
Two Buttes Swingers in Colorado

Two Buttes Swingers

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Ever Been Roofied At A LS Party?? - - I'm posting this question on a swinger site because it was at a SWINGER party with other SWINGERS. Thankyouverymuch, Rick and Jess. So here's how it went down: We (me and husband) went to dinner with another LS couple we're very good friends with and have known a long time. While waiting at the restaurant, she and I went to the bar and got 1 glsss of wine. We watched the bartender open and pour the wine (although 1 of us had the bottom of 1 bottle before the next was opened to finish both glasses). We finished our wine while all four of us shared the same sushi. The guys didn't get sick. So we do not believe it was the sushi. We ate at 7:30 After dinner, the four of us went back to our hotel to change for the Casino Royale LS party. She and I had different drinks, but we both used the glasses in the hotel room. Our husbands used the plastic cups. She had 1 shot. I had 1 very small glass of champagne as the glass was barely bigger than a shot glass. Possibly contaminated glasses? By 10 we were at the party. I played poker, and had 1 1/2 drinks while I played for 1 1/2 hours. One was brought by my husband, the last drink was brought to me by another good friend who I've known about 2 years. My girlfriend had 1 drink made right in front of her by the bartender and that's it. Within 1/2 hour of arriving, my girlfriend was in the bathroom puking her guts out for about an hour. She almost had to be carried out. Went home and fell asleep on the floor w/o being able to move at all. She had had only 2 drinks the whole night, WITH dinner. She says she wasn't drunk at all when the sickness hit. About 45 minutes after that, I suddenly felt very ill and had to rush to the bathroom, where I evidently puked for quite a while. I recall bits and pieces of that part, but most of my memory from that portion of the night is gone. That part is suspicious to me. I recall about 10 seconds of my husband helping me out to the car, I recall 2 seconds of puking again at the hotel, and that's it. I don't remember him getting me ready for bed or anything else until morning. I awoke at 5am thinking I was having a heart attack and went to the ER. So....yes, lots and lots of puking. NO diarrhea. Some memory loss. We both doubt alcohol poisoning as neither of us were drunk when the puking hit. We both felt woozy and weak for about 2 1/2 days. It was Tuesday before I really ate again (her too.). I can't figure out WHY someone would roofie me or her as we were with our spouses. But the fact that we got so violently ill so fast, and the fact that both of us lost our memory for a couple of hours before falling asleep does make us suspicious. The symptoms are just unclear enough that it could be food poisoning, or it could be a drug. The three drugs I looked up as date rape type drugs have differing symptoms. But I can't imagine anyone giving a woman something that made her violently ill and hoping to benefit from it. That's why I thought I'd see if anyone else in the lifesyle had heard of this or had it happen. Thanks!

Exclusive FWB??? - - [quote=SwingNHit]Just as an observation, it seems to us that many (if not most) couples on this site are looking for exclusive friends with benefits. To us, that sounds like polyamorous dating, not swinging. No judgment whatsoever, hopefully everyone finds what they are looking for. We are simply surprised at how few couples actually want to swing - that is, have sex with lots of different couples. (Please spare the "labels" comments.) Again, no judgment, but I guess we are "swingers." Oh God, we finally said it! Hahaha! Everyone, we hope you each get what you are looking for![/quote] Every couple is different. Every couple is different. Some want just sex, Some want more.there's nothing wrong with that. Whatever makes you happy :)

Couples oasis or Red Roister - Which do you prefer - "...in advanced stages of their lives or have been ridden way too hard and put away wet on far too many occasions." You say that like it's a bad thing! All I know is that the last time we were at the Red Rooster (admittedly probably 10 years ago) we saw THE largest couple we've ever seen in a swing club (or possibly anywhere else!). By the time they got up the stairs (single file as the stairway is NOT ADA compliant) they were sweating SO hard and were SO out of breath that we made a break for it before they got their second wind and took their clothes off. But you know what, good for them for being comfortable in their own...uh, skin and wanting to get their freak on in front of a small group of geriatric swingers. We did, out of morbid curiosity, scan the obituaries the next day because if someone there that night didn't have a coronary event then surely someone was crushed to death. And yes I'm a BAD person for saying that even if it's due to imbibing a WHOLE Redd's Wicked Apple Ale all by myself, on an empty stomach. Yeah, you heard it here first. The 'Doers KNOW how to party on a Saturday night! [em]Emo_57[/em]

