutes after walking through the door because the crowd was much older. And not very attractive.

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - We'd come

Soft-core roll call - A call out to those interested in the softer side. - [quote=PARTYINLV]Canvas, It sounds like you and your wife are not quite on the same page yet, which is quite normal at the beginning of exploring the Lifestyle. You are looking for friendships with those who are in a similar situation. That's a good idea, but be prepared that even those friendships may be fleeting as the chemistry or level of comfort may still be different. At the beginning of our lifestyle journey, my wife and I were just as you are today, (I was also at a different level as my wife too). TheFunCouple offers excellent advice on going to meet & greets. I also add that you might want to check out a place like Sea Mountain Inn in Palm Springs. There you can see how comfortable it is to be nude in front of others and witness all the different levels of the lifestyle. You will have opportunities to talk to others and learn more. There is no pressure to play. Plus, you will be out of Utah and away from people who might recognize you. If you are adventurous enough, maybe plan a vacation to Temptations Resort in Mexico. This resort is not truly a lifestyle resort but is a lifestyle friendly resort since so many non swingers go there. It still is a sexually charged resort. You will meet a lot of people who are similar to you there and you have a whole week to be relaxed, get into vacation mode, and explore your steps into the lifestyle together without judgement or pressure.[/quote] Thanks. I'm totally fine with my wife not wanting to be with another man. And she's ok with me being comfortable with another woman. So, not being on the same page doesn't cause issues as much as it adds to the challenges. Any way, I completely agree with you and TheFunCouple about meeting people in person, going to meet-and-greets, etc. That would be the best way to meet and get a feel for people. Two problems with that for us though: 1) We live in Podunk i.e., a long ways from Lifestyle events and 2) neither of us likes parties or any sort of large social gatherings. We're not hermits or socially awkward. It's just not our thing. I appreciate your post as well as the others.👍

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