
Riverside Swingers in Connecticut

Riverside Swingers

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Riverside, Connecticut Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Riverside, Connecticut so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Riverside Swingers right away!

Wishbones - - We were invited to a meet and greet awhile back and hung around the lounge for several hours waiting for the couple who invited us. We found out later that most of the couples at the club were swingers, but as it was not a swinger's club, we were hesitant to approach perfect strangers and ask if they were swingers. Getting a black eye or broken teeth is not our idea of a good time! A symbol of swingularity (lol) would have been useful in this situation.

Why the male side of Couples are here...? - I will admit I am hoping to spark some heated debate on this.... - (from Terry) And now I'm starting to understand why Evil and I seem to have senses of huimor that sometimes run in the same direction. It's because, in at least some pretty important ways, we see the world in the same way. I'm here for two reasons. First, I was doing this for a while back when it was one Hell of a lot harder than it is now for single men, they were very nearly completely excluded from the lifestyle which, then, was usually called, by both those inside and outside of it, "wife swapping". The very title, and the basic premise of things then, essentially disqualified single men. Now I'm talking about the late '70s and early '80s. Actual "hippiedom", and the free love philosophy was either diminishing, dying off, or dead, depending on where in the country you were. But we'd managed to change society's general view of some things, and sex was one of the biggest. The attitude change, especially on the part of women, who were no longer automatically "sluts" if they enjoyed sex and didn't need to be married, or engaged, or even "going steady" to indulge, together with effective and easily available birth control (illegal in every state until sometime in the early '60s, even condoms were ostensibly sold as and were labeled as being specifically for "disease prevention", and no worries about deadly and/or incurable STDs had changed the world, and birthed what is often referred to as a "sexual revolution". It was almost like falling off a log to go out on a weekend and find an amenable girl. So why the Hell was I bothering with the "wife swapping" world, when it was so damned difficult to even penetrate, let alone to "get something"? For the same reason I was one of those long-haired (except for my 3 years in the Army) hippie freak. I LOVE people who ignore what the rest of the world is telling them to do or not to do, and I want to be around them. Yeah, there are all sorts of individual exceptions, but, for the most part, as compared to the vanilla people, swingers are more intelligent, more likely to use their heads for something besides a hat rack, and, despite the various complaints about certain kinds of people or actions that pop up here, a Hell of a lot less judgmental and intolerant of people who aren't the same as they are. They, again as a general rule, think for themselves, and don't just latch on to the currently popular opinion about whatever. Why I'm here now is that I'm married to a girl 24 years younger than me, who happens to enjoy a couple things I can do but which I'm not really into, and she's at that so-called female sexual peak point in her life. And I figure that my main purpose in the world is to do everything I can to make her as happy as she can be. Being witches, we don't have the standard "you belong to me and only me" attitude about our life partners, we don't think sexual fun with some other person does a damned thing to diminish our relationship; if I have sex with Jane Doe or she has sex with John Smith (and maybe Jane Smith, too), we are still the same people afterwards that we were beforehand. So getting back into it, and bringing her into it, was a great way to help her have the kinds of fun she likes, and for me to hang around with a group of people that I really like. And meet and play with girls I really like. I'm one of those weird guys who does read the profiles before looking at the pics, and even once in a great while even send off an email before I've even seen any of the pics besides the main profile pic. It's just a lot more important who she is and what she's like than it is what she looks like. And I'll find lots more girls that I like and respect here than I ever could in the vanilla world. One thing about what Team said, though. Swinging can bring out and amplify problems in a relationship. But avoiding that is just a question of attitude. First, you have to absolutely trust in your partner's honesty with you. Even though the Mrs. has a hall pass, the only provision being that I meet any guy she might play with before she does, so I can feel like she's going to be safe with him, I know I'd be really upset if she ever started messing around with someone on the side without me even knowing it was going on. But In don't ever even worry about that actually happening, because I trust her completely. Just like she trusts me, not only to not start a secret "affair" with someone, but to never try to even influence who she does or doesn't play with. She knows that when I meet some potential playmate of hers, even if for some reason I think he's a total jerk, I'm not going to say anything. She's the one who will be playing with him, not me, so it's her job, not mine, to decide who's worth playing with. She knows the only time I'll have anything to say about whether she should or not is if I get an impression somehow that the guy can't be trusted to treat her well, and not ever hurt her, ever do or try to do anything she doesn't want. Point is, if you both don't totally trust each other, you're likely to have problems, even if neither of you ever actually does anything sneaky. The second thing is that you can't have the "normal" attitude about your partner, where you feel he or she is in a way your property, and if anyone else uses your property, you're being stolen from. You can't have that feeling that sex equates to love, the kind of love that makes someone want to permanently be with someone. else. If you feel that way, you'll end up worrying that having sex with another person might make him or her decide they've found a better companion, and leave you. Sex is something that goes with that permanent relationship kind of love, but it isn't what determines it. If you can't truly see, and feel, that sex itself is just another enjoyable activity that you do with people you like, just another form of friendship based intimacy like discussing some problem you have with a friend, you're probably going to have problems. If you're at all, in any way or for any reason, at all uncomfortable with your partner having sex with other people, or he or she is uncomfortable with you doing it, then you're probably going to run into difficulties. So it's all a matter of attitude. If you and your partner are truly completely fine with the other having sex with someone else, and if you both trust each other completely, swinging isn't going to destroy your relationship. If both of those attitude type things are not really and truly true for either of you, then it just might. And about that 70 years old thing, Hell, I'm only 6 years away from it, and I haven't yet run into any indications of decline. So far, the girls I've ended up in the bedroom with have been happy with the results. While I haven't yet (thank the Goddess), had to just rely on that ages old bit of wisdom, the one that says "when you're too old to cut the mustard, you can always lick the jar", it ain't everyone that can tie a cherry stem in a knot with his tongue, and I suppose that might be helping me out, but, then again, that always helps out, no matter how young you are [em]Emo_4[/em] But just in case that needing to be taken care of bit is one of those things that happens all of a sudden, like maybe it hits you at one minute past midnight on your 70th birthday, I think I better get Evil to hook me up with those friends of his, so we can have that room all arranged for and booked. Only Evil's limiting himself. I want 3 if those insatiable 22 year olds, one redhead, one blonde, and one brunette. When I commit suicide, I want it to be a truly memorable event, even though I won't be around to remember it. [em]Emo_45[/em] I mean, we can set up cameras and stuff in there, then my wife can get it all edited into a good porn flick, and the proceeds can help her out, in case we haven't managed to find her a nice sugar daddy by then.

