
Golden Valley Swingers in Arizona

Golden Valley Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Golden Valley, AZ, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Golden Valley looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Golden Valley, AZ. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Golden Valley, Arizona Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Golden Valley, Arizona so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Golden Valley Swingers right away!

Single male in this lifestyle.. - I have questions for couples and single females. - If you feel insulted that's of a personal nature. I can tell by your desire to incorporate BIG words that you're an educated individual who gets off on convincing others of your high intellect. Facts are facts if you're a single male on a swingers site there is reason to why your status is SINGLE....Again I can only speak for the few. My wife and I are very attractive and outgoing and enjoy the pleasures of other couples NO SINGLE MALES. You asked on the forum a question about single males did you really expect a come and screw us reply...silly boy

Calling all losers! - LS and club scene - ...........................................I am bored on a Sunday, so going to waste a bit of time. :) I have said this before and I will mention it again here. Often times people are looking for a black and white answer, a "this" or "that" or they tend to pigeonhole themselves into a place that feels comfortable to them. It is great that people can search for and find people of similar interests. The original question was why is the Utah scene so closely related to the club scene. To me, that isn't necessarily the way things are and so I am responding to shed a different insight into the question. How big is the club scene in Utah? I don't feel it is that big. We have the Moose Lounge on Fridays on a regular basis, we used to have Habits and then we have the parties that happen once a month or less frequently, such as the Sinful parties. Give or take a few other club locations and attendees. The average attendance at the Moose Lounge is around 80 people every Friday. My guess is that this number is well under 10% of the swinging population in the area. Just estimating. This only happens once a week. If we only consider the weekend as play time (Friday and Saturday), which is also an inaccuracy since people do meet weekdays and Sunday as well, that means that only 5% of the population of swingers is actually attending the swinger club scene on the weekends. Certainly not a majority by any means. Sinful is definitely a club scene. And maybe we should define "club". I will say that is an environment where there is a DJ or another form of music, often times on the loud side as people like to dance, has a dance area for such activities, and typically doesn't open until 9 or so at night. Sinful probably hosts on average 150 people on average (S&A, don't get mad if this number is off,lol) and these happen maybe once a month. Lets just round this high and say that is 20% of the swinger population. However, many that attend the Moose and other clubs are the same that attend Sinful. Similar crowd and often an overlap. So still nowhere near a majority, or even a large percent. In fact, quite the opposite. This scene is well in the minority. So I am submitting that this really isn't and accurate assessment of the situation and based on more of a sense or feeling than actual fact. What this tells us then is that most of the people in the lifestyle are not meeting at clubs and are not necessarily dancing and staying up until all hours of the night but are finding other avenues where they meet. What other options are out there. Venus Game night, Kandy K, Sensual Massage... These venues are not club scenes, are a relaxed place and quiet enough to talk without "using hand signals". There still might be music and a dance floor, but there are certainly quite areas to talk, socialize and sometimes even fuck, if that is your scene. I would estimate that as many or more people attend these type of events and for most of these it is an older crowd who is more apt to be in bed at an earlier hour, though that is also an assumption and assumptions are obviously a poor way to derive information or determine a truth. I would question if any of the people in this forum have attending these more mellow parties and what they didn't like about that. The loud music is gone, it is a great way to meet many nice, non-pushy people with similar interests and since the crowd is a bit more mature (probably not the Venus parties) then there would be people of similar interests there. Now it may be of benefit of the party hosts to start earlier, say 6 or 7, so the activities can finish up earlier and I'm sure the hosts would entertain that if it was a common complaint. Apart from these types of parties and club scenes the only other way to meet people in a group setting are house parties, although keep in mind the Sinful hosts to things outside of the club but the crowd will usually still be the same people who attend the Sinful Club parties so are probably younger and okay with staying up late and partying, so probably not for the majority of people responding on this forum looking for an early-to-bed group. Let's talk about house parties. The ones we host sometimes have upwards of 60 or 70 people. These are people we have met before, for the most part, and we don't invite random people to these. We have an area to dance, music, but also areas that are quiet. The party starts around 7 and goes until... whenever. 6 am at times, but many leave before that. These aren't orgy parties and people don't show up expecting that. We also do game nights where we have 3-5 couples over for games, drinks, no dancing, hot tub, etc. Also people we know. We have been to many house parties as well and it is usually people we have met before. We are very leery of parties where there is some expectation to show up and fuck. We avoid these. Not our scene. But these house parties are out there. The doors close at 9, naked by 10, fucking by 1015. You are expected to fuck someone. Definitely not for us but definitely an okay and acceptable thing for others. Judgment is such an incredibly hypocritical thing in the lifestyle and I am astounded by how many people judge others. It is one thing to not enjoy a certain thing and to stay away from it, but it demean it, negate the validity of it and try to reduce the people who do it is completely asinine. My point is there is a variety, a full spectrum to every aspect of the lifestyle. From people looking only to make friends to people only looking to fuck. There is no right and wrong or black and white. We have so many good friends now that we feel super fortunate and blessed every day. But how did we meet those friends. Here is the key. Through hard work. Through dinner dates, clubs, social events, house parties and networking. Remember, this is my opinion, so please, readers, don't get offended. If you limit yourself to one avenue your success will be limited and you will have very few options in finding that fun couple that you click with. Many of our friends that we have met at a club typically like to be in bed at 10, or sometimes like to stay up late. Some of the people we have met in the most casual environment turn out to be crazy, fun party animals. I'm not saying if you don't attend the clubs you won't find what you are looking for especially since we have already determined that the club scene is so small. What I am saying is that if you are expecting a one-stop shop, or a fix-all, your success will be super limited. Your goal, I believe, is to meet as many people as possible and then sort through those you like and don't like until you are satisfied with your results. If you label the "club scene" as negative in your own mind, you might also be inadvertently labeling other fun activities and only reinforcing the confirmation bias you already have. Don't limit yourself to one way of finding friends, especially since it sounds like it isn't working that well for you now. We have found friends in every imaginable situation. Single dates, group dates, vacations, house parties and yes, clubs. I know our way works simply by the amount of amazing people that surround us and we call friends, and yes, some friends with benefits. Taking the time to start a topic is a good idea. The people on here all seem to have a similar interest and maybe some of you will take advantage of that, meet, and if things align, you make new friends. Maybe there is a need for a group to form that meets around 6 and finishes around 10 where only wine is served and only soft music is playing in the background. If so, take the initiative and form such a group. Create your own success. Maybe there needs to be a better way to post smaller events where only a few couples are going camping, coffee drinking, or similar. And maybe it is on Swingular and just not being utilized correctly. I'm sure with enough feedback the site could be fitted with such a feature. So don't despair. There are many, many people with similar interests and needs. You just have to find them. Each scene and venue has positives and negatives. Try to focus on the negative and utilize the resources that they are and you just might find your holy grail of FWB or what else it is you are looking for. Good job on the topic and hopefully that perfect couple is just around the corner. Mr. SRO...................................................................................................

