
New River Swingers in Arizona

New River Swingers

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Go turn on Oprah - re:swingers - Looks like that show is on again tomorrow (sat July 1st) around noon. That's 12:35 for us in Utah.

Why we ORGY - Why we ORGY - [quote=SAMEROOMONLY][size=100]And now, a word from a noob... My wife and I have only been in the LS a few months, but I feel we have experienced quite a variety of experiences in that time, including house parties, LS clubs and basically an orgy party. We felt comfortable at all of them, but certainly the most pressure we have experienced came from the orgy-type party. It has been the only time when random men thought they could basically touch my wife, lift her skirt and ask to fuck her repeatedly, all without an invitation. We are pretty mellow and level-headed, so I think I did a pretty good job of turning them away without causing a scene, but had we been a little more sensitive I think it may have been a huge turnoff. So when I hear the word orgy, I think of a large party where basically everyone is there to just fuck, not socialize, and nobody really cares about who their dick is in or whose dick is in them. That is probably great for a lot of people, and I don't want this to sound flippant or elitist, but us as a couple we seem to have a higher standard than many swingers out there. In our short time we have already encountered non-clean people, irreverent people, very uneducated people, super creepy people and huge drama people. So to just show up at a party and hope that the plethora of couples we are playing with are clean, non-crazy and haven't been fucking everything from here to Texas, well... I just don't assume that to be true. Notice I didn't say much about looks. Yes, looks are important, but to us, we are looking for more just a hole and a pole. My point is, looks are secondary to many other things. And the only way to establish those "other" things, is to get to know the couple a little. Granted, we are super new to this and are moving slowly into the LS and we don't have that "notch on the belt" mentality yet, but so far, some of our best times have been getting to know the people, connecting, feeling that sexual energy between everyone, and then moving into the play room. We don't expect a couple to provide us any missing emotional support we are lacking in our marriage, as we have a great marriage. We also have a great sex life and this is just an adventure we are taking as a couple. It seems to me the orgy scene is more for people with open marriages, full swap different rooms, or people who otherwise don't care who their spouse if fucking. I trust my wife completely, but I don't trust others, and my need to protect her seems natural enough. Oh,maybe in a huge orgy you can both experience things together, but it does seem like you just jump in a pile and fuck whoever is in front of you. If not, then it is more a social, where you all talk first, enjoy each other's company, tell some jokes and get know the couple, then, if interested, you can all go fuck. So to me, that scenario is a social, not an orgy, which is the topic at hand. An orgy is more of a situation where you show up, who cares if you talk, drop your pants and start fucking. It seems more dangerous to me on an STD level as I don't imagine if you fuck 10 girls in a night you are changing condoms every time, or even wearing one, though I realize my assumption may be completely off, just giving you my opinion here as to why I wouldn't be AS interested in an orgy (it still would be fun to watch). Also, questions like "how many people have you fucked this week" and "do you wear protection" are much easier over a glass of bourbon than while sucking on a cock or pussy. Probably a little awkward. So... to finalize this huge monstrosity, different strokes for different folks. We like meeting new couples, we like to make new friends and we feel there is a greater reward with friends with benefits. Just as in our marriage where our sex is great because we know the other person so well, so we think playing with others may be enhanced by our understanding of the other couples needs and desires. Do we ever think it is fun just to meet somebody and play immediately? Probably. But do we think that our long term goals, our health and our mutual respect for each other is better served by meeting a couple, having the time to discuss how we feel about the couple in the privacy of our marriage and then moving forward as we both agree upon is the best way for us? Most definitely. And the small amount of wasted time we may experience trying to arrange meetings is a small price to pay for that piece of mind. We have made great friends, that if we never played with again, would still be our friends, so that is just icing on the cake. And maybe we have been lucky but we haven't experienced a lot of flakes, just a lot of busy, cool people with jobs and families, just like ourselves. So say we all!![/size][/quote] Another well said opinion that we completely agree with.

seniors - why is it so difficult to find senior swingers or single ladies? - interesting how when sin realized how much an ass they made of themselves and knew they just limited any potential playmates, they deleted the rant on old people.

Moose Lounge Tonight, November 17th. - - We had to work. Too bad there isn’t a Saturday meeting place. Or we would have definitely been down for finding a couple(s) to mingle with. I mean we are swingers. And this is what we do. Any couples out there wanting to a more quiet, personal evening? Couple do dinner first to check chemistry. Then let nature do the test. 😛

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - Hello! Very interested in meeting people and establishing a trusted circle of friends. Professional, educated, and fun ;)

flintstones swingers ? yes or no - - Rumor has it Barney was hung like a Brontosaurus.

Another way to identify swingers - Totally hot T-Shirts - I just received a link to a site where you can purchase awesome t-shirts. They give just enough information to those in the know. Take a peek! WWW.swingintees.com

Black Ring, Right Hand - How to tell if someone's a swinger - [quote=EVILDOERS]And personally we don't find it very inhibiting to walk into a bar or a restaurant and not be able to tell immediately who is and isn't a swinger. [/quote] You've never met a hot couple in a grocery store and thought "Damn.. those two are HOT.. I wonder if they are swingers.." If you say no, I don't believe you. =)

Sexuality - Where does it come from? - - I, personally, don't think you can change your orientation, it is something that is developed in childhood, and you are not aware until you become an adolescent. I knew I was a bisexual in my teens, and even though I primarily was with women, I always had the desire to be with a man. That desire has never gone away. Now, as an adult, I have learned that I can be with both a man and a woman, and be sexually satisfied. The sexual satisfaction is obviously different, but, it is very exciting. It is wonderful to be able to explore your sexuality freely, and bisexuals are very open-minded individuals. Again, this is my opinion. I have lived a good sexual life, for the most part, and right now is the best time. I have a wonderful woman, who accepts me for who I am, and loves to see my bi side in action. We have met some wonderful swingers, and would not change anything. Ron

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - I have been ask to perticipate in both ,yes it has ben with close friends it was wonderfull ,hope you find the right cpland in time youn will good luck. J.P

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