
Waverly Swingers in Alabama

Waverly Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Waverly, AL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Waverly looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Waverly, AL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Waverly, Alabama Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Waverly, Alabama so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Waverly Swingers right away!

The males of couples I need your help!! - I am trying to understand my husband and male pride.But been that I am not a male this is hard.So please help. - being in the life style u will meet alot of people that are looking for different things in different ways . most have some kinda of rules . but there is a few wives that can play on their own without the hubby around . but please remeber that most couples do it with each other cause they enjoy watching each other enjoy themselves with another person . the life style is for people to explore thier fantasies . the couples are very open and honest about what they want and dont want and they want to meet people who are looking for what they are look ing for . the more rules u have the harder it will be to find the friends you are looking for . dont ever do anything u dont want to do . or make your hubby do something he isnt ready for . it willonly back fire . but i think it would be helpful if u pampered your husband a bit . to let him know u love him . and u are happy with what he has to offer you . him not wantitng another man around at all shows some jealous issues . and it might be a good idea to talk about that . even if u are only wanting to be with women u still should talk about any kinda of problems like that . him being young he is new to this stuff and might not understand how swingers see and think and feel about this kinda of stuff . swingers are very open and treat sex and the body different then normal straight people . ill give u an ex. if he takes u to a reg bar iam sure he has to fight off the other guys that are trying tomake their move on you . the other guys are normally rude and pushy and all of that . at swingers parties they are not like that . its more of a loving and shareing way . they arent trying to put the moves on you in a disrespectful way at all . the best thing i can think of since u dont want any guy around is to put your profile up on all the girl sites looking for other girls . you will find alot more ladies looking for what u are looking for thier then on swingers sites . cause ill tell u they are hard to find on swingers sites . but then what u are looking for is girl on girl and then u will run into the problem of your man wanting to be there . just like he doesnt want other men around . alot of the ladies looking for other ladies dont want men around . so the same thing that your hubby is not wanting from couples . guess what yall are a couple . and alot of single ladies only looking for other ladies is going to see yall as a couple and are going to have aproblem with your hubby wanting to be there . like i said the more rules u have the harder it is to find what u want . i am in no way telling u to change your rules or anything like that . so please dont take what i am saying the wrong way . u will find what u want . but it will just take longer and u will have less picking to choose from . what been u find the ones u are looking for it will be worth the wait . i really liked the idea that someone said , it was to find a couple that has been in the life style for a while and let them help yall meet new people . at the club we go to they have couples that greet and help newbies find some friends. and just because u arent looking to play with couples doesnt mean u can t meet new people and hang out and go to parties with couples . we love meeting new friends . and we love to invite people to the club and hang out with them . and help them meet new friends . once u meet new friends u will feel better and more relaxed . when u go to clubs u just tell the people what u are looking for and if they arent it then so be it . no harm done . i really think u should talk to your husband about why he feels so strong about the other guys not being around . cause that will cause problems being in the life style . dont be judemental towards what he says but listen to him really good . and i think if he was friends with other guys in the life style that might help him feel more relaxed . but if nto then please dont push him . its not worth it . i have always been into ladies and not men . it is so hard finding single ladies that we both can click with . so we found it easier to find a couple that was looking for what we are looking for . i dont mind light touching and stuff like that . but i am not looking to play with another hubby . so we make sure its ok that way . only girl on girl and then each finsihs with their own mate . . well i gave u every idea that i can think of to help yall . so good luck . and have fun . naughty dreams freaky kitty

We like to date couples, anyone wanna play? - FWB??? - We are still searching for this as well.. we're more poly than swingers though... if any couples are interested we'd love to chat with you both.

Single Males - - We too have met quite a few single males who have told us that it's much easier to get laid in the vanilla scene. If that's indeed the case I'd think that at least some of the younger single guys would prefer banging a hot young girl at a bar rather than some 45 year old milf on a swing site. Unless, of course, they get off on the fact that they're fucking a married woman. Don't discount the fairly high number of single guys who think married male swingers are pretty much all cucks and really enjoy the ego boost they get from fucking another guy's wife.

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - oh boy. Ok, we have a friend, his adult daughter knows because she's a swinger and stumbled across their profile on a site like this! They are fine with it. Obviously our kids don't know. They are way to young. And if they ever did somehow find out, I wouldn't discuss it with them. ITA with the vanilla sex comment, I wouldn't discuss *my* sexual activities with my kids. They do not need to know. I will dicuss sex with my kids, when the time is right, but not what daddy and I do. My brother does know that we are swingers and that I am bi. I think he's okay with it. The Mr told him and I haven't heard him say shit about it. The Mr's mom may have a clue. She was digging through our trunk looking for tools to help Mr fix the car and found his stash of "out for a night" condoms. He's had the V done, so obviously its not because we're trying not have more children.

Aahz party!!!! - www.aahzparty.com - Is anyone going to the HUGE Aahz Swingers party in Charlotte next weekend???? Check out the website. It's supposed to be one of the best swingers parties around!!

