
Voluntown Swingers in Connecticut

Voluntown Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Voluntown, CT, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Voluntown looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Voluntown, CT. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Voluntown, Connecticut Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Voluntown, Connecticut so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Voluntown Swingers right away!

How did you meet your mate? - - Met on the old matchmaker.com when they still had a swingers section. We were both married to other people...the swinging part did not work out for various reasons, but we decided to be friends anyway...we stayed that way for a couple of years. Just friends. Not much later we began to get to know one another much better. We fell in love despite our best intentions to remain true to our mates. We didnt cheat. We didnt lie, or sneak around on them. We just told them the truth. After a short time, we realized that the only real issue in our lives was that we were not together each day. We were making our ex's miserable, so it was time to change our lives to be together. On July 18, 2001 we moved in together. Together we are stronger than apart. Together we have moved mountains and parted seas. We have been through hell and back for each other, and I know that if I were to go again, she would be there with me all over again. Our ex's have both moved on, and even dated for a short time. They are both remarried (to different people), and very very happy. We are great friends with both of them, and see them frequently as we have children with them. Once a week we all have dinner together, drink a few beers, and talk about our kids. We are lucky that we can all get over the past and be close friends for our children. They (the kids) will only benefit from our bond as friends. Luvbugs! (mR.) ;)

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - Sounds great would be interested

Salt Lake and surrounding area couples for couples - Looking to meet other swingers - Were a couple new to the swing scene. Were having fun with single women but wed like a couple for play now. Full swap, seperate or same rooms and lets see what kind of fun we can get into. Message us and we will give you our kik or numbers to txt. Were not ken or barbie, nor do we care if your big, small, tall or short. Were open to alot so hit us up. Lets have fun.

What is hotwife? - - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]In our limited experience, remembering that we don't personally know everyone in the local "swinging lifestyle" community, "hot wife" seems to mean that the wife is free, and probably even encouraged to play with people, other than the husband or wife in a couple, that her husband and her play with in the more traditional definition of swingers. Mostly, it seems to refer to a wife that plays with single men. Most of the "hot wives" we have met, also play together with their husbands with other couples, or in threesomes with another woman or another man, and the husband enjoys similar freedoms. Cuckoldry does not seem to be all that prevalent locally, in our experience. So really, the term "Hot Wife" may be used rather loosely here in Utah. We ourselves are guilty of this. We are not at all into cuckoldry, or anything verging on disrespect, but we enjoy opportunities, and adventures, that for lack of a better description, verge on the worship of the divine feminine sexual experience, with my wife as the object of my and other's sexual adoration. How's that for a convoluted response! [/quote] Thorough based on personal experience and exactly what I have experienced as the single male in a hotwife situation.

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - Best way to have sex... ;)

A Place In The Lifestyle - - Which club, and where? Sadly this sounds a lot like Caliente, which isn't a swingers club but does host swinger parties pretty much every Saturday night. It also sounds like Miami Velvet, which is mostly mainstream people who just want to say they are swingers and pretend. And no, I don't think most of them have any place at actual lifestyle clubs. While some do say up front they are not swingers a much larger portion will claim to be swingers so they can be seen as more of the "in crowd".

Question for men - Honest - Sad to say but this place is going down fast! when this is one of the more popular forum topics on a swingers site LOL … #titanic

Search abilities for international swingers. - Just a suggestion. - We will be adding capabilities to search by country soon.

Somebody already said this - Need to know where to go since Habits closed - [quote=HFUN]hey club 90 has had its share of swinger partys and no one knew it was a swinger party except the swingers who were meeting and its just a block away from sandy station..so..[/quote] Yep! We go to Club 90 a lot and have enjoyed our time there. Have been to plenty of meet and greets. Been going there for 10 years.:)

Calling all losers! - LS and club scene - As a single male (when we are invited), it's hard to make any connections in a LOUD club. I have some female friends (whom I'm sure that many couples would love), but inviting them to a loud "swingers" environment, isn't always attractive to them. On the other hand, a quiet, more relaxed/intimate setting is much more desirable to the women that I hang with. Also, if a couple would be willing to take a chance on a single male, dinner and drinks might be a lot less threatening for everyone involved. No expectations.... just getting to know each other.

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