
Copper Center Swingers in Alaska

Copper Center Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Copper Center, AK, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Copper Center looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Copper Center, AK. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Copper Center, Alaska Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Copper Center, Alaska so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Copper Center Swingers right away!

Swingers Vacation Spots - Help us - We prefer Mexico over Jamaica. You get more for your dollar in Mexico. Hedo is so commercialized nowadays that in our opinion isn't any fun and whoever pointed out that Hedo isn't a lifestyle resort is correct. It is a clothing optional resort that has become popular with lifestylers that is all. I think that the only way to ensure that you will meet other like minded people would only go if you know of a resort takeover or you take some lifestyle buddies with you. Otherwise you will run into people that are just mostly into the nudist thing. The only time that we would even consider Hedo is if there was a lifestyle group doing a take over or at least a partial takeover. There really aren't any resort other than one that I can think of in Mexico that strictly caters to the lifestyle and personally we don't endorse that resort at this time due to a lot of issues they need to rectify. "J"

Females squirting - - "People like you do not belong here"???... Are you kidding me...the guy asked to see pics of a certain format...the last few request were granted..3-somes pics, kissing, couples etc etc..the only difference this time is that it was requested by a single male and THAT is why the guy doesnt belong here?...Like I said before, this is not a good site for singles at all..It seems the owners of this site wanted this to be a full swingers site with different categories but there are some members that are trying to change it to a COUPLES only site....I suggest the single male like myself find a couple on here that can post their request to avoid all the fighting and what not..there's enough fighting going on in Iraq as it is...do we really need it here???? Big J.

Polyamory - Any thoughts on an exclusive 3 or more partner relationship? - This is like kissing to me.... Don't love anyone you have sex with except your SO... Well I am in a poly relationship with a married woman. Her husband is not poly and my wife is not poly. The 4 of us are good friends and both my wife and her husband know that the relationship is not platonic, far from it. They do not swing but we met at a swingers social. They were looking into the lifestyle but did not decide to go that way... We started talking on the internet.. they live a little less than 30 miles away. She and I had discovered that we loved each other from the several meetings and talking and I stopped by one afternoon, sat down and told her husband how I felt and she told him also. Understand we both understand that it is a secondary relationship and neither of us wants to leave our respective mates... We have discussed what ifs like; What if something happens to one of our mates? What if one of our mates starts to have problems with our relationship? We try to discreetly meet when we are each free and our mates are not around... This to alleviate any stress to our primary relationships... We do get together and eat and watch TV, play games, dance...Everything is open above board and consensual. Many people who are coming into the lifestyle, over the age of 40 and empty nesters have things in their profiles like; "looking for one or two couples for fun both in and out of the bedroom. Would like to find a couple or two to play with on a regular basis..." The implication is that they want a relationship that is closed...i.e., safe, secure and on a regular basis... To me that looks suspiciously like poly relationships. B and I need to find a place in MT but it's much much too unpopulated there, too cold and could get lonely....besides B likes her job/s.. Wears so many hats it isn't funny. All in all we do get to get out and go to parties/socials almost every weekend, if we want. Something to be said for populated areas even if super people live so far away...

Swingular not so private anymore - Someone has made swingular known on the radio 🤬 - So… A topic on the radio this morning was “my family does not know ____about me.” Someone got on and decided to say that her and her husband are swingers and her family did not know. (Yes, to each their own say as you please) then she proceeded to say the website that they use, which happenes to be SWINGULAR. All I’m saying is if you want to keep yourself private you may want to change everything to private because there is going to be a lot of people searching the site now. Thank you for sharing our secret!

This is F**ked Up! - You might want to Lock up your Self Made Swinger Sex Tapes after this! - That was great! Thanks for posting it! We are entering a time where, now that the swingers of the 70's are getting to retirement age, this could easily start happening more often.

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - [quote=LICKSUCKFUCK]Mmm I love DP! Only had the opportunity a couple times but want to again and again and again... never tried DVP except with my man and a toy but I would LOVE to. Same thing with DA. My man is pretty secure and doesn't care much as long as I'm satisfied :) Man I'm a lucky girl![/quote] k, I'm thinking you might want to change the gender on your profile....

Who is going to Younge swingers week HEDO? - anyone going? - We have not been yet, but are wanting to. Is March, July, or October the best time of year for Young Swinger's Week?

Swingers clubs or parties - - Just wondered if there was any swingers clubs or parties in greenville S.C. or Atlanta Ga. that anyone could tell us about as newbies?

Question - do you talk about other swingers? - I think most of us have talked about who we have met before, but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed when talking about others. Like Canitb said...it will come back on them. I think it is nice to hear that another person has "recommended" someone...LOL Isn't that kind of what the real and VIP seal is? If someone is GREAT to "hang out" with, hell I want to meet them. I mean, we NEVER talk bad about someone, but it's good to talk nicely about others. Or am I wrong?

Valentines Spice Party Entertainment Vote - Place your vote for your choice of live entertainment for the Spice Party - Hell go for the gusto. Hire the live band. You can have the hip hop playing loud and long in between sets. Let's dance nasty to some rock and blues with the HH?? After all, variety is the spice of life right? Swingers should know this.

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