
Julesburg Swingers in Colorado

Julesburg Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Julesburg, CO, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Julesburg looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Julesburg, CO. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Julesburg, Colorado Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Julesburg, Colorado so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Julesburg Swingers right away!

Meeting new swingers? - Where to meet them? - We bought the magazines, read the ads, and ... Fantasied about who, and what we do if we did...then we got our computer, and like most, started out with AOHELL .. and what to my wondering eyes did appear, but Chat rooms full of folks, that we could carry on conversations with thru the IMs... And the next thing you know.. it wasnt the ads, but real people carrying on real conversations about getting together... And we decided to try it... And we found we liked it... and the areas we were living in, had litterly 100s of people looking for playmates Then we jump ahead 5 yrs, and we move south to the sunshine state... The lifestyle is different here, More Party people, Club folks.. and Real Clubs Open for business.. We join a Yahoo group for locals and a group meet and greet is set up. We go to a quiet little bar with a deck over the water, and what do we findout.. The waitress and her boyfriend are into swapping... we find out there are people here, meeting in bars with out the net.. when we meet, folks we are interested in a public setting, and we tell all potential playmates we would prefer to meet and see how things go.. We try to stress we make no plans to play that night... But we dont rule it out either.. Depends on everyones comfort level.. Plan for anything expect nothing the first date... Ya never can tell...

Swing Camp (7/15 - 7/17) - Swingers Campout in Birch Creek Idaho - Sounds like a great time. Have you considered Fall creek??? Their are plenty of sites that are a non pay type that have lots of trees with the creek for some interesting bathing!!!

Question - do you talk about other swingers? - I have found that when I meet someone new for drinks or dinner etc, that a good place to start the conversation is about the site on which you met and some of your experiences there. My question is, How much, or do you talk about other members or swingers in your area. Sometimes it's a very small world, lol especially if you're meeting someone local.Usually it seems hard to avoid if you or they have comments or certifications on your profiles, sometimes someone will ask what you thought of "so&so" I usually try to be discreet and not mention any names if I'm discussing some experience I've had. But then again there have been times when other people have mentioned names of swingers who were really hot, or maybe even some that were not "so fun" to meet lol and it has been helpful to me. So what do you think?

Am I hot or not.... - - :s Another SM looking for attention. What is this site coming to? I have not had a problem with the overly generous tolerance of SMs on this site, but lately it seems like SMs are getting out of control. If you have ever been to a nice swinger club in Florida, you will see the difference between Friday (SMs welcome) and Saturday nights (couples only). The reason: the SM "Towel Sharks" circle around the play areas looking to watch couples and maybe even get some for themselves. Sometimes the SMs get so aggressive with the couples, it often creates conflicts and drives couples away. On this site we are all supposed to be nice to the SMs and not bash them. I understand the need to be civil and respectful to everybody. I also know many of the couples here enjoy hooking up with SMs (we are guilty of that multiple times ourselves). Of course, many SMs are nice guys who lay low and don't cause problems. Having said that... This post, the Mr. "Save-A-Life" post, and all the other stupid SM "Look at ME" posts, are really screwing this site up. In our book (and probably the majority of other reasonable people's opinions) SWINGERS are "couples" looking for other "couples". Sure swinger couples often look for a single to join, but its usually a female (highly prized) and not a male (over supply). SMs are not swingers. They are looking for some poontang and all too often they assume that swingers have loose women to share with them. Come on guys... get your own girl and THEN join the party. Hanging around here, perving on pics, and hoping for some strange, does not make you a SWINGER! With an over-supply of SMs, they have to resort to aggressive self-promotion in order to get noticed. This silly thread here is another example of that. Come on people. Its time to stop "feeding the cats".

Why are single guys being band from all the upcoming parties? - Did some clown out there mess it up for all single males? - First off, let me introduce ourselves, My name is Dan and My darker half is Tasha, one hot chocolate martini :) We have yet to make it out to many parties, as a couple but did manage to do so the other night with tbl and had a blast. Great people, relaxed, no "you gotta go home with me because I showed up" complexes were evident. Having been on both sides of the fence, I actually wrote an article a few years ago called "being swingle", kind of ironic? no? lol. Playing as a single male comes down to at least for me at the time to enjoying threesomes, group, and the stress free situation of "dating". It was easier to hang out with couples who were friends, but in reality, the third wheel complex eventually sets in. There is an etiquette to it. Always add to the party, never look to "loot it", or "steal the cookie" as Tasha puts it. Kinda like showing up at your friends house when moms got food cooking, you know your gonna eat, but don't dare reach for the big piece of chicken lmao. Unfortunately, like all of us at some point in their lives there was that one time at band camp...oops wait, that's another story... back to the point, sometime in our lives we run into the one alpha male super stud God's gift to women who all should bow down and adore...*(pause to hurl)* who just doesn't understand that not every woman at the party wants to, needs to, or even remotely desires to be on his menu. Tasha said it much less kind :) these guys do make an impact, cause issues, and otherwise can ruin the hours of planning and expense that the hosts have put in to see that the party is a great one! Rules should be as simple as an RSVP Invitation, with a Plus one if a couple wishes to bring a single male who they can personally vouch for. It also let's the plus one have someone they can play with and not feel the need to bunny hop the honey pots ;) But I digress, Single guys, its as simple as coming out to the less "house party" type events and let people get to know you, then you may be invited to the more intimate parties. There are REAL stamps on this site, earn em. Problem solved. As for how the rest of us that I know of feel about the whole thing? Swinging is like the intelligent gentleman said before, swinging is for swingers, swingers are couples, wanna add party favors, bring your own...and share them if you like. Personally, and realistically, the couples who play and enjoy this lifestyle together at least have some semblance of security knowing the general family of people who are playing are committed to being safe for their playmates and their spouses/selves. Stepping off 3am soapbox and curling up with a chocolate bunny, think i'm gonna nibble her ear...if I can keep the dog from ear blocking me :) lmao

Swingers Next Door! - ABC news story on Swinging! - Worth the watch, good show. The article is from abc-news the show is on A&E

Now that you're one of them there fancy swingers... - - Reading that, I don't like the direction this is liable to go already.... I REALLY mean a Danish GIRL! Honest! Outwitted..again...damn

Do you long for your "vanilla" friends? - Have you been with any? - [quote=theseduction747]Being new to Utah I can not imagine how you deal with friends here with all the LDS people here. But it appears there are more LDS that have a secret side than people realize. Now how to find that out may be the trick. I always cut up and joke so they would be able to get the hint so they could decide on making the move or not. If you comment in a fun way in a joking environment eventually information will start being revealed. If not they are probably not into it and you can always excuse it as joking or cutting up. lol I have found out more than I wanted to know from some friends of ours over the years. Even some we had no interest in. It is just my nature to cut up a make funny comments. So they get comfortable talking back. That can backfire too lol. [/quote] The feeling we've gotten from chatting privately with people here is that a good percentage of swingers in Utah are indeed LDS, whether active or inactive. Appears too a good number are former LDS members cutting loose. With no judgement or disrespect to the LDS reading this, I find it fascinating. At any rate, thanks for the post and good idea with joking around.

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - 2011 Victory Red... Don't Touch or Don't Ouch...[em]Emo_25[/em]

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - We are very interested in being a part of this group, Please hit us up!! We are Travis and Char

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