Bubulaplease - Confidentiality - [quote=BUBULAPLEASE]Something that has bothered me a little bit...when we went to Lumpys the doorman asked if we were there for the Sinful event. We says yes and as we were walking down the stairs some people upstairs asked him what was going on and he said it was a swingers party. I mentioned it to a few people that night and it seemed that it was a normal occurrence. We realize that going to the events we may run into someone we know, however, people who don't know about our lifestyle also go to lumpys. I would hate for them to know there was a swingers party going on and then see us leaving or something. My question..is this normal? Is it this way at, say, Sandy Station? Do the group organizers ask for confidentiality?[/quote] Unfortunately its naive to think a doorman would actually be told how to respond or give it much thought otherwise. Its unlikely they care unless they know it would jeopardize the business these events bring in. We realize the risk of being found out but we also realize that deniability is just using the right words should you ever fall into the circumstance of being asked if you where there for the swinger event at Lumpys. So our response for someone vanilla that we know would be OMG can you believe we wondered into to that event...wow what a funny mistake(as we laugh both inside and out). Many people would prefer to not put themselves in the situation but its always best just to have a game plan on how to react for judgmental vanillas.

Anybody a member of New Horizons Swingers Club in Seattle? - - We need a sponsor for the party this weekend.

DAMMIT EVIL - You should have updated your map app. - Before you give everyone the impression that swinging husbands [url=http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/swingers-heading-sex-sessions-farm-5630435]have to ask for directions[/url].

Anything but Habits?! - Chill Hangouts? - [quote=WETANDHARDUTCPL][quote=FUNNESTCOUPLE81]Habits is a fun club, and we've tried it out a few times, but we're not really into the club scene. We like to chill, play pool, drink beer, talk and listen to rock and roll.... is there any swingers places like this? Help!!! [/quote] We were introduced to the Leprechaun Inn it's a nice place to grab a beer, chat, play pool and grab a bite to eat at.. we try and go about once a week.. its on 4900 south 900 east..in Murray.[/quote] I would love to meet you guys for some pool and fun there . . .let me know when you two are going to attend please, thank you kindly :)

LDS Survey Results - - [b]LDS Swingers Report[/b] [url=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4436895/All%20Responses.pdf]Link to All Responses (PDF with graphics)[/url] [url=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4436895/Yes%20Very%20Active.pdf]Link to results for those who replied "Yes, Very Active"[/url] [url=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4436895/No%20Removed%20From%20Records.pdf]Link to results for those who replied "No, removed from records"[/url] Not too many surprises, but it is always interesting to me when there are couples who are still active believers. There were 10 responses who said they are still active and 39 who still believe but aren't active. This was a lot of fun for me, so perhaps I'll revise this and do it again in a few months. Feel free to send suggestions and interesting questions. There are a few things I would change if we were to do it again. For example, it would be nice to define what "sex" means or even what "porn" means. Also making all questions individual (not as couples) because some questions don't make sense as a couple. Who is taking this survey? [list]The Mr. (76/122) 62%[/list][list]The Mrs. (22/122) 18%[/list][list]Together (24/122) 19%[/list] Have you ever been married in the temple? [list]Yes (67/123) 54%[/list][list]No (56/123) 45%[/list] Are you still a believing member of the the LDS church? [list]Yes, very active (10/123) 8%[/list][list]Yes, not active (39/123) 31%[/list][list]No, still on the records (54/123) 43%[/list][list]No, removed from records (20/123) 16%[/list] How long have you been swinging? [list]Less than 1 year (12/123) 9%[/list][list]1-3 years (39/123) 31%[/list][list]3+ years (72/123) 58%[/list] Do you feel guilty after a swinging experience? [list]Yes (4/123) 3%[/list][list]No (100/123) 81%[/list][list]Not anymore (18/123) 14%[/list][list]Not sure- haven't actually participated (1/123) 0%[/list] Before getting married, how many people did you have sex with? [list]0 (35/123) 28%[/list][list]1 (8/123) 6%[/list][list]2-5 (34/123) 27%[/list][list]6-10 (17/123) 13%[/list][list]10+ (29/123) 23%[/list] After being married, how many people have you had sex with [list]1 (10/123) 8%[/list][list]2-5 (34/123) 27%[/list][list]6-10 (24/123) 19%[/list][list]10+ (55/123) 44%[/list] Check each of the following if they are true of you and/or your spouse: [list]We watch porn together regularly (41/112) 36%[/list][list]We have watched porn together but not very often (68/112) 60%[/list][list]We enjoy making our own porn (49/112) 43%[/list] Girl on Girl [list]Yes (91/118) 77%[/list][list]No (26/118) 22%[/list][list]N/A (1/118) 0%[/list] Guy on Guy [list]Yes (24/109) 22%[/list][list]No (82/109) 75%[/list][list]N/A (3/109) 2%[/list] Full/Soft swap [list]Yes (113/118) 95%[/list][list]No (5/118) 4%[/list][list]N/A (0/118) 0%[/list] Threesome (F-M-F) [list]Yes (80/113) 70%[/list][list]No (32/113) 28%[/list][list]N/A (1/113) 0%[/list] Threesome (M-F-M) [list]Yes (87/112) 77%[/list][list]No (23/112) 20%[/list][list]N/A (2/112) 1%[/list] Orgy [list]Yes (61/102) 59%[/list][list]No (39/102) 38%[/list][list]N/A (2/102) 1%[/list]

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