Tooele swingers party - Our first swingers party - So after discussing it for a bit with my wife weve decided wed like to try and host a swingers party here in tooele. Now ideally wed like to primarily focus on playing with other tooele couples. This invite also extends to those outside this area so long as they can make the drive. So for those interested or want details and what have you. Feel to join the tooelecouplesfun in the kik pubic groups or speak to us directly dm devilfox187 and we can talk. As a warning couples are preferred and will come first followed by single females and then single males. Im sure we will have a few of each but as this will be at our home we will cut it off at a point. Apologies on that and hope to hear from some fun swingers in and surrounding tooele, lets have fun ;-)

Discretion a Must?!? - Let us know - We live in a small town (small town, small minds, big mouths and notorious for it) but we chose to post our pics, face and all and haven't had anything majorly bad come from it. The few times someone did recognize us they were nice enough to email us at the site they saw us on and saysomething to the effect of, "We saw you out and didn't want to bother you (as usually it was us having a nice dinner out), but we wanted to say hi here... etc etc.." That's a great way to handle it, folks! That way we can enjoy a nice dinner in peace (imagine having someone say they saw you on a swingers site in front of your religeous cousins visiting form out of town or something!) and later look up their profile and see if it's someone we might be interested in or not. One of the few "bad" things was that a co-worker's husband (who also works with me) spotted the profile and either didn't bother reading my profile or didn't think it applied to him, got his little hampster wheel in his head turning and started messaging me. Long story short - she's pissed at him and we're pissed at him.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site -

