
Chimney Rock Swingers in Colorado

Chimney Rock Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Chimney Rock, CO, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Chimney Rock looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Chimney Rock, CO. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Chimney Rock, Colorado Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Chimney Rock, Colorado so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Chimney Rock Swingers right away!

Swinging/Polyamory - I just wanted to hear other people thoughs on this....... - Exactly, so instead of saying your a swinger, you should use specifics. Like we are full-swap or we are soft-swap or we are seek polyamory. We are all swingers. It's like saying we are all human, but we have uniquity in ethnicity. I agree that labels help. However, the label swinger doesn't apply to full-swap. It's simply not the way the word was intended. It's not what it means. "Full swap" means "full swap". Swinger means someone that deviates from the moral a social norms of their society with regard to sex. Libertine encompasses swinging because it falls under the scope of being morally unrestrained. I am a libertine by definition and swinging is only one aspect of that word. There was a couple here not too long ago that was spreading intolerance by telling others they weren't swingers because they didn't "full swap". I called bullshit. This is far from the truth. I think tactics like that are used to pressure people that aren't comfortable with full swap into swapping. WE ARE ALL SWINGERS. -D-

Speed swinging? Just a thought. - kinda like speed dating but speed swinging - [quote=CNKISS]I actually think it is a great idea. I am not sure any play would immediately come out of it, but it would certainly be a quick way to decide which couples you would want to contact further. Especially given busy lives, it may be just the think busy swingers need![/quote] My thoughts exactly.

Ice Breakers In Ogden - - Rumors - We've been up there, and yeah it would be worth looking into. Goldenhand - Its on Highway 89 between Wall Ave and that Pepsi warehouse. AMMEND - I think North and South Ogden is pretty decent, Ogden City not so good. Now West Jordan is the place to be for swingers!

Mormons - - [quote=Utahldscouple]We are probably one of the few “real” ones on here. It’s hard to be one in this lifestyle especially here in Utah. Those that are in the lifestyle have issues with “Mormons”. We get judged by both those in and those not. [/quote] For the record, I would NEVER judge anyone for being Mormon and in the lifestyle. Been there, done that and know PLENTY of others who have as well. *edit: I should clarify that I meant WE were technically Mormons...but inactive, when we started swinging and we've met MANY active and inactive Mormons who were swingers over the years* LOL But I WOULD have a bit of an issue if you showed up to play with your garments on. But I guarantee that there are also plenty of people who would probably get off on it if you did. [em]Emo_49[/em]

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - We are in if that is what it takes to get back together with you, (UTHOTCPLEXTREME). We love the idea and hope it comes together.

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - We dedicate this to men & women out there that are sacrificing and have sacrificed their lives to the U.S.A. and her citizens, for without those sacrifices, we wouldn't be relishing in the lifestyle. So as soldiers ourselves, we salute you highspeed sons of bitches out there who make this all possible. HOOAH! Sincerely, Don & Tami

Swingers at work... - - The first day I got a profile on another swinger site (I have three), I was browsing through the 'who's online' section and recognized a guy that works in an office adjoining mine. We've never directly spoken about it but I have casually discussed an off premise club via e-mail without mentioning anything swinger about it. It is kinda wierd when you're in that situation because you kinda want to say something but think you probably shouldn't.

Interracial Fun - Taboo Or Good Fun? - KRISTY>>> Sadly, I think that your original message and its intent was lost in translation. However I would agree that a theological approach is probably not the best route to justifying your position. Not that you have to, but you CHOSE to, and THAT opened you up to more criticism. JLEONARDTREESVC <<<------Are you serious? Are you listed in the yellow pages like this? \'Cause I have this big ass oak tree hangin\' over my awning that I need taken out... Just kidding dude. However, I was wondering what gave you the impression that we ALL know it is \"wrong\" as you stated in your post. Do we all KNOW it is WRONG? Strong statement. VOODUEXMAN>>> My Nigga! You went and got you a sista! WELCOME TO THE FAMILY bra! You see, I can talk to him like that now because we both black! Yeah dats right, you black now. You know dat sista workin the shit outta him! Yeah boy! Mad props to any white boy who can lock down a sista! We gonna work on your ebonics a little bit, you know...teach you how to akt black \'n shit. A little Shlitz Malt Licka fix you right up. Little 50 Cent in da ride. Dont worry \'bout dese haters son, me and T4REAL69 gotch\'ur back baby! LMFAO Oh for goodness sake...nothing is all that serious. We are swingers! Let\'s all swing! Luvbugs! (mR.) :h

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - I have a 2003 GMC step-side pickup, and the wife drives a 2002 Explorer. Both are in like new condition. I believe in keeping our cars in perfect shape. I'm an old muscle car fanatic. My high school ride was a '66 Chevelle SS w/ a 396. Sure wish I still had that one. Low 12's at about 121 in the 1/4. A couple of recent changes - last Thursday, the GMC truck got totaled in a wreck in front of our house. It was parked on the street at the time. And I just got a 2012 BMW 1 series coupe. It was used, but it was also a Factory Executives car. BMW gives their Exec a free car every year, with any options they want. This one is[u] LOADED[/u]. I'm just like a kid when I drive it. We haven't even tried to get into the back seat yet, much less trying to have any fun. Sure sounds great, tho. If anyone knows a spinner who'd like to experiment, let us know.

A party in Naples - anyone interested - Well we would LOVE to since Naples is our home town of 20 years!!! Unfortunately we won't be visiting then and we are moving to NC in 2 weeks! Anyone wanna welcome some Utah swingers to the great state of NC??? D and B P.S. Beard...one day, yes we will meet :-)

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