
De Beque Swingers in Colorado

De Beque Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in De Beque, CO, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over De Beque looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of De Beque, CO. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

De Beque, Colorado Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from De Beque, Colorado so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with De Beque Swingers right away!

Black Ring - Who has theirs and how have they caught on? - It's a numbers game... Less than a tenth of 100th of a percent of the population of Utah is into swinging..... You may wear it for YEARS before someone notices.. (Just like the odds of running into a swinger at the grocery store are ridiculously slim). Odds go up significantly if you wear them to places where swingers are likely to be (Habits on a Friday night, for example).

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - Neat to see everyone's rides. Mine. Hand built by yours truly, 302 Mustang. Daily driver. Been everywhere from Pensacola to Key West in this car. over 250,000 miles on the chassis. [img]http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e183/bluestreak363/Mustang/euro01.jpg[/img]

Puddle Jumpers Campout - - Just over a week to go. Hope to see a bunch of Puddle Jumpers (swingers) there.

Yahoo name and status - - Most the swingers we have meet use yahoo to talk and such quite regularly. COnsidering the chat room here is empty and the instant messenger isnt that great. ANy way in the profiles we could have a spot for thier yahoo anmd if the are on your frined list and maybe even a small little status icon for when they are online.

Hood Piercing 911. I need advice.......... - - [quote=MASSMN]WHY DO IT AT ALL! Can't you enjoy Orgasm's with out?[/quote] In case you haven't been told this, you really come off sounding like a Darwin Reject Prick. Get over yourself. Stop questioning why SWINGERS allow the female half to have sex with other men or why women get their hoods pierced....It's fucktards like you that give single males a bad name. Sheesh,take a fucking midol and stop acting like a twatwaffle.

Dick Size - - I saw a % study a number of years ago (wish I had saved it.. as this comes up occationally). Naturally my bigest interest is where I fit in the figures (in the 90% range for me)Big, big smile. I knew a couple who ran a swingers mag. years ago and saw the defination of Hung (2 hands full with a piece left over). The ladys say it's not the size as long as it's enough (now what is "enough"?), it's how it's used. I've been too large for one lady and not large enough for one. I think we all seek the perfuct fit and variety is one of the spices of life. Aint research is a wonderful thing!

If your family or non swinging friends found out you swing - - Her mother knows and is totally cool with it, in fact she is usually the one to babysit for us, all she said was to be careful since problems can arise. His parents dont know as they are "card carrying" people so it would not go over well at all. Most of our friends are swingers and people we have met from this site, but the ones that arent are fine with it - one day we will convert them lol.

Gangbang - Finding men to gangbang wife - [quote=SLOWHAND311]Ah the monumental task of setting up a Gang bang.. If you want 4-8 you better have RSVPs from 8-15 since many may sign up but most won't show, unless you find a bachelor party, or hand out open invitations at a strip club, it's not an east situation to set up, even with days or weeks to organize it. Luckily one I set up that only one guy out of 7 showed up, had some good folks (four couples),here that filled in, and ended up a great night, and the woman got her gang bang, and the rest had lots of fun too. So I wish you success, it's almost as difficult as finding the perfect unicorn, but it can be done, just be patient and screen the men well, and invite several more than you need. [/quote] Funny reading posts like these I 100% agree with you, and at the same time, 100% disagree. About a year or so ago we thought about doing this and found a guy on another forum that set them up. During that year he has talked to my wife about doing one for her. So this Friday everything aligned that we could attend. He set it up for my wife and one other girl. he had 8-10 coming possibly 12. We said we would stop by, which we did, and the 8-12 equaled 1 and for him wife said "not in a million years" so we ended up having a fun mff with her and went home. BUT, from our personal experience we have done a total of 5 of these parties and they have not only been successful, we have always had more guys than we planned. The first was not planned, we were in Germany and the wife was drunk texting 4 potential playmates and gave them all the hotel address and time. Thinking of the normal Utah flake rate (as posted above by many) we expected 1 or maybe another arriving later. Well in Germany they show up! and when you say sorry she is playing, they don't care and just want to join or have others join. So we had a fun night of my wife taking 4 different cocks, having to shower twice from cumshots (she says getting a dual facial is an unforgettable feeling) and she has loved multiple guys since. Since that night we have done 4 other successful ones here in Utah, through this Forum. I could write a novel on the do's and don'ts but I won't. First write down exactly what you want, and when you advertise for it, use what you wrote down. I mean think about it, posting up "I want a bunch of guys to come gangbang my wife" is going to net you an inbox full of undesirables, cheaters, fake couple profiles with a "hall pass" - basically a bunch of dudes that came here to try to get laid. They failed vanilla, stopped here for a go with swingers, and next is stop is Fet life. Is this who you want taking turns with your wife? With all the disappointing stories above, I see a trend of likely bad advertising and poor planning. It's no knock on anyone, swinger parties (drinking and grabbing ass till 2:00 a.m.), play parties/orgies (where you answer the "how many other couples are coming" question 200 times the night of)are completely different than a gangbang. You make a simple post with no rules or structure then wade through an inbox FULL or crap and red flags. What you don't see is your post also is full of red flags for the people you actually want. These guys have done this before, and find performing for your wife and everyone watching exhilarating and are always looking for the next amazing rush. But they see your post, like your wife on the profile, but then they think - am I going to make all the preparations, drive there, show up on time to a room full of undesirables, wait for my turn to give said performance, and while trying to put on a show, having clothed people showing up late, drunk dudes talking because - wife said no way, or they can't get it up? Why would guys like this, the ones you want, show up to this? They likely have 5 hot wives they could play with on a Friday night. They want a true gangbang with a non talkative group of their peers, having rules, and trying to WIN the best performance of the night. The kind the other ladies in the room see and say "me next! Please!" What happens is they look over your post, look who is posting in it and kindly pass. Maybe sometimes they contact you and ask questions first, to find out if it is going to be worth it, and kindly pass as it seems like a numbers "quantity" game. Sorry, just my 0.02. Maybe part of the problem is not the guys, but the planner and the original post.

Swingers circle - Whats with them - He likes to get the word out about his parties. Other sites limit how many times he can post his ads, so he is taking advantage of the situation. With all the fun stuff to do in Vegas, I'm sure its hard to fill up the parties. He has asked us if we would do the parties in UT, still working on the details. We've been to 3 of the orgy parties. 2 of them were pretty good and 1 was not too good, only 1 other couple attended besides us.

LDS Survey Results - - Wow.... just wow. I would have hoped that since we have all made the decision to swing and embrace the lifestyle, that people would be accepting of one another. Does it really matter if someone is Mormon? Is it truly necessary to bash someone's religion to that extent? There should be no place or tolerance for that here. My husband and I are active LDS, and I am not ashamed to say so. We both attended BYU and we have no guilt. We took a marriage prep class in college and the teacher told us that whatever happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. As long as both parteners are comfortable with what is going on and nobody is being degraded, it's all good. We view extra partners as a sex toy... nothing more. We keep our lines of communication open, we only play when our marriage is strong and we are not having any disagreements. It has actually saved our marriage and we are doing better than we ever have before. We both hold prominent callings in our ward. I thought this survey was very interesting... we haven't had much opportunity to meet other LDS swingers in so.cal (though we hear they do exist), so seeing the experiences and beliefs of others elsewhere is very nice.

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