
Eaton Swingers in Colorado

Eaton Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Eaton, CO, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Eaton looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Eaton, CO. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Eaton, Colorado Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Eaton, Colorado so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Eaton Swingers right away!

Utah? - - OH MY GOSH !!! Swingers in Utah? Has someone talked to KSL about this? It would make a great news story... (just kidding) For the record... its not just an abundance of swingers.. but one heck of alot of very wonderful people. The scenery is fantastic and depending upon where you locate... it may be alittle retro "Mayberry" in some areas... but the peace and quiet is wonderful. You still have the big city atmosphere too if thats something you like.

Tired of Politics and Religion! - - Strange - was this forum not here when those that object to it joined? Having been on this site for a long time (first as MelbCpl and now as Swingtide) as far as I can remember it has always had one area that was open to discussion of things like religion and politics. Sometimes we read them and sometimes we ignore them - choice is good. At least to us Swingular is not just a "sex site" but a swinging lifestyle site and for some of us that is more than how many notches you put on your bed during the last party. If anyone wants the other topics to show up more in opening page than make more input into the other areas of the forum. Start new topics in other areas and work to keep them going. Everyone has their own view of what swinging is all about and that is good - I'd hate to think we had to pass some checklist of qualifications to consider ourselves swingers. The site has room for all types of discussion so enjoy the areas you like and avoid the ones you don't like - not too far off from how most of us deal with what couple we want to be with! Personal choice and allowing other the same freedom of choice seems to fit the idea of the lifestyle :-)

Salt Lake and surrounding area couples for couples - Looking to meet other swingers - Were a couple new to the swing scene. Were having fun with single women but wed like a couple for play now. Full swap, seperate or same rooms and lets see what kind of fun we can get into. Message us and we will give you our kik or numbers to txt. Were not ken or barbie, nor do we care if your big, small, tall or short. Were open to alot so hit us up. Lets have fun.

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - seems like if your not ken and barbi couples want the whole dating thing :( only met 2 couples now that we were ok with ... most wanted to much or were to fukered up No name mentioning. One was abusive to his wife forcing her to this alll.. That one alone took us a year to try again... one single girl and a couple didnt get out inside jokes... Jike brat = britt HS nickname or shes gonna get it = shes in for a good fucking to make her scream for more... or couple just finished to early and left a few of us still going trying to ignore sideline conversations... hence seperate rooms now lol ... or someone that finishes so fast they get all wierd on completion and end it... Our angle its all innuendo and pleasing eachother as a couple others are there for us as learning and to keep our own grass green and fertilized not ever looking at the other lawns...

What's wrong with this??? - Taken from a live profile. - just had to ad a reply to this if you listen to what swingers have to say is you BOTH and i mean BOTH have to be in it together one mate canot do it just to please another it will ultamitly tear the relation ship apart if another couple is trying to convince them then theey to they too must other motives i can see nothing but problems for them she wll feel used and resentful aftwer a time and maybe even guilt all will play haveoc with the relation shipand she will miss trhe true intent to have fun just my humblreopioinany newbes i have ever talkesd to I just tell them streight out you both must be in thisd together

Sturgis 2009 - - I plan on riding out with some vanilla friends. which wont be as much fun as it would if they were in swingers though! any single swinging ladys going that would like to ride with me? let me know.

A Huge Thank You! - Nightshade Grand Opening - We had an AMAZING, sexy time masturbating furiously and talking about what it might have been like if we'd been there. Next time you have a party we might even drive over and sit in the parking lot and do the same thing because we're total badass swingers like that! [em]Emo_84[/em] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8YD_-YV5XwT7qkm4yjbrfl5_hE2c8L_p12hwAu0boOTUfqP4N[/img]

The epitome of poor taste - - What surprises me most about some of the "swingers" is the lack of open-mindedness. You don't have to like our appearance, but, fuck, try and get to know someone's personality sometime. Even if you don't attract sexually, at least you gave it an effort, you never know unless you try. We had the pleasure of meeting NP and several others at the big Swingular party, and we had a fucking great time just chatting and getting to know one another. Where is it written that swinging means you automatically spread your legs for others. We are not that type of swinging couple, we prefer to get to know a little about the couple or group first. Physical appearance is part of it, but, arouse me with intellect and personality, and I am yours! :) Ron

On Premise Swingers Club - SLC - Doing this as a church is a HUGE scam and those associated with such a "church" should be prosecuted. Be above aboard and do it right without relying on "religion."

Indiscretion - - we have a male friend we have known for years. he got a new girlfriend who seemed to be eager to try swinging, she had a few experiences, mostly with us, but then they broke up for other reasons. we still see him but didn't try to stay in contact with her. so just a couple of weeks ago we go to our favorite biker bar, where we are regulars, the band was playing and the place was packed. and there she is, all sexy and looking for a new man, and about half drunk, with horny guys hanging all around her. she was overjoyed to see us, the only people she really knew in the place. so she makes it a point to introduce us to all her new friends, most of them already knew us but not about the swinging part of it, they were just playing along with the drunk chick. then she announces in way too loud a voice "and they're swingers too!" it was actually kind of funny, 2 other swinger couples we know were there and started sniggering. it is a biker bar, so no real harm done, and some other couples that we barely knew have been making it a point to get more friendly with us lately. so we got outed at our favorite hangout and the skies didn't fall in and nobody even seemed overly surprised or shocked. I didn't want to spoil her good mood, but the next day we called her and let her know that we would prefer to decide ourselves who we want to be privy to that information.

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