Friends Lists - - Maybe all swingers should move to utah hell poligamy seems to be leagal....LOL and we rebel towards th establishment personally? who would think. what a party that would be!!!

SLC, UT // Monster Cock; 'Missed' Connection - A few years ago you fucked me at my daddy's behest; I have a new Daddy but still crave your cock - [quote=cocksleve][quote=Utahldscouple]Hmmmmm...new account and a post like this. Seems legit.[/quote] I’m authentic, and established in SLC as an individual. I don’t run in swingers circles, I’m just here looking for one person in particular. So cry catfish all you like, it makes no difference to me.[/quote]Interesting choice of words...we never said anything about catfishing :D!

Camper talk - Swing parties in campers have you done it - Other than Sturgis we have never been on a swingers camping trip, we are definitely in 😀

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - Just my 2 cents...I've found it's actually easier to take the bigger...member, in the back door. That's the only way it will all fit (in me). :~)

Swingers Club - Swingers Club - Sweet! Let us know when you'll be opening and how much the cover charge is. I'm pretty sure Clearfield will be stoked to have the first real swing club in Utah.[em]Emo_12[/em] And since you've never been to one I'm sure yours will be free from all the cliches that most tawdry swing clubs exhibit. About the only thing you need to remember is to have a little crock pot full of dicey looking meatballs on the buffet table. [em]Emo_8[/em]

Swingers Party - Doesnt mean who ever is there is open to everyone elsa - That behavior is WAY out of line! We have been to dozens of parties in several states and only come across a very few people like that. Normally the host will ask them to leave - the majority of couples won't stand for it. You seem to be a very respectable couple given that you handled the situation with so much dignity. Wish you lived closer to us so we could introduce ourselves!

International Swingers Day - How are you celebrating? - Love the family thang!!!!

Polyamory - Pro's and con's of Polyamory - Question... As a new and exploring member, I find it difficult to understand where the difference is between FWB, Polyamory, and Swingers. Don't we all fall into the same lifestyle classification? I understand what each is, but maybe there is more for me to understand.

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