
Thomaston Swingers in Connecticut

Thomaston Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Thomaston, CT, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Thomaston looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Thomaston, CT. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Thomaston, Connecticut Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Thomaston, Connecticut so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Thomaston Swingers right away!


Cuming out of the Swinger closet - - [quote=CNTRLCPL][quote=SJA]After some time in the lifestyle, we have recently started to break the news to some of our close friends that we are swingers. We have great friends and so far they have taken the information really well. However, we have other friends that would never want to hear it, and god forbid if we ever told our family about it. What are everyone else's thoughts about coming out of the "Swinger" closet?[/quote] Have you even considered the implications for others that may want to stay "in the closet"? You may be committing "Swinger Suicide" as it were... your openness might be great for you, but other may want to stay behind the curtain and would not want to be outed by association. [/quote] This is an excellent point we hadn't thought about. Luckily, we've only shared with a couple VERY close friends. Plus, we keep our vanilla friends and swinger friends quite separate to avoid this situation.

Moab Utah - Swingers in Moab - [quote=SOMEWHERENTIME]Awesome photo! You should put that one on your profile! We’re headed to Moab June 6-10th and bringing our mountain bikes with us. 🚴‍♀️🏜🚴‍♂️🏜[/quote]We are planning another trip there next month but this time without family 😀!

YOLO Cruise April 26 2009 - swingers cruise - Any other cpls going on the cruise from Jax, orlando area and Tampa?

Question - do you talk about other swingers? - We agree, never use names, or even screen names, it is a small community, this life we are in. When talking with old or new friends, no matter what, it's always best to leave names out of it, even if you are talking positive about someone. We have come across, people, who ask questions of other people, either they seen some validations, or they just know we know, we live by the golden rule of, create your own opinion, it's sometimes a tough question to get out of, especially if you know something negative, but, unless the people are going to put you in any kind of danger, we keep our mouths shut. People ask us to be descreet for a reason, and who are we to violate that trust.

Too Many Fake People Here - Nobody really wants to fuck! - [quote=TIFFND][quote=HAOPENGYOU]Before we moved to the coast 3 years ago, we were pretty active in the Utah lifestyle, and it definitely seemed more active and vibrant than it does now, at least insofar as we can judge from activity on this website. Back then we would regularly do things with the same three couples, all of whom we met on Swingular, and we notice now that two of their profiles are no longer here on this site. So you might be right, although we hope not, because we had a blast with this in Utah. When we did make the move out of Utah, we switched to another website, as Swingular is strongly Utah-centric. In fact, we've never had a single communication on Swingular from anywhere at all outside of Utah. Hey, if things get too sparse, come meet us in Portland, which apparently is the [url=https://www.prunderground.com/swingery-publishes-top-10-cities-with-the-most-swingers-in-the-us/00102465/]#1 swinger city in the country[/url]. We had no idea about that when we moved to Oregon, but we're not complaining. Go to Privata downtown if you ever have the chance. And if you ever tell anyone that you're not interested in a physical relationship with them, and they lose it (happened to us one time), then they're no one you wanted to hang with anyway. You'll do well to be rid of them. If any of you ever make it to the coast, you're invited to sip wine with us and watch whales from our deck. Best of luck to you. And Happy New Year.[/quote] Our point originally was that perhaps these people aren't really as fake, as they are private. I think the scene here is actually still doing quite well! It's just changing. In our case, we're just not as "out there" anymore as we used to be....And kind of feel like maybe that's true for a lot of folks. And maybe it's our age...we are 10 years older now...and not exactly in high demand. That said...we just may have to do a bit of whale watching in Portland, someday.....[/quote] When we started nearly 10 years ago, we made MANY more connections through this site. Now...not so much. We’ve changed. The scene has changed. I remember bi-guys being afraid to mention it for fear of outright hostility. We now prefer a connection, and to meet first to see if the connection is there, if they are in fact real, and to see if they “creep us out.” We do enjoy finding new friends, even if it is just for the night, all the better of more than that. And just finding people who are a bit more liberated to share some company even if there’s no play involved is also great. We have much more to offer than a good roll in the hay, as do most people, and the hay rolling is awesome, but enhanced by an intelectual and mutual respect.

WHY????? - - I thought this was a swingers website.

Swingers at work... - - see this show you that most people that are swingers are adults while only once i worked with a nother person into the life style but since i was in a management position and she was of a lower position even though i was not her boss i left it alone she never recongized me

Swingers Vacation Spots - Help us - I have to agree with a couple responses above...HEDONISM ROCKS. Hedo is in Jamaicca. They have 2 spots. Hedonism II and Hedonism III. They are an all inclusive vacation that you would buy. Depending on the time of year you go, you and your spouse could get an ALL inclusive (yes this includes drinks too) for probably under $2,000. We have intentions of going for our first trip to Hedonism in October 2004 (this will be our 10th anniversary). Good luck on your search, you might try typing it into your search engine, because there are lots of places that are out there. Good luck! :h :p ;) :D

Las Vegas - Las Vegas - [quote=BMSHELL]We haven't been, but do have a weekend planned the first of May... Did extensive research on Red Rooster and Green Door... and they both look gross. Really gross. (Like, worn down, 70s style venue where you could probably get an STD from sitting on a chair). Wife saw the pictures, read the reviews, and refuses to go anywhere near them. Swingers Circle looks more like a scam to me than a swingers club -- and after reading the reviews, I'm kind of disappointed that Swingular even allows them to advertise here. Couples Oasis and New Temptations are the two we intend to investigate when we arrive... but honestly, they're our backup plan if we can't find a fun couple to hit it off with, instead.[/quote]We were at the Red Rooster this past Saturday Night and had a wonderful time, if we play we always have our own sheets and towels, we have also attended a Swingers Circle event had a WONDERFUL time there also, Couples Oasis, was nice, but we aren't Ken & Barbie either, so i guess it all depends on who and what you are really looking for. Good Luck

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