Pete, The Don

Looks like you were wrong all the way around. LOL! You don't know what I am thinking, so that criticism was meaningless to me. Thank you for committing the acts you were trying to accuse me of. That was classic. I need not slander you, you are doing a great job of it. LOL!
Everyone else, please take a look at my initial response to WAAA1101. I answered their post with civility and honesty. Most of us do not want to be dictated to. The people with an issue with non-swinging threads, have the power to avoid them. None of these people have been able to dispute that fact. I challenge them with that very question... What is stopping you from avoiding threads you do not like? Instead of answering, they break the new forum rules by defaming me, calling me names and lying about me (Trashy). What I want these people to do is convince us that they are powerless to move on to things they enjoy. The majority spoke and told these people that we are going to talk about what we want to. Perhaps these few whiners need to move on now. eh? I sure as hell am not going to change my subject matter because a few people have an issue with the subject. They can move to the next thread if they do not like it. If these people wanted things to be cool in the forum, they wouldn't keep bringing it up. We heard your opinion and the majority disagreed. What more do you need? Get over it people. Sheesh LOL.

-Don- "Ich habe einen kleinen Vogel in meinem Kopf."

Note: Best if viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7

What is wrong with being a bi male? - - I've always had trouble with the fact that as swingers we are supposed to be open minded and different from vanilla people but when it comes to bi men we are so homophobic, as a group. It's OK, more than OK for a woman to be bi but men have been shunned as bi, in the lifestyle for as long as I can remember and we've been in the lifestyle for about 18 years now. At a hotel after party in a room there were 8 of us and one person made a comment about one time he was doing a woman who wanted him to pull out and cum on her chest. When the time came he cummed at her chest and caught her husband on the stomach. This brought about several comments from the other men in the room none positive and one said that would do him in for the night... Shit happens when there are a bunch of people doing what feels good. What's the problem. As far as bi men go it has long been a stigma that they could or were more prone to disease than a guy who is not bi. Women, even bi women have stayed away from bi men because they think one has a better than average chance of catching some dred STD. While bi and gay men are in the forefront of the HIV thing bi men, in the lifestyle are, I would think, are quite a bit more careful about using protection and who they play with. From my comments some might think that I'm bi, bi curious, or other unknown by me phrase. I am basically straight but definitely not homophobic. Someone said here that when you are in a pile it doesn't matter who is giving head if it feels good....regardless of what sex they are. I've used this example many times on various sites we have been on. Men who are bi do not want to cross the line and try to turn straight guys. Most are quite respectful for your preferences. Now all we have to do is get the notion that they are somehow dangerous, i.e., STD wise and that they want to turn straight guys. Might be some but I've met a number of straight guys who we find are not that arrow straight when you get to know them. They'll tell you when they find out that you are friends regardless of their preferences. I think that through sites like these that bi men are becoming much less a thing to be shunned or afraid of. Remember that bi women are as much a threat to your manhood and as much a danger about STD's as bi men. Remember we are supposed to be OPEN MINDED in the lifestyle.

Why swingers are happier. - - And booze. You forgot the booze. :-P

Do your friends and family know about your lifestyle? - - Who knows? My bro - It wasn't difficult, we mentioned to him that we were going to jackpot, Nevada and he wondered why we would go pretty far in Nevada for our rare vacation days. Anyways, somehow he put the two and two together - figured we did something. So while Angel and me was talking' to him, my bro was ranting about how morals are insane and that we aren't too uptight about it. I asked how so - "you guys are swingers, ain't you?" We admitted to it and in process, found out that he had a role in a porno as an boyfriend that helped his girlfriend to be wild, plus a bunch of other stuff. My boss - Yeah, we were joking around about our wife is hotter and whatnot. Anyways, this was before we were really into swinging. I remembered that angel wondered what it is like to do some bisexual stuff. he knew a girl that's really into doing that and it went from there. That's about it. Everyone else doesn't know. We're kinda new to this (5 months so far.)

ogden meet and great - - Yes club wet. I wasn't going to say swingers convention or put up a sign just a get together.

Oprah show on Swingers - - Yes, after doing more research on Oprah's web site it is a re-run called "Secret Sex in the Suburbs" that aired in the late 2004. It will air again on Friday the 30th of June for those who care to see it.

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