
Flagler Swingers in Colorado

Flagler Swingers

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Evil's latest poll. Fellas, would you ever... - - [quote=CHEFFETTE][quote=EVILDOERS]Naw. Not tryin' to be the Soup...er Sex Nazi. Just wanted to try to understand where some of the attitudes about male bisexuality and swinging come from. I find it extremely interesting how much homophobia still exists in the world and how much exists in a community of people dedicated to sexual freedom. I find human nature fascinating and especially when that nature is something that is more or less taught rather than innate. [/quote]In the three months + I've been reading here all I can come up w/ to explain certain members' homophobia and continued, idiotic comments is this is a male-dominated swinger site and in my experience males feel more threatened by the potential they're perceived as something they don't want to be seen as; you'd think that w/ as much time as they spend w/ their own cock in their hand every single day they'd be less terrified of a cock belonging to another guy, but apparently they must declaim it at every turn or they'll go sterile/bald/teh gayz w/o even TRYING.[/quote] If I were from Maine, I'd say "Ahyup". As I told a girl a couple days back when we were talking about "Sexual Fluidity" by Lisa Diamond, when she said she'd heard that Diamond is working on a new study along the same lines, but on men instead of women, I doubted she'd find much there because, for whatever reason, society has a much more severe taboo against male-male sex than it does against female-female sex. The taboo against women with women was once nearly as strong, but since probably sometime in the '60s it has become much less so. And you're surrounded by society's attitudes, and they're pounded into your head from they day you're old enough to understand anything. And the stronger a taboo, and male-male sex is one of the strongest, the more unlikely it is that you'll get ever rid of it. Physically, sex is a matter of friction properly applied to the correct parts of the body, ultimately resulting in orgasm. So the sex of the person applying it, or to whom you're applying it, really shouldn't matter. But it does. I have absolutely zero homophobia. If I'm in bed with more than one person, and some guy's hand touches me someplace for a second I won't freak out or even care. I understand that I've been socialized into how I feel, and that if I'd grown up in, for example, ancient Greece, I wouldn't have been. I understand that the prohibition of male-male sex grew out of humanity needing to expand as quickly as possible in order to survive, and that the cultural attitudes which that created got written into religions as they developed. I know that there's absolutely no logical reason for it. I know that the "logical" arguments against homosexual sex are nonsense. Like "it isn't natural - you don't see homosexual animals." Bullshit. Yes you do, all the time. I have a hen who's always humping the other hens. She doesn't accomplish anything, but she does it. One of the animals that is genetically closest to humans, the Benobo, a type of chimpanzee, has sex all the time with members of its band (the true swingers of the animal world), male or female, doesn't matter. I know that physically, biologically, there's no reason sex with one sex shouldn't work as well as with the other. I have a really good friend who is a pre-op male to female transexual, and if she ever has the surgery, and becomes physically female below as well as above the waist, sure I'd have sex with her if she wanted to. And I have other friends who are lesbian or gay. And I even belong to and volunteer for HRC (Human Rights Council). I should be a prime candidate for bisexuality. But no, I would not suck someone's dick. Or want some guy sucking mine. Even though I understand that that feeling has been socialized into me, that it probably wasn't predetermined when I was born male, still it's there, and it is what it is. The more emphatically something is socialized into you as you grow up, the less likely it is that you'll ever break away from it, even if you do manage to get away from some of the other things you were "taught". And I think that, Evil is your answer. ~ Terry

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - Reddit. /r/MormonsGW

Another way to identify swingers - Totally hot T-Shirts - Salesman make a commission. I just thought they were cute. Sorry if I offended anyone else.

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - So we watched the news piece and we observed that the lady they interviewed was rejected at parties and said she felt like she was in the 5th grade again because she was left out and her husband was busy as hell at the orgies they would attend..........this was nothing more than an attention piece on her part. She's obviously jaded.

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - Did they say what day?

Are swingers moral? - Who determines what morals are? - I think there are a number of definitions of "moral". I've always tried to live a good clean, law-abiding life - one guided by the Golden Rule. I've never stolen from anyone, I've never killed anyone, and I've never knowingly done anything to hurt anyone. As it applies to the Swinging Lifestyle, let me put it this way: I may "fuck" your wife - but I'd never "fuck" you. So tell me, does that make me moral or immoral?

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - I'm playing doctor with my colon right now. I'm pretending a corona bottle is my scope. -D-

An out of this world (or state) encounter - swinging parties - [quote=2TOHAVEFUNWITHU]We just moved here from California were we were part of a swingers group and kinda thought it was going to be the same out here. But we have found out there is huge differences out here lol. We are used to going to meet and greets at bars or motels and if you like someone you leave and play with them.the we are used to going to house partys which have been some of the best times of our life's lol. The house partys would have anywhere from 30 through 50 couples and there would be games and music and bring your own bottle share a bottle. They would have stripper poles and it would be a no pressure atmoshphere. The bold would end up naked and the others didn't have to if they choose not to. It was a great time there were private rooms and a couple big sex rooms were people can walk in and watch or they can ask to join. Was kind of looking forward to doing the same out here then found out the partys are nothing like that. We want to attend a meet and greet and meet new people and hang out. We are really good friends with the swinger group in bakersfield ca and they are opening a club and we are looking at getting a bigger house and they,suggested that we use there name for the swinger group and throw some house partys. like we used to go to. But I'm not sure that would work out here to well because people are a lot more private and from what we have heard from the couple couples we talked to people are to afraid to go to a big house party because there afraid of someone else seeing them there which we understand. But if we end up getting the house we qre looking at we will have a big enough place to host and we will have the same kind of setup and games that we had in bakersfield. Would there be anyone interested in going to a big house party only swingers and everyone have a good time in a no pressure environment? And sexy fun couple if you throw a party count us in we would love to go to an actuall party and meet new people and if you like someone you can actually play and have a good time and if you need assistance we can help also. [/quote] If respectful, single men are allowed I would love to attend a house party like you described. I used to belong to a group here in UT that would throw monthly parties at a local hotel that were run a like the house parties you are describing. There would be a large meeting room for everyone to meet and mingle with games and some light munchies. then there was always someone that would host the after party orgy in their room. Good Times were had by everyone who attended.

Tips for the single fuys2 - - There are douche bag singles and there are douche bag couples. I personally think people attack what they are afraid of. When we were new in the lifestyle I didn't see the purpose of SM. I thought they were all creepy, dirty, and should be banned from this Swingers site. As we grew in ourselves within this lifestyle that actually seemed to change. We find if much easier to find singles (at least SM) to play with rather then try and find 4 people that everyone meshes. We actually meet up and end up playing with SM much more then anything these days. With that said the beginning of this thread is dead on. If your profile looks like all you care about is the size of your penis, and what you think you can do with it, you won't get a second glance from us. We look for SM that present themselves well, can hold a normal conversation and not creep us out.

What is is with local couples? - Anyone else seem to have the problem with couples local to where you live NOT wanting to meet? - Common decency...What is that? Ignoring someone's email seems to be the way to NOT say they are not interested...Seems plain old rude...especially when there is an easy no thanks email already written for you on here... Anyway...If you ever get to FL SWMTCPL...We would not ignore you ;) Also...he thinks there are a lot of "fantasy swingers" on these sites...they are all about the fantasy...BUT when it comes down to it...they are not ready or willing to do anything...Rather than say so, they ignore you...Just HIS opinion

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