
Rocky Hill Swingers in Connecticut

Rocky Hill Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Rocky Hill, CT, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Rocky Hill looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Rocky Hill, CT. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Rocky Hill, Connecticut Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Rocky Hill, Connecticut so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Rocky Hill Swingers right away!

Calling all losers! - LS and club scene - We have said to ourselves before that 'we must be the worst swingers in the world'. We say this because sometimes we will get a text or email at 11pm and all it says is 'we are horny, lets meet and fuck'...hell we are already in bed and sometimes hubby is asleep. For us it is about friendship first..dinner to get to know each other...movies, bowling, etc, etc and than when we all decide to play it is really fun and you actually know the others you are with and want to see them again. Seems like a lot of pressure to always be on call to play. We have very busy with work and life, a friend or two would be great. Don't get us wrong, we have met some amazing people through the lifestyle. If you are close to us and would like to be friends...let us and let's met. Thanks T and B

Meeting new swingers? - Where to meet them? - We would agree that the net is a good place to look. We live in a small town and were surprised to find out how many people were into the lifestyle here. We have talked to three couples so far, and never expected there to be any results at the outset of our little search.

anyone looking to party in VA? - - Hey there all we are looking for some interested swingers in the S.W. VA area that are looking for some fun sextacular experiences drop us an email. we are very horny and eager to please for the right female or couple. We are not looking for anything serious just looking for fun. Sorry single males need not apply. Age and race totally unimportant, just free spirits and good times. xoxoxox Angel and Matthew

How do you spot a Swinger..?! - tell tell signs of the lifestyle - lmao humm try hunting for swingers in the bible belt lmao ..

Why can't we find any text and remote pervs!? - We love to sext and hve fun over long distances at times - [quote=URIAH]Some of us old-school swingers simply prefer the old fashioned practice of sex in the same room, naked, with everyone touching. Uriah[/quote] Old School? 56? You young whipperrsnapper, you. ~ Terry

Small Towns - - Meh. We say keep it hidden. Ms. Evil and I think it's much more fun that we have a dirty little secret that our neighbors would likely soil their garments if they knew. Most are extremely jealous (a few have even admitted it) when they see us sitting on our porch Sunday mornings in clothing they are encouraged not to wear, sipping our mochas while they drive by on their way to 3 hours of sheer boredom and oppressive indoctrination. It would just be too annoying if EVERYBODY swung (swang? swingded?...need coffee NOW!). I honestly think some of the most insufferable Mormons I know would be just as insufferable if they were swingers as well. Let's keep swinging on the DL and not let all the straights know how much fun it is. [em]Emo_96[/em]

Newbie "outdoorsy" couple interested in the softer side. - Wish to develop a friendship with another couple in S ID, N UT - [quote=Canvas][quote=LILMISSRIDINGHOOD]There are couples and singles in the lifestyle, who have been in the lifestyle for a while, who also like to take things slow. Some don't want to just jump into bed, but they are aware of the many ins and outs of the lifestyle. I've been in the LS for years, but prefer to make friends, first, then decide if I want to go further if they, too, want to go further. If you want a friendship with no sexual strings attached, I suggest you look for others who feel the same. Narrowing your search down to just newbies, or suggesting that's what you're looking for, limits your options. You might consider meeting people with the precondition that you don't swap, but you may reconsider at a later date. [/quote] Thanks for your input. It is appreciated! Our thinking with looking for newbies was that we could all be nervous together and learn together. However, it's not like we know our way around these waters. All this has actually been very humbling to me (male half). I'm used to diving into things and doing well from the start. Here though.... it all feels so foreign, intimidating. Maybe it's due to my wife and I marrying right out of HS. We dated others in HS but that was so long ago with entirely different maturity levels. At any rate, your point is well taken. We welcome any advice and constructive criticism we can get. Thanks again! [/quote] What, specifically, feels intimidating? Or perhaps a better question would be what do you fear? Are you afraid that one of you will fall in love with a playmate and leave the marriage? Or that one or both of you will like swinging too much and become big ole sluts? LOL Or maybe you're afraid of contracting a horrific sexually transmitted disease and your junk will fall off? *grin* Most of us are TERRIBLY bad at risk assessment and more often than not we fear things that are statistically FAR less likely to happen than things we don't seem to fear all that much. Some people won't fly in planes even though they are FAR less likely to die in a plane crash than driving their car to Walmart. And many swingers are deathly afraid of getting AIDS even though it's really quite hard to contract compared to, say, HSV, which most adults have actually already been exposed to. Identifying why you're intimidated might be a better use of your time than trying to find a needle in a haystack. But in the end, do what you're comfortable doing. If you think finding another newbie couple is the least intimidating way to dip your toes in then, by all means, do that. Those of us who have been around the scene for a while, however, could tell you some of the drawbacks to meeting people who are newbies. Personally, we would seek out a more experienced couple, albeit one who is NOT pushy and is willing to go at your pace and is looking for friendship more than sex. The reason I say that is if things DO turn sexual, a more experienced couple is less likely to freak out or have other issues that they haven't already dealt with. Either way, good luck.

