
Walden Swingers in Colorado

Walden Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Walden, CO, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Walden looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Walden, CO. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Walden, Colorado Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Walden, Colorado so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Walden Swingers right away!

How Old Is Old - - My two cents is....Why should I open myself up like a flower and let every bee take some of my pollen dust....No that is never going to happen lol. I don't care about age nor does the hubby. We are not the oldest or the youngest....Probably right in the middle. Being in the middle you get pulled from both ends....One will win while the other might not. However, if I open my mind I like to take my time and enjoy the splender in all of it. Mostly having the right connection is KEY to everything and everyone! We have been lied to a time or two about ages and been suddenly surprised but, we still had a great time and may not and usually does not end in sex on the first time. Takes us a while to find a couple that we like and who likes us for who we are too! I personally do not like to be told I do not have an open mind from people way older or way younger. As we are SWINGERS which to some means you are EASY...Which is not true in any way and why some bottom feeders make it hard for other then cry out for the unjustice.....Ummm Sex is about feeling alive and if you make us not feel that way, no matter the age. Then we shall pass by and keep looking.

New Relationships - - [quote=Trulie][quote=EVILDOERS]Yep. Swinging is couples centric. If there weren't couples what would swinging even be? Hooking up. But there are plenty of couples who also like to add the occasional single to the mix. Hell, some even play that way exclusively. As far as single swingers meeting each other to form relationships (if I'm reading you correctly) that's a much tougher row to hoe. We've seen a few singles become couples over the years but they're in the minority unfortunately. The lifestyle is a tough place to date and find love for many reasons. Many couples WILL give you more than a casual look if you indeed have a regular play partner that you can bring to add to the mix. Otherwise you'll just kind of have to resign yourself to the plight of a single guy in the lifestyle. Sorry, life isn't always fair.[/quote] This ^^ it isn't always about "hooking" up. Sometimes it's about having open-minded friends that you can just hang with, sometimes it's about treating your significant other for their birthday... but we all know, she runs the show, if she's not into it, nothing is happening![/quote] You got it right buddy. We miss our friends :(

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - We are a professional, naughty, highly sexual couple that wants to find another couple(s), and a single male or female that we know are safe that we can play with worry-free. Or a trusted group of couples and singles. I know most people are or say they are, but we’d like to establish a level of comfort where fluids won’t hinder us. We like to go ALL in and if we can establish some regulars that we can trust, think of the no holds barred fun we could all have. We could turn our home into a weekend pleasure palace. A place where you could arrive at, become friends with everyone, and have your way with anyone at the house knowing they’re all safe, and all want to make you feel good. Food, drinks, hot people, hot sex, and LOADS of fun and memories. We’re working on a hot tub now. So expect that too. Let us know what you think and if you want to be considered. Single males, we’ll invite you as well as select you. It will be on a case by case and requested basis.

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - 05 Saleen Mustang 06 f250 king ranch 4x4 diesel 94 impalla ss 07 suzuki burgman 400 couldn't figure out how to upload pictures

Hanging out this weekend - Habits tonight?? - [quote=HERRIMANFUN][quote=DELICIOUSLYWET][quote=HERRIMANFUN][quote=DELICIOUSLYWET][quote=HERRIMANFUN]We enjoy it if there is a couple we are interested in they have sections that aren't so loud that you can talk. But yes it is loud. And we have run into lots of swingers there lots of times. But I hear that a lot I think most people don't talk to people or just walk up to a stranger(s) and say hi. But I the male half does a lot that's how you meet people and then once you chat a bit it comes out that they are swingers. Not a big fan of he meet and greets it's always the same people unfortunately. And that's great for some but we haven't really made a connection at any that we have been too, yet. [/quote] We have been to the meet and greets too and we don't go very often and have not been to one in ages. Maybe twice a year we hit one but when we do go we pretty much introduce ourselves to everybody and if we missed someone we didn't mean to. You do have to be proactive to be successful in meeting people or at least reactive in a positive fashion when someone interesting approaches you. We have been to Habits and ended up leaving with someone, but we had already had a bit of friendly back and forth somehow with the people we left with or it was someone we met previously and had at least chatted a bit. We think we have only been there maybe five times altogether. Well, maybe Mr. Delicious will put on a collared shirt just in case we head that way but for now we are thinking maybe the Green Pig sounds fun. [/quote] Well if you make it to Habits please come and say hello. [/quote] Sounds dandy. For a limited time Mr. Delicious is sporting a now two week old full beard to contrast his shaved head. Part of a guy thing going on with some of his friends. Getting his Viking on which like his Norse god last name came to him through his family's Dublin roots going back to Norway before attacking or we mean landing in Ireland and becoming truly Irish. Mrs. Delicious is tall and sexy and carries her self like the strong willed woman she is so we should not be hard to spot. It is always fun looking for and finding someone you have not really met.[/

