
Minter Swingers in Alabama

Minter Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Minter, AL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Minter looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Minter, AL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Minter, Alabama Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Minter, Alabama so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Minter Swingers right away!

real members? - - CYBER SWINGERS strike again! We had the same thing happen to us although we only drove 2 hrs this cpl must have exchanged 40 messages with us over a 3 month period they were so excited to meet us in person we showed they didn't! They were supposeably traveling to Florida on vacation we called them on the cell only got a voice mail and never heard from them again! We wish people would just be HONEST when we say we willbe someplace for a meeting we are there or we call before hand to say something has come up never leave a cpl wondering. its a fact of life in this lifestyle we simply try to make the best of it like that night we sat there enjoyed a drink and watched this beautiful blond sing and play the piano then we simply drove home and laughed and said "NEXT"! We have learned to not take the lifestyle too serious its ashame some people continue to play these petty mindgames but we know its a fact in this lifestyle. Ever want to visit North Florida look us up we WILL show up. Norm&Sharon

Las Vegas - Swingers clubs ect. - [quote=PARTYINLV]Playhouselv allows single guys on Fridays only. Saturdays are couples and single females [/quote]Well if we are going to get technical they allow them on Thursday nights as well. But the statement was in general, single males can attend.

Swingular Hacked! - profile and email revealed - Googled AZWETNWILD...came up with Real Swingers and LoveVoodoo profiles for them, but no MAVENX. No Swingular either...

new to the scene - - quote: Thanks for the response grouptherapist, guess first off what is agood way to get more involved in swinging. Do not know of any swingers in our area but sure there is We would suggest you do a search for people in your area by using the Search/Browse feature.You will be surprised to find a lot of area swingers. Check their profiles, and contact the ones that you find interesting or compatible. As Classy suggested, take things slow, and don't get discouraged. Finding the right couple or single takes time and patience. Attend events that may be in your area. Meet and greets are always a great way to meet others and establish communication. Good luck and enjoy the swinging life, we have! ;) Ron & Chrissy

Anyone going to the BNL concert? - Wendover, Feb 13th - I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that many swingers are probably fans of Barenaked Ladies (and not because of the name of the band... it's just that we've never met a BNL fan fan we didn't like. =) Anyone else making the trip for the show?

Appropriate Parameters of Sexual Conduct in Modern Society - Should sex still have a unique status or just be another hobby? - Beard, You did open something up but I'm not sure what. I had to copy and paste your original here so I didn't miss or get too confused.. One of your last points first: Moral refers to standards as defined by the church, the government or your neighbors(in light of the Supreme Court decission a few years ago about porn) Ethics, on the other hand are something that we define for ourselves based on our upbringing/environment and values that we have defined based on whatever we base them on. You are right that marriage is a concept designed by religion and the government for the care of offspring and the clear definition of linage for property rights. You use the term marriage, which is a legal term like it is a moral imperative then ask if it should be based on some one or group of common interrests. Then the next breath you suggest that marriage is supposed to be more than any of that and something to do with sharing and intimacy. Finally you go back to somehow trying to make a point, (I'm not sure what that point was) that maybe there should be a conglomerate of reasons for marriage then with the nesxt breath you ask if sex should be forbidden.. Now lets see if this makes any sense to anyone. I'm poly and We swing. I have a lover who is married and her husband knows or us(he is not poly) and B knows of us and we are all good friends. We are, my lover and I, intimate both emotionally and sexually and both non poly mates knowof this. B and I are very much soulmates but then my lover is also very close to that as well. I do not wish to take her away from her husband and I do not wish to replace B. She does not want to replace her husband with me and we are alll OK with that arrangement. In my heart of heart I am married to both in a very intimate way although I do not wish to procreate with anyone anymore. She feels the same way toward me. I would submit that marriage is an intimate, emotional and sometimes physical union of people.. I did not say two people I said people. We have been taught sex as a negative thing and relationships with more than one as a negative thing because we cannot love more than one person or more than one at any one time... I submit that we can love more than one and that the more we love the more we get back from that... Swinging is started off as fun between close friends and sometimes the term wife swapping became a reality.... Sex is fun adn swinging is about sex and today alot of times about relationships. Relationships in my opinion are for the benefit of everyone involved... . So I'm not sure if I understood where you were going but this is my take on the propositions as I understood them. Depending on any person's opinion or preferences sex and love can be the same or they can be separate or they can be coincidental but it's basically up to that person or couple to make that determination.... We, in the lifestyle, may ultimately be right and marriage may change to a more contractual thing rather than some sacrosanct BS that it has become.... Swingers as a group have more than 3.4 time greater chance of remaining married than that of non swingers. The range of failed marriages is between 66 and 77% in all first and second marriages and some 70% of all married people cheat on their mates. Swinger have a better than 85% chance of marriage survival. Cheating is not exempt in Swinging but I think is is greatly reduced... I think as swingers we have sex with friends and it can be just that or it can be more... at least for me..

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - I'm playing doctor with my colon right now. I'm pretending a corona bottle is my scope. -D-

Pink flamingo - How many swingers have a pink flamingo in their front yard? - My new neighbors put out two pink flamingos. I wonder...

Young Swingers Myspace Swinger Party@Club Hedonism - - 35? Its your party and you can cry if you want to. Oh thats right most under 35 couples would'nt remeber that!

Disabled Swingers - - [quote=LPF_69]My best friend was disabled, and while up until the last month of her life she was not confined to needing mobility assistance, she was active in the lifestyle and very upfront with people about her disability. She was always a BBW, struggling with issues from severe depression and diabetes, her weight fluctuated up and down as a side effect of various medications and changes in medications to manage her primary illness, that being bipolar disorder. Sometimes she had zero sex drive as a side effect of some of the medications for her depression, and sometimes she wanted sex 24/7 (Manic side of the bipolar disorder). She always told anyone that contacted her about her illness from the first contact/reply and would leave it up to them if there was ever to be an in person meeting knowing that she may or may not be able to play. We were friends for over 8 years, and while we were active in the lifestyle as a couple for 2 years we always let others know there was a possibility of the other one of us being around (especially when she was having bad times from her mental illness). She always had a good time when she was able to play, and we met a lot of really good people. So just hang in there, be honest and confident. You will meet people that are willing to play with you once they understand your situation and limitations, and you will have some wonderful times. Larry[/quote] i totally understand where she's coming from with the side effect of the meds. although she shouldn't be having the manic stages unless she goes off the meds. i know how tough those ups and downs can be though. i'm sure some people around here saw me at a few parties and thought i was nuts and/or a very terrible person. i never bothered to explain it to anybody. now i'm medicated properly and it can have its effects as well, but thankfully the new meds don't effect me sexually at this point.

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