
Plainfield Swingers in Connecticut

Plainfield Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Plainfield, CT, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Plainfield looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Plainfield, CT. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Plainfield, Connecticut Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Plainfield, Connecticut so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Plainfield Swingers right away!

Utah Nude Beach Sunday - hike first then time at the beach - Can we shoot at the naked swingers? I promise I won't use high caliber ammo. [em]Emo_84[/em]

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - We have played withcouples from the early 20's and up...we have never cared about age.. Its always been attitude and how long we get along ..you know personality etc. We have a big differance in age ourselves 15 years... just has never mattered...now if someone will hand me my cane..I'm off to have fun.. Lar

Lifestyle parties - - Lish you want to throw aparty for gays, t-genders,bi's and all you can use the store after hrs, and you can dress up how you like try on lingerie,run naked, and play with the love machine, why well friends are friends good people are good people, and to discriminate is bull shit!!!!! and there should be no dicrimination at swingers party's or on swingular !!!!! love all walt smiles to all my friends straight gay bi and t-genders male or female luv walt


WHY????? - - 1. I have seen a lot of talk here about grammar and correct spelling. How the people that don't have that down pack other's more educated would not listen to or spend the time on reading their post because it means they don't or didn't have the right schooling.... no not the right schooling but their votes sure count. 2. I've seen people calling other fellow swingers that share the same lifestyle call others redneck's, especially if they are from the South. Guess what they also vote. 3. I see a lot of talk about America being a racist country for hundreds of years, yes that is true and we all know that. Finally people have been opening their eyes to see that America is a melting pot and IF MOST of us look at our ancestry, we might have a little bit of Indian, Spanish, African, Irish, Dutch, German and so on. I know, I did it, born and raised in the small Island of Puerto Rico with a grandfather that is Dutch(his fathers side) and German(his mom's side) and a grandmother that is an Islander Indian(dad's side) and Spainard(mom side) mix. They got married in New Jersy in 1943, can you imagine the racism they went through, I can because I heard the stories out of their own mouths. All races that are US citizens also vote. 4. We are putting people down for the things mentioned above. People that have much more education that what I have or others have. One way or another isn't all of the above a form of discrimination? no am not pulling the racial or discrimination card because am spanish... I don't give a rats ass about that.... We are here posting, right or wrong, we are. Instead of the BS back and forth. I impel all the "educated ones" to post facts and where they got it from in order for the "uneducated ones" to learn the truth and choose the right candidate that is going to help AMERICA. By helping other fellow Americans, we might get the right person in office! Tequila and others do post where they got their information and I thank them for trying to shed some light to others... Thank you guys.... By the way, sorry for my grammar and spelling. Like I said before, born and raised in Puerto Rico, became a very young mother with just a high school diploma........ until now that I am going for my education. Who knows I might be your next dentist and you not even know it's me.....

Who is going to Younge swingers week HEDO? - anyone going? - And is that the entire resort that is sold out or just the rooms that are reserved for the Young Swingers group (I realize that the group is couples only)?

OK LETS BE HONEST - - I haven't seen this "poll" but I can tell you this was 100% my idea not his. That being said my interest is based in my bi-sexuality, this doesn't mean I'm only interested in the female aspect, but if I were straight I seriously doubt I would have ever been interested in this at all. If I woke up tomorrow morning "straight" I'd probably turn in my swingers card give my website subscription to a needy couple on a temporary account. Just being honest as you asked. :-)

Extramarital Affairs and the Lifestyle - Where do you stand? - **Bottom line here is can we just stop all the finger pointing, labeling, and judging? Morals are a personal thing and eveyone is entitled to theirs and I\'m of the mind set...don\'t force yours down my throat and I won\'t force mind down yours.** Wrong. No one is interested in passing judgement here. Simply stating the facts as they are. Also, I think that some of us have returned to the cheating vs swingnig morality issue that we agreed earlier was NOT the intended direction this thread was going in. The issue IS a moral one, as someone pointed out. However it isnt whether or not CHEATING is the same as SWINGING. Since the thread has been joined by so many other now (AND I THANK YOU GUYS FOR STEPPING UP AND SHARING!) several differing points of view have emerged. Some \"vanilla\" or traditional people attempt to convince their mates to swing (MALE OR FEMALE) and for whatever eason that partner says NO. That person can not accept this answer for whatever reason, and decides it is worth risking everything they hold dear to swing. We have explored that. On the other hand, other \"vanilla\" people HAVE NEVER, AND WOULD NEVER EVEN ATTEMPT TO BROACH THE SUBJECT TO THEIR MATES. For fear of hearing NO, for fear of divorce...whatever...These same people, as one of our single gentleman pointed out...would look down upon us and label us sinners for being \"SWINGERS\" and all that they quite incorrectly feel that entails, and then in the same breath, go out and CHEAT on their mates. (I know one where she cheated on her husband with the pasteur of their church!) Cheating is actually more accpetable than swinging to a LOT of \"vanilla\" people. To share their mate, agree on the format, and practice an open dialogue about it is unthinkable. To cheat is not. >>TO ADDRESS THE CHEATING SWINGER ISSUE AGAIN<< This was never meant to single out you single guys out there, and I am not going to defend this post, or our stand on it. If you have read our profile, you should understand that we date single men and women almost exclusively! We just prefer to know the TRUTH about your situation, and beleive it or not, in this lifestyle...that is a tall order. As someone else said, that is a choice each of you has to make. We would prefer to know the truth about your situation so that we can decide to say NO for fear of creating hurt feelings and contributing to the end of a relationship that we are not even a part of. My mind will not allow me to justify what my heart knows to be just plain wrong. Luvbugs! ;)

Who is into Kinky BDSM? - - [b]Swingers are sick people. This is the vanilla worlds version of Ultra kinky sex, to us 90% is normal and not kinky.[/b] 101 Ultra Kinky Ideas 1. Tie your partner up and break out the vibrator. 2. Cover each other with oil before slipping and sliding on silk sheets. 3. Get it on in the backyard pool in the middle of the day. 4. Watch kinky porn and imitate the actors. 5. Surprise your partner with a set of anal beads. 6. Go to a sex shop together and choose a new vibrator. 7. Let your best friend watch you fuck your partner. 8. Have a sexual encounter with a member of the same sex. 9. Let your best friend fuck your partner and YOU watch. 10. Pick up a stranger and make out with them. 11. Introduce your man to anal sex

Swingers of Color - - We have found lots of couples of other races in our experience.

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