New Years Party (1/2 In Pocatello) - Let's celebrate 2015 and welcome 2016!! - Well, it is that time of year for us all to look back on the year that is just about over and reflect upon it as it has been an interesting year for our group of sexy friends. It is also time to look ahead to 2016 in the hopes that it will be an even better year for us all. So come on out and join us for a chance to get together some of our sexy friends and welcome in the New Year together. This party will be on Saturday, January 2nd in the Jasper Room at the Clarion Inn in Pocatello starting at 8:00 pm. We will have full bar service and some hors d'oeuvres available. In addition to that we have reserved 2, 2-room king suites for those who wish to break away from the party and have some sexy fun. Due to the nature of this party and the arrangements we have made, there will be a cost for admission. Tickets are $25 for a couple and $15 for single males and or females. Due to the size of the room we have rented for this party, there will be a limited number of tickets available (30 couples tickets and 15 singles tickets). Tickets are available for purchase online at Ticket Leap (http://idaho-swingers-r-us.ticketleap.com/2016-new-years-party). We hope to see you there for a good time!

naked web cam - Who likes to chat naked live web cam - Hi any swingers from utah like to web cam naked

Is this one of your rules? What is it? is it fear? or something - Does everyone feel this way? -


We (Tami and I) have never ran across anyone that said they didn't want to have sex and only wanted to make friends. We have ran across those that want to be friends (have trust established), first. The latter I can totally understand, as we are two people that require trust in people we play with. We also find attraction in the personality and minds of the individual. Have there been exceptions for us? Yes, however, we have found that "spur of the moment" play was unsatisfying and regrettable. We try not to label people. We just avoid those that are into something we are not. Just as a couple not into anal sex would avoid sexual contact with those seeking anal. We avoid those that want to hook-up on first meetings without inhibition. Why? There are forceful individuals, there are deviants, there are bi-sexual males that think they can touch without permission, there are people who drug others, there are people that smoke pot and others that can't be around it due to their profession. The latter doesn't have to end a friendship as we happen to be in professions that don't allow exposure, we just had to perfect a little dance with our pot smoking friends. Many people view this as a "lifestyle". We certainly view the "free thought and expression" as a "lifestyle" but the "sex with others", is a recreational thing that we can turn on and off like a switch. Sometimes we feel like playin with our swingers buddies and sometimes we just like talking, drink and having other types of fun with them. Swingers or "Libertines", as I like to refer to them, are mostly "free thinker" types so I like to interact with them on other levels as well. Though there are still those types that only swing for the sex and still have closed minds in regard to everything else. Those are the types I find strange. How you can be a conservative swinger is beyond me. However, I respect anyone's desire to fuck. So I do not judge. I just decide who fucks me and my wife. That's all. We all can't be compatible with everyone on all levels, all the time. It's impossible. Whether it's fucking or writing in the forum, there is always gonna be someone that doesn't like you. Trust me, I know this first hand. So, like ole Rick Nelson once said... You can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself. That's a rule to fuckin live by.

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