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Aklim, The CDC tells you that more pitbulls are prone to abuse. You are trying to justify your hate, by reading what you want. So if you need to justify your hate of pit bulls, with the CDC stats, would you also do the same against, blacks (drug dealers), whites (serial killers), asians(little dicks), native americans(drunks)? I don't buy it. It just stereotyping pure and simple. A Spanish dude I know showed me these video recently. I thought it was pretty damn cool. They take a controversial subject and throw a little humor in to educate the ignorant. -D-

Earthquake - - You guys have super powers now? SWEET! What are they? X-ray vision? Turning water into Moscato? Turning a crock pot of swinger meatballs into coconut macaroons? [em]Emo_96[/em] Yeah I think Jesus is just punishing all the naughty fuckers in Bountiful. We have it on good authority (Kevin Eubanks lives there) that Bountiful is FULL of the raunchiest swingers imaginable. In fact they've talked about annexing Woods Cross and renaming the place Sodom and Gomorrah. Last week there was a gas leak on 5th West. Next week it will prolly be e.coli at Pace's Dairy Ann. [em]Emo_8[/em]

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - Our children are babies, so they are too young to care. Most of our friend's and family know about our life style, except for parent's on both side.....I say do what you want. What you do and like is no ones concern but your's. we are all adult's, and should not be told what to do, or not to do. We are all just human. If anyone has a proplem, too damned bad..lol. Just do what you feel is right for you're self's and family, First!! All well work out!! keep you're head's up, and do what you feel is the right decision, for eachother and you're loved ones... just tryin to help!!! xoxoxoxoxxxooxxx Amanda801& Haden801

Las Vegas - Swingers clubs ect. - [quote=PARTYINLV]Playhouselv allows single guys on Fridays only. Saturdays are couples and single females [/quote]Well if we are going to get technical they allow them on Thursday nights as well. But the statement was in general, single males can attend.

any sugestions - I think a lot of the people on these sites are posers here for the pics..... - they have this feature called a validation. If more people would get validated as a real couple then it would make it a little easier. We are a bit expierenced in this area on how to locate the fakes. There are things you pick up along the way. I mean not like you should have to. We never share pics on YAHOO unless we have met the people in person or know that they are real IE phone call or webcam. Or someone else that knows they are real. Someone that has been here multiple years and has not met anyone is a red flag. Most swingers unless you dont have pics on your profile that show what you really look like wont ask for more pics. They dont want them cause they want to see the real thing. Fakes always come up with the dumbest excuses for not being able to prove they are real. We have not been validated on this site but had we been validated to a degree that it is obvious that we are not fake we would want to talk to people on the phone to assure they are real. We get thier number cause it is obvious we are real as I said. We are new to this site but another site we are on we have over 20 validations. So it is a little easier to do so in that case. Most people in this day and age have a webcam. Or have the money to go out and buy one for I think the crapiest is 20 bucks. Easy way to prove you are real. Also real swingers dont get upset at the fact that they are challenged on being real. They just prove it. We have called people out and they have gotten pissed. It is rather funny cause that is the biggest red flag of all. Sorry for the mess and bouncing around I just wrote as I thought.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - wish there were more that was closer to us. everyone does seem far away!

Lake Powell Trip June 11-14 (Last Topic got deleted somehow) - - OK,, not sure where the Announcement went but lets do this again.... Every year, we put on a Lake Powell trip. In previous years, it has been a mixed crowd,, swingers and vanillas. This year we are going to change it up and add a trip in June that is Lifestylers only. Dates for this are June 11-14. We are still doing the August trip as well, but it will be a bit tamer than the June trip. Houseboats will be availible for those that want to go. The cost last year for the houseboats worked out to be around $800 for the 4 days per couple. This included fuel. With decreased fuel prices this year, it should be a bit less. If we get enough people to warrant it, and if I can talk the pig supplier to provide pigs twice in one year (Yes, Buttabing, this is directed towards you) we will do a luau pig on Saturday night. Last year, some people tent camped as well so staying on a houseboat is not a requirement. As a courtesy though to those that are renting the houseboats, if you do use the amenities of the houseboat such as bathrooms, showers, cooking and kitchen stuff, etc... you donate to whoever rented the boat. Having a boat is not a requirement. Those that do have them don't seem to have a problem "adopting" those that don't. A bunch of peeps from this site went last year and from what we hear, everyone had a good time. I will need commitments from those that want to go no later than March 29th so I can ensure that I tie up enough houseboats for those that want them.

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