
La Junta Swingers in Colorado

La Junta Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in La Junta, CO, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over La Junta looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of La Junta, CO. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

La Junta, Colorado Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from La Junta, Colorado so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with La Junta Swingers right away!

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - aquarius and sagittarius here

Breaking the 4th wall - meeting a swinger in a vanilla situation. - [quote=BLUEIDKAT] Basically my e-mail was: "Hi, I'm James, the male half of Blueidkat, I work as a sales rep for a national beverage company and consequently call on a lot of retail locations along the Wasatch Front. The other day I was at Blah business in Blah City and noticed someone who looks a lot like you. I know with all the swingers in Utah I must bump into some, everyday, and not realize it. It was so cool to possibly recognize a lifestyler out there in the vanilla world and just wondered if I was right." I understand the whole fear of being stalked and the need for anonimity but are we that afraid? Do we need to be?[/quote]Hey Blue, I know you guys didn't mean anything sinister! But yeah, that'd give me a bit of the creeps. If others read this, I'm sure they'll pipe in with some righteous opinions about how right you are and golly we all need to be proud of ourselves and such because of your statement/question, "I understand the whole fear of being stalked and the need for anonimity but are we that afraid? Do we need to be?" Hopefully few others will read this so we'll not start the whole "Having pics in the profile or not" argument again! :) To answer the question/statement you articulate above, yes, some folks do need anonymity. There are those folks that have a license for their job issued by County or State governments. Obtaining that license is considered a privilege, just like a drivers' license. No, the government can't search you or do medical tests on you against your will -- unless you want to drive. Then you acquiesce to their demands because you want that license. No, the government can't fire someone for perceived violation of a "morality clause" found in a licensing application. They can, however, deny or publicly harass a person about a license. Without that license many folks lose their job. Not good. So for some folks anonymity is not a matter of guilt or shame, but actually becomes a necessity to protect against a threat to their families livelihood. For me, I'm not paranoid or anything but I see absolutely no reason to expose myself unnecessarily. If someone I've met and actually KNOW approaches me away from the swinging scene, I'm totally fine with it, but an anonymous letter from someone I've never even met would bother me.

Single Males - Question - I'm a single male and I stick to profiles that say single males,HOWEVER most don't respond or either get ugly about it,what gives *anyway*, Do yall women not like the play of two men giving you that special loving, or is the male part telling us to fuck off in so many words,because he is looking for *women*, Think about it I feel most women never get to see the e-mails form the men!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been swinging for 13 years and 10 years as a couple!!!!!!!! . I saved the e-mails for her from single men and she would pick and choose for her-self, not me for *HER* and she would choose guys form reg ( size) ( 5" x 4" ) to very big (9" x 8" ) Black guys or white guys , No mid east or others she liked American dick "LOL" I wtach,Play with them then me her would enjoy each other after they left I loved sloppy seconds,and cream pies we had a great time and I sure do miss them to, we would even do oral-bi together, I would lick her with a big one slidding in and out doggie style,she would deep french kiss me after she would suck a guy off *HELL* we were really into fun and openminded, Whats Happend to swingers, WHAT Have yall all turned into !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JIM I'm thinking about leaving this sit because of it

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - man look who is already whining i do not care if i the best spelllers i do not care u it make u feel good about your self calling other names and things like that do so, enjoy life so if anyone else wants to step up and call me name go for it i have big shoulders for this or i would have not started the forum so who next you TR go for it i do not care or if any one of your forums buddies wantds i am speaking my peace , i THINK alot of u whining babies need to take your own advice , and i know alot of u will have NOOOOOO clue what that means.. so as i have said before ENJOY LIFE and fuck every one else who gets in your way and as Larry the cable guy says"""Get'r' done"

Where on Earth are all the hot Virginia Swingers? - Show us what you have to offer VA!!! - I\'d have to agree with BEAUTYNBEAST. VA is very uptight-\"This town needs an enema!\" lol

Soft swap - Soft swap vs Full swap - Top definition according to our Unabashed Urban Dictionary via google search and everything is according to google, right? SOFT SWAP: To share spouses/mates with another to the point of digital and/or oral copulation only. This term comes from the home of Stephen, SuperGenius, who invented it spontaneously while referring to timid wanna-be swingers unwilling to take the PLUNGE ------ HARD SWAP: When you trade sexual partners...as opposed to soft swap where you just watch, or be watched, the other couple having sex. Sometimes soft swap does entail the trading of oral sex between the different couples. ------ No Seriously, everyone most likely has their own definition of these "soft swap", "hard swap" terms. So rather than leave it up to each individual's own version or opinion...wouldn't it be a good idea to simply discuss with all what each is comfortable doing and what the boundaries may be on a particular night and/or with a particular couple or play partner? We believe communication is the key and everyone should feel comfortable and that there should be no pressure and no expectations.

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - Wife totally loves it with the right people

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Posted By: XXXTASYX2 Reply posted on: Jan 8, 2008 - 1:39 pm AKLIM69 All I was saying is that a few bad experiences can make people NEVER want to try something. Also, there is the issue that if they are not really interested in it from square one, and there are a few bad experiences, the question people like that ask is "Why am I bothering?" Take our case for instance. We don't really desire for single males or females. Those we have played with in the past have come with baggage. So, why would we be interested in venturing into that territory? Baggage + lack of interest makes it a hard sell should some single male or female come looking.

tired of the B>S> - - u know, i don't think we're validated or certified or whatever they call it here on this site. we've been on so many it's hard to keep track. anyway, we're very real and we just don't give a hoot about validations anymore. i guess u could say we've progressed thru maslow's hierarchy of needs for swingers to the self-actualized phase. that's a clever way of saying we no longer give a rat's ass what other people think. ;) we've been swingers since 2003, and we really only went to a lot of parties and sought out new experiences with regularity for the first 2 years. now it's just another "thang" we dabble in from time to time when the mood hits us...mostly on vacation, weekend getaways, and stuff like that. and we really have no ego stake in how many unsolicited emails we do or don't get from people asking us to hook up or inviting us to parties. if we get the itch, we'll look around, find something that piques our curiosity, and send them a message. it's all really no big deal. and we have found that folks who get wrapped around the axle about this stuff are not the kind of folks we want to hang out with anyway.

Im's a Professional............................. - No pic..... blurred pics - I love Amateur Swingers....Love to also tip toe through many degrees of glory....hehehe I have ran into co workers from past employers but, never one of my bosses from any job. We seem to all understand the greater importance and that is the sexual experience and enjoying fantasy is the main factor. If someone is low ball enough to rat out a co worker and they are a boss then so shall they also be ratted out to the fullest degree....Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. This golden rule is not new and should be the way people should live their lives and being swingers we all should stick together for a reason of being one in the same....A Sexual Experience!

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