
Stanton Swingers in Alabama

Stanton Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Stanton, AL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Stanton looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Stanton, AL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Stanton, Alabama Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Stanton, Alabama so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Stanton Swingers right away!

What would you do? - what does a person do when their spouse no longer wishes to paticipate -


Swinging is a recreational thing. It should never define your relationship. As in anything in life, you have to be fluid, dynamic and open-minded, all while realizing your limits and the limits of your partner. Swinging is not a neccessity. Before we all made it real, it was a fantasy. No one can convince me that fantasies must be a reality or we'll all die. If that were the case, then the only people on earth would be rich or those that care nothing for material things. Healthy swinging is something you can pick-up and lay down. If you need to swing, I think you are in it for the wrong reasons. I think "lifestyle" is a bad word. This is not a lifestyle. It's a sexual choice. We don't live to swing or swing to live. We swing because we are horny and want some strange. There is nothing mysterious about it. We are sexual creatures and swingers just do not allow religious (moral) restraint to interfere with their sex life. That's my opinion.


Are you more or less tolerant? - - Now that you're a swinger do you think that you're more or less tolerant of people of a different body type than yours? We ran the Utah Undie Run yesterday (WAY fun, highly recommended btw) and today we were checking out the stories about it from the local news outlets and more than that the message/comment boards. Now we all know that there are a LOT of people in Utah who are/were very offended that some people would run around downtown on Conference Sunday in their underwear so we were expecting a lot of "sour grapes" type comments about it being disrespectful, etc.. What we weren't expecting quite so much were the MANY negative comments about how unattractive the participants were. Sure there were a few that could have hit the gym a little harder but we felt like the majority were actually quite fit and trim (and mostly quite a bit younger than we are-LOL). So it got us wondering if swingers are, in general, more or less tolerant of others who maybe aren't in spectacular shape. Or were you more tolerant before you became a swinger? We're not talking about people you'd necessarily like to fuck just about people in general. What say you?

Hottest State - Who has the hottest people? - Uh, hmmmm, perhaps you missed the subject area, swing humor not swinger functional analytics. Come on, down throw cold water on my fun.... Which State has the Hottest Swingers?

What about the lifestyle didn't meet your expectations? - Preconceptions and disappointment. - For us, one of the things that surprised us was that all swingers were not extremely gifted and intuitive lovers. We kind of expected to be out of our league with a group of people who, having ostensibly had sex with a lot of people, would be extremely adept at the art of making love but with maybe a few exceptions we were very wrong. LOL Another big shock was what terrible kissers most swingers are. It's funny, many of them THINK they are good kissers but our experience has been that most seem to have all the skills of a 10th grade high school vigin when it comes to sensuous kissing. Has anyone else found many of their play partners to be extremely lacking when it comes to kissing skills?

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Posted By: TEQUILAROSE Reply posted on: Jan 8, 2008 - 1:02 pm AKLIM, Saying pitbulls are a dangerous breed would be as inaccurate as saying all mexicans are illegal and are on welfare, all blacks like fried chicken and listen to rap music or all whites live in a trailer park and fuck their sister. There are dangerous Pitbulls, just as there are dangerous German Shepards and Golden Retrievers. It does not make it right to assume all are just because some are. Pitbulls are not the "most dangerous" breed by nature. The have a higher risk of attack, because many people mistreat them because of how they fight. Mis/Disinformation, ignorance and insecurity is what perpetuates intolerance Again, you are right. However, there are those that will cite raw statistics to JUSTIFY their opinion instead of trying to FORM an opinion.

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Of course, I'm Virgo the virgin.....stop laughing......okay, I am right on the cusp, so count me part Leo too...roar!

Are you more or less tolerant? - - We are probably the same as before we became swingers.. U have to be atractive, but we have learned douchiness comes in all shapes and sizes

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Uluv.... you asked and have gotten may differnt responses. We are one of those couples looking for single males but your location makes it difficult to hook up. As for the hate you feel.... well it is my opinion that people on here give their opinions and a person takes it the way the want. Yes your name sounds a bit like porno but this isn't the Brady Bunch's website either. As for Utah being the whitest state.... that I would have to agree on. My 10 year old son met my sisters boyfriend a while back who is black and told him the he needed to use more soap because he didn't get the dirt all the way off. Thank god the guy was good about it but it comes from not many black people in this state. And then to the comment about single males bring nothing to the table. I have heard that many times on these forums and it bothers me. A single male brings in a lot of different possibilities if you are open enough to the experience. If you are not open or have had probs with single males it does not mean that the single male cannot provide fun for another couple. Tasha

