
New Hope Swingers in Alabama

New Hope Swingers

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BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - I would have to agree with TR, you arent poking your nose into their private life and they need to stay out of yours. Then again we havent been busted. mtman

Are we really as judgmental as vanilla people? - - [quote=THOUGHTGARDEN]Are some people perhaps confusing "judgemental" with "selective"?[/quote] Right - some people seem to think that because we are swingers we have sex with anyone and therefore they view a rejection as a personal snub. I think they forget that "just not that into you" applies as much in swinging as vanilla relationships.

Keeping safe - Single females staying safe - [quote=CHEFFETTE][quote=EVILDOERS]Hell, we've had guys write us and ask to meet them and their wives (without disclosing that we're swingers) and suggest that we get the wife really drunk and then have sex with them.[/quote]That is just plain awful. What a nightmarish scenario for everyone involved but the guy getting his rocks off watching his wife raped.[/quote] Didn't you hear? According to a legislator from Pleasant Grove it might not be rape if she's unconscious. [em]Emo_62[/em] [url=http://www.sltrib.com/news/2136918-155/utah-lawmaker-questions-whether-sex-with]Stupid Utah Lawmaker[/url]

vegas - - Depends on what kind of club your looking for... Swinger club? Good luck! they are dirty and kinda scary! Try a purrfect LV party if you want to hang with swingers purrfectlv.com they put together great parties every weekend. Dancing? Straight club...Studio 54, in the MGM or Pure, Caesars Palace (Pure is over priced, but that's where all the beautiful people are!) We are still looking for the "perfect" club...no such thing.

another club under fire - club in peoria - Slimguy: Hmmm, I know at least as many conservative swingers as liberal swingers... maybe more. This may surprise you. There are conservative versions all of the categories of people that you imply. Conservative "prudes" may be who you are referring to but I'll wager that there are as many liberal "prudes" voting against this club in Peoria as conservative "prudes". Ignorant (to the world of conservative swingers), closed minded and pea brained is frankly how I'd describe your comment.

RECOGNIZING OTHER SWINGERS - Outside of clubs & parties. - A few years back I learned right here in this forum that an upside down PINEAPPLE in your shopping cart was a signal to others that you are a swinger and on the prowl. So most times we are in a hurry while shopping, but when we do buy an pineapple we do set it on it's top in the kids seat part of the cart.. So far I have only ever seen 1 other person do it and I wasn't interested, so I passed. I have spoken to others about this and NOT 1 PERSON I know, knows about this!! So how many of you know this??? Also, I have been asked if I was a friend of ELLIS. (L-S) LIFESTYLE.... I did not get it at first, but this works as well if you already have reason to ask!!! How many knew this???

Do your friends and family know about your lifestyle? - - I found this thread timely, as I just had my first "scare" with being found out by my snooping sister. Instead of typing in Myspace.com she decided to go to the history of our computer and came across Swingular. Curiousity won and she went there, where the opening page shouts "Swingers". She promptly came into the family room where the rest of the family was engaged in prebirthday celebrating and said "anything new?" staring right at me. I of course had NO clue what she meant, to which she proceeded to ask if we were swingers. The only thing that made everyone else in the room tune out is that she started ranting about how 'ever since she's moved she's out of the loop and all hell's broken loose... I sell sex toys, my brother drinks, my sister's stopped going to church (can I call her a self righteous bitch?) Probably good to note here that we all grew up Mormon and now four of the five kids have shaken off the brainwashing in adulthood... thankfully we all just ignored her and I made up some line about my girlfriend having me look up some guy she was dating and dropped it. I spent the rest of the day with my insides in a knot wondering just how much she saw... the saved usernames, did she enter the site and look around? Needless to say that night we removed our public photos and I was in a panic. By morning my panic had turned to rage. Why did I feel the need to run and hide, why should I need to defend myself?! My hubby and I have been married for going on 16 years, 7 of which have been spent in the lifestyle. We are the happiest we've ever been. Our vanilla friends, who have no clue that we practice sex as a team sport, all ask us what our secret to such a happy marriage is. They can see that we have something special. Needless to say, I put the pics back up on the profile the next day. Let 'em look for us. I love my life, I love the sex that is a big part of it, and I wouldn't change a thing. I'm still not standing up at family parties to announce my choices, but I wouldn't stand up and talk about my marital bed anyway. What I do naked is my business and my husbands, that's what counts. I'm proud to be in such a committed and honest relationship. They should all try it! Maybe they'd use less prozac and smile more often! Tricia btw, I feel grateful that I have 2 friends outside of the lifestyle that know what we do. They are valuable to me and prove that they are true friends leaving the rest as just 'people we know' Besides, having a wingman now and then is helpful! Thanks for sharing in my babble...

Playing with \"swingers\" vs \"nonswingers\" - - Something to consider is that non-swingers often view swingers as people who will sleep with anyone as long as they are breathing, hence much of the eagerness expressed on the non-swingers part to be involved. Single males who are into swinging at least understand that they have been chosen and there is such as thing as discretion involved in such encounters. This isn\'t always the case, but it is something we have experienced with some of our friends who aren\'t swingers that have open enough minds to handle the fact that we are, but don\'t get that we don\'t have sex with any and every available person. If you do decide to go ahead with it, I would suggest that you have a real talk with this guy to make sure he really understands where you\'re coming from and where things are headed (ie. no kissing or anything else and then telling, unless you don\'t mind). My .02 -SG

Speed dating swinging style - - So the reason we (KOIGIRL) and I hosted it was we were tired of the meet and greets where everyone had their cliques. Also the parties we went to were not swinger parties. Everyone stood around until someone got drunk and then there was drama. Not all parties are like this, but the one's we went to were. So we decided to hold the party. First, we held it at my place. Second, we screened those who attended. there were young couples and vet swingers. We limited it to 10 couples invited (8 showed). We did have some drinks and refreshments, but once everyone got there people drew a number 1-4. There were two of each number. Based on the number you paired off with the couple with the same number. A timer was set for 20 minutes. Everyone went someplace quiet and just talked. When the timer went off, one group rotated. So those that had 4 went to 1 and so on. After a little over an hour, we went into the family room and had a few drinks and were talking about doing a second round. However, this didn't happen as truth or dare started. Almost everyone was naked. There was a new couple who was shy but even they opened up. If anyone was uncomfortable, there were other rooms. It was made clear that no unwanted advances would be tolerated. There weren't instances of this. People started breaking off and going into separate rooms for fun. If you have questions, let me or KOIGIRL know.

A&E New show about swingers... - neighbors with benefits.... - Ah...great memories of the Real Sex producers running around during the Erotic Ball at the old LSO convention trying to talk Ms. Evil into letting them shoot her in her slutty little costume. They would also have specific "dances" that were pre-announced to be filmed for the program. The dance floor would almost clear entirely when those dances were announced. LOL

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