
Waddell Swingers in Arizona

Waddell Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Waddell, AZ, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Waddell looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Waddell, AZ. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Waddell, Arizona Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Waddell, Arizona so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Waddell Swingers right away!

Are swingers moral? - Who determines what morals are? - [quote]Who determines what morals are?[/quote] The golden rule is good but moral compasses are different therefore many feel as if they haven't been treated the way they would have liked to be by others. Murder is one of the only non-moral actions agreed upon by most societies... Sadly, it is usually determined by this quote from George Orwell... "Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'"

How did you start the lifestyle? - - Mine started before his did. I for some reason have a vibe girls like. Even though I was straight at the time girls just liked me for some odd reason to me. My first girl is Morgan and I met her at a club one day when dancing. She instantly wanted my friendship soooo I thought but as the friendship rolled on she would tell me she loved girls. I just did not think it was me as I was no where near being a lesbian or like women in that way. A few months into our freindship I met Josh and we clicked like magic. He was sexy as could be. I just love tht man to peices. Now know that Morgan was also married to a man at the time and has 3 kids like I do. So when i met Josh she somewhat loved that we were three. She soon left her husband and dated another guy. Who thought Morgan liked my husband and its always been thta she liked me. So they broke up and she moved in with us. During this time we had lots of girls come play and I soon realized you did not have to be lesbian to please a girl and can still remain friends too. Josh loved that women liked me that way why wouldnt a man not like that lol. So we expanded to more girls and had Morgan play too. About 6 months later we were full swingers with women. We decided to start looking for couples as it seemed hard to find a pair who would play. We looked on Craigs list and found just single boys or lots of red flags. We went to club edge often which also Utah Uncensored would host sex parties and we fell in love with all the sexual people who came to them. WE were told to go to swingular and have had a wonderful time since. Josh and I have been together for almost 4 years and got married in April of 2010. We have never looked back and just keep going. We have enjoyed meeting playmates and new friends on here. We finally found were we like to be socially and love it completely!!! We have not played with anyone but our friends here and there and then coming here has opened the door to enormous possiblities and we have had soooooo many fantasies come true can not wait for more!!! sara n josh

ITS TIME FOR A NEW VIBRRRRRATOR - - tryhttp://www.a2zerotica.com an online adult toy store run by swingers for swingers. Joe n Ann

Meeting new swingers? - Where to meet them? - A few months ago we got together with 2 couples we had met on-line. We met in the parking lot of a mall local to us- we happened to live just about mid-way between the two other couples. After hugging and shaking hands and chatting a bit we agreed to have drinks and something to eat at a nearby restaurant where we all got to know each other. Things proceeded from there to another location where friskiness was the order of the evening;)

Where on Earth are all the hot Virginia Swingers? - Show us what you have to offer VA!!! - here is one for you...

Is this one of your rules? What is it? is it fear? or something - Does everyone feel this way? - This is a subject I often ask people about. Swingers differ from others because of the sex. If you are looking for "friends" goto a club, join a gym, or goto a group that says FRIENDS. If you are interested in nudity, flirting, swap dating, dancing, etc there are groups for that. SWINGING/SWAPPING is a sport that specifically says "I am looking for people that are not afraid of unbridled sex with not ties" or "We embrace our sexual sides and trust our love enough that it does not intimidate me for him/her to explore" This falls under the same curiosity as why so many couples are into single females and couples only. is there a trust issue with her having sex with another guy?

is it true about swingular??????????????????? - - Oh hell, just give it time and let it grow. utah, Florida, Alaska who cares. It is a great site and it will grow. Swingers need a contect net and Swingular can and will fit the bill. nothing grows over night... utah has jumped on the site (go figure whith how restricted we are, Give it time, it can work! And atleast they aren't nuts about send me money, sign up. Their subscription is pretty reasonable. It will survive in Utah and Florida and given a chance, elswere......

Don't You Hate When..... - List the things that annoy you. - Besides me, list some of the things that really annoy you. Let me start this one by saying... I really think it's childish when someone writes you an email in private, saying all the things that they want to get off their guilty little chest and then they put a block on me, so that I cannot reply. What are these people like 12 years old? Apparently, following the "Why so much hate in the swingers world" thread, the racial comments that followed and my thoughts on the situation, another floridian couple (I won't mention names), thought I was directing my comments toward them. So, they decided to write me and tell me how wrong I was about them and that I must be hiding my picture because it may apply to me and all this nonsensical crap, only to block me from telling them, they had nothing to do with my remarks. I would just like to ask these idiots that, if what I said didn't apply to them, why did they get so defensive??? It appears as though the truth may have hurt these two tolerant and progressive people. Why write me, trying to justify to me how you're not racist and that black guys in the Florida area are arrogant and "put themselves up on a pedestal? Here is what they wrote me:

Originally wrote in thread: "perhaps TEQUILAROSE was confused by my statement, I stated that alot of people have fetish's but I do not know alot of white couples that are interested in black men..." Email One: "do not dare accuse me of racism, i have heard of your attacks in forums from other people on this site, it is extremely taboo to say you are not interested in black, and black men seem to love to place themselves on a pedestal, i live in tampa, i know ALOT of black people and honestly i have alot of exposure to them but i have no interest and i voiced what i have noticed in the swing world and i made it clear it was my opinion but do not attempt to play the racist card with me, keep in mind its not nearly as taboo to say your not interested in chinese, mexican, cuban, italian, however its not taboo for a black person to say he or she is not into interracial, its a double standard and its wrong." Email Two: "by the way, i do not see your husbands photo, it seems like racism is a sensitive subject for you, since you seem to wear it on your sleeve, is there a reason for the hostility thats closer to home?" WTF?
Just to kill any presumptuous suspicions that some of you may have, I will say that this couple is from the Riverview, FL area and not Palm Coast, FL area. This mean Kristylynn did not write this. That's the best way to put it without violating someone's privacy. So don't draw any conclusions. Anyway, I am interested in hearing some of the things that piss you guys off in the lifestyle. So write it down. All I ask is that you not mention any names, 'cept mine. I could give a fuck. I think they best way to understand people is to find out what makes them tick and what ticks them off. No pun intended. -D-

Are swingers moral? - Who determines what morals are? - I was raised to believe that morality and the law are the same thing. People, in LDS society anyway, seem to profess that being moral is obeying the law and that is what they teach their children in church. I have always assumed that other religions do the same thing. But what seems to be said here is that swingers feel that the law has little or nothing to do with morality and that we are perfectly willing to break the law for our own pleasure. Is that what we are saying here.

C- A - Any swingers clubs around Salt lake? - [quote=Harleynight12345678]Redemption is a fun spot, or the rusty nail is fun as well.[/quote] Redemption is fun haven’t heard of the rusty nail so you need a tetanus shot to go there

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