Curious Devil - Political Science Project - ***Proves what point???? It's free so that makes it hot in Florida or that you are horribly cheap? Craiglist is free too, why not go there then lmao. SDC, SLS and Playful Swingers all started in Florida too, that certainly doesn't make this site special. We aren't comparing apples to oranges, you said that this site was hot in Utah and Florida and that simply isn't true. You can attempt to skew the point and say "no marketing" blah blah blah but that really does mean anything...you said it is hot in Florida and thats false.*** Furthermore, just because you live in Florida, doesn't mean you have statistical data that shows the success of each website in the entire state. 323 members in your area that are a part of swingular is pretty good being that it's FREE after a month and there is no marketing in that area. **Ahhh, don't skew the point yet again...323 compared to 2323....that indicates that the site just isn't that popular here regardless of free fees (you are really really impressed by that huh?) For god sakes its free after a month because it is an attempt by this site to compete with the more popular ones. So lets take this a step further and search validated people in Florida, the entire state on Swingular and within only 100 miles of our home on SDC and compare: 550 in the entire State of Florida on Swingular 2581 on SDC within 100 miles of our home HMMMMMMMMMM......................perhaps I'm right? Don't worry, we wont expect you to actually admit, not your style. Blog princesses never do** TEQUILLAROSE SAYS: How much do you pay monthly for your SDC membership? How much do you pay monthly for you Lifestyle Lounge membership? How much does it cost for AFF account monthly??? I paid $25 dollars for a lifetime membership. **Again, so what? This is off the subject again...but I will agree that AFF does suck, I never mentioned that one, you just threw it in there. We want to actually meet people seeing how we are swingers and all...Swingular doesn't have the community base here like SDC and SLS...thus going back to the point that its not HOT in FL. Side note: Swinging in reallife is actually WAY better than cyber-swinging...I promise** TEQUILAROSE SAYS: The scene is huge everywhere. Florida isn't special. Try moving to California or Oregon where sexual liberation has been around for decades. You're not impressing me by boasting about websites that you pay a monthly fee for just to get invited to a club everyone can join regardless. You can go to lifestyle clubs regardless of your affliation with a website. So if that's a given, what is draw of SDC??? I disagree with you. The truth is, swingular isn't hopping where you live in florida, but in other parts of the state it's doing great. **Haha it must be a "fluke" that Swingular, SLS, SDC and Playful Swingers all started up here in Florida huh...wow. Again, you are wrong, you are REQUIRED to have approval to attend a Skin or Bliss Party, they aren't open to the general public ;) I never said that an affiliation with a website is the draw, I said that you can view upcoming events and attendance lists...which is particularly desirable for people visiting the state and newbies. Also, its a packed house on an SDC night at any of the Meet & Greets..it does sell out but if your RSVP'd on SDC you are guaranteed admittance. LMAO @ isn't hopping where I live...I live in South Florida..45 minutes from Miami this IS where almost everything is happening, I don't remember ever watch CSI Clinton :D Ever heard of Collins Avenue? (don't go googling it to sound smart lil smartyparnts) ** TEQUILLAROSE: I don't hear shit about SDC, LSL or AFF here other than they suck because you don't get what you pay for. I can post links all day regarding parties that people are planning in florida righ hear in the forum. From meet and greets to on-premise parties. Let's not forget that the website membership with SDC, doesn't get you into the club at no extra expense. So what does SDC provide??? Information about the party? Those on-premise clubs are open to anyone willing to pay for a membership to the club it's self. You're not convincing. ;) ;) ::Uh...again wrong, members receive discounts and often the membership fees are waived for new couples...why would anyone, particularly new to the lifestyle, go to some random "alleged" couples party across the state from this site when you can attend a party on another site with 200+ local people. I pay 20/mo. for SDC but save up to $75 buck at the door so I guess it all works itself out (I bet thats impressive since you are all about savings and all) ;):: AND I'M NOT SAYING THAT THIS SITE ISN'T ALL THAT AND A BAG OF CHIPS TO YOU AND THOSE IN YOUR AREA...ALL I'M SAYING IS THAT IT ISN'T HERE IN FLORIDA LIKE YOU ARE CONVINCED.

Hair Removal Risk/Benefit - Hair removal and increased or decreased susceptibility to some STI/STDs - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]We have an non-intimate vanilla acquaintance, that caught a strain of HPV and could not clear it, that has had numerous surgeries on her lady parts, and uses chemotherapy cream on a regular basis. It’s unsettling to hear about these sorts of health risk, but to ignore the existence of risk is not at all wise. There are preventative measures and then there is the luck of the genetic raffle. Most of us in the lifestyle, well most anyone, who has ever been sexually active, even just a little, and probably the majority of adults, sexually active or not, have probably been exposed to some strain of HPV, and most of us never had symptoms and just cleared the virus. Me personally, I’m strep resistant. I actually seem to be able to kill streptococcus through my own secondary immune system. When the kids or the wife would catch it and be symptomatic and start their antibiotics to kill it, I would test positive, without being symptomatic. Go back a day later and I would test negative. Rather than taking antibiotics for no reason I just sort of stayed away from people until they had been on antibiotics for a day. I don’t get sick but I could carry strep until I seem to just kill it. I have maybe been sick three days in the last fifteen years. Mrs. Delicious gets sick maybe four times a year. It’s the luck of the draw. Neither of us have ever had a cold sore, and I doubt we that neither of us have ever been exposed to that virus. Swinging carries with it higher risk than monogamy. Living an active life of any kind contains some risk and some reward. People say that a lot of swingers are flakes. Maybe they just hold from hooking up until they feel the potential for reward is worth the risk.[/quote] I’m guessing the risk-benefit decision changes before and after enduring an STD/STI. I’m guessing most of us would be more risk averse after being infected, but that might depend on the kind and duration of infection. Bacterial infections are seemingly easier to treat (antibiotics vs antivirals). Molliscum is reported to be self-limiting and can take between 6 months to 4 years to clear! Yikes!

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