
Lincoln Swingers in Delaware

Lincoln Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Lincoln, DE, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Lincoln looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Lincoln, DE. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Lincoln, Delaware Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Lincoln, Delaware so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Lincoln Swingers right away!

Can bieng Mormon (LDS) and a Swinger co-exist? - - If Catholics can have pedophile priests, Muslims have sexist wife beating terrorists and Baptists racist incestious siblings, then The LDS Church can have swingers. Why not; everyone outside the LDS Church is misled about the mormons all being polygamists anyway. I don't think others' perceptions will change much if you lead a double-life. People are kinda dense that way. <-*Joke* HAHAHA... No... well ahem.. Ultimately, it only matters what you think and feel to be good for you. If you live life for others, then you will not have lived at all. Absorb your environment and mold yourself in a manner that is consistent with your belief system, morals and happiness. You know your own heart and what's right for you. We believe as long as all human parties are of consenting age and have given consent, nothing is wrong for you sexually. We'll do what the hell we want with our bodies. As I (Don) am not religious in anyway, I don't want to have anything to do with organized religion and all their hypocrisies. This is our stance. Take it for what you will. -TR- P.S. If I hurt your religious feelings.... Remember forgiveness :-)

Swinging with Vanillas - Any success stories? - [quote=EVILDOERS]I know this probably won't be a very popular point of view but I kind of have a problem with vanilla hunting. If you meet some vanillas and talk to them, hell tell them you are swingers or whatever, and they're interested and then you leave it there and they have time to go home and consider what you've told them and make a sober rational decision then great. Where the line becomes blurred to me is approaching vanillas in say a bar situation where there is plenty of alcohol or whatever and then sort of guiding (pushing?) them into a situation where they might not be thinking completely rationally. I think the majority of us probably approached swinging from the perspective of making a conscious decision to try it out or whatever before we were put in a situation where sexual play might happen. I just think it's only fair for others to have that same consideration "space" if you will before they jump into something they might not be ready to handle. Swinging is great. We have and awesome little hobby that is DEFINITELY not for everyone no matter how much we think it should be. The truth is very few people can actually handle the intense dynamics of swapping spouses. JMO[/quote] Had the same uncomfortable thought when I read this post

RV Swingers? - - [quote=REDROCKCOUPLE]Well, shortly the wife and I will be buying a new RV and traveling full time for a few years. Is there anyone from the lifestyle that are full timers? We are pretty excited to get out and travel some and meet new peeps.[/quote]hey swing pun intended by our place

Party on the Hill - - Hey all you swingers out there, we are trying to get ideas for adult party games for the party on April 18th,so far plan on the game (Find the Pin ),does anyone know of any ice breaker games that fit in with an adult swing house party? Any one that needs directions email [email protected] or welovlife on swingular,we heard that yahoo site was giving people problems.Hope to see everyone at the party and remember we have 4000sq ft lots of room if you are driving a long way or just party their self out and need to spend the night. John & Barbara

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Hmmm...ULUV - are you a submissive? Heheh...we LOVE subs.

Finding a balance - Swinging and Religion - - I do think that the Christian church has it wrong regarding non-adulterous sex. After all Jesus said that the law was made up of love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. That says nothing about voluntary, non-cheating sex. I hope there is a Christian Swingers group (When the groups are back up) because this is a good topic, I learned a lot from a group on another site. Here is an interesting site: http://www.libchrist.com/ Mr. C

Hello summer - Swingers couple party - Thank you.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Posted By: KRISTYLYNN2002 Reply posted on: Jan 8, 2008 - 9:34 am we are all Racist in one way or another,, so if you say your not ,then the only one your fooling is yourself, we are all good at puting blame on someone else, Alton We are all prejudiced in one way or another. Racism, sexism, etc, etc are all forms of prejudice. If you say "Pit Bulls are a dangerous breed.", you are not guilty of racism. You are guilty of prejudice. However, prejudice against a breed of dog is seen as way more acceptable than a person, religion, etc, etc in the social setting. Few, if any will say much if I said that pit bulls, on the whole are a dangerous breed of dogs because we can see from the statistics that they tend to hurt more people than any other breed of dog. However, if I said that black people are a more dangerous breed of people because statistics show them to be more likely to be incarcerated than white people, look out. Why the difference? Prejudice against dogs is seen as more socially acceptable than prejudice against people. All we are doing is compartmentalizing the prejudice so we can make certain ones more acceptable than others. Is prejudice good? Well, ask the insurance companies. They categorize people based on many factors to be good or bad risks. Profiling is a form of prejudice. Whether it is acceptable or not depends on who you target it at.

announcing a new group - for all single ladies ~ UNICORNS - It's not going to work. Single women on here, or unicorns, get the whole stigma of being the most wanted of the swingers. But when it comes down to it, we get the shafted usually. All the couples want in so they can see what is said or see who the players are.

TEMPTATIONS ( CANCUN ) - CRAZY PARTY AND FUN - We have been to Temptations and the OP is correct it’s a non stop party with all inclusive drinks and food. However no playroom and not too many swingers and topless optional only. There is a quiet pool for those who want to relax. We have reservations for their sister resort Desire Maya Pearl in June. That resort is clothing optional, a playroom and I am sure a party atmosphere also based on previous experience with this group of resorts and cruises. It is also a couples only and while we are going with other swingers we hope to meet more swingers while we are there. It’s all a matter of what your looking for.

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