Staying a couple in the lifestyle - - We've been at the LS nearly our entire 15 year marriage.. and we've always done things as a couple. Even way back when we were newly hatched swingers, we've always done it as a couple, and we've used our real names from the beginning, mostly because we're not creative enough to come up with fake names. Neither of us would make good actors, because we'd never respond to anything but our real names either 🤣 We started this together with equal gusto with the idea of having fun together while having sex with other people at the same time, and with people we want to be friends with, and not exclusively in the bedroom either. Has it always worked out that way? No but that's okay. We've always still managed to have fun. Anything that we can experience with each other and share together has made it 100% worthwhile. The day we can't have fun doing this together is the day we go back to being sexually monogamous. Simple as that. But the REAL secret to why we're still happily married is that there is one thing we do separately, which may be problematic for some. It's scary sharing this, but here goes.... We don't share blankets. We can't do it. We've tried, and it doesn't work for us. We're both very needy in regards to tossing and turning and being wrapped in our own blankets. Plus, we've got our individual blanket needs that can't be met with exclusively with the same one.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - Don for once i would have to agree with ya i would like to drop it but when other wanna call me and my wife name i will not drop it u( don ) i agree highway if u r threatening me and u now where the town is do it i never back down, u WILL regret it, if others STILL wanna call me names and threaten me or my wife if it make u a bigger so called man to do so so fucking what i have never once called your wife names other are wanting to keep harping on this that is there problem i can care less if we drop the subject but i was the one that started it i will finish it have a good day

random swingers pictures - - yes sorry

Is it a “preference” or is it “ discrimination” - - [quote=DANDTCURIOUS][quote=EVILDOERS]Discrimination can be against non-physical attributes as well (Political and religious are the two most obvious nowadays.) But I would call almost everything else a preference, at least as far as swinging is concerned. One of the biggest hurdles we found when we first entered the lifestyle was people who were upset that, for whatever reason, we didn't want to fuck them. Their mindset was, "We're swingers and you're swingers so what's the problem? Let's fuck!" We did, eventually, come to the realization that in some instances our first impression, based on looks or whatever, could be overcome, in time, by getting to know people better and eventually finding a different kind of attractiveness that trumped simple physical attraction. YMMV[/quote] Oh of course discrimination can be against non-physical ... my question was can a non-physical attribute be just a preference and not be discrimination .. it sounds like you think so ... other than maybe with political or religious? Hmmm so let’s say someone keenly despises Trump, or Bernie (not that anyone does lol) .... like really can’t stand them. And someone crazy hot that LOVEs Trump, like wears a red MAGA hat loves, wants to hook up ... Could the political disposition “preference” still be only a preference, and not discrimination, if it gets in the way of any possible sexual attraction ?[/quote] Holy shit! You mean it messes me up when I wear my MAGA hat in sexual situations (Though I prefer a more discriminatory MAGA hat "Make Adam God Again" The Mormon Vatican peeps will understand that one)? I thought everyone got turned on by Trump. Ask him... He will tell you. He is the best at ______. 🤣 i freaking loved your example by the way, hilarious and good point. Great example, totally got the visual! 🤣🤣🤣

Fun bar to meet people at in slc - - If you're just dropping in to pick-up a woman (or vice versa) to bang and have a few laughs with over the next few months Club 90 is hard to beat. It's not necessarily a swingers club and I wouldn't expect to meet any without some pre-planning. Basically Club 90 is filled with lots of divorced men and women looking to replace the old schmuck with a new schmuck. Again not a swingers specific crowed, but if you want to meet a lot of single and fun people Liquid Joe's on Saturday night can be a blast, especially if their house band The Spazmatics (or Metal Gods, same group, just different music) are playing. The Crowd at Liquid Joe's probably averages 10 to 15 years younger than Club 90. I have seen folks from the LS community at both places. But it's not what most are there for and you'll probably just be knowledged with a nod if they recognize you... anyhoo... hope the helps.

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