
Marbury Swingers in Alabama

Marbury Swingers

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Political Forum - POLL: Should we bring it into the rotation? - I think its quite cool that a rather large group of people find relatively common interests about sexual openness, sexual play, sexual fantasy etc... it's really cool that we share such an uncommon attitude about sex and yet we have such diverse opinions about Politics (and Religion) etc. Fascinating. Years ago before I knew anything about or anyone involved in swinging I would have guessed that there would have been a more common social thread among swingers but as was mentioned before, its probably a pretty good cross section... So, it seems to me that if we are trying to connect at a fun playful sexual level the last thing we would want to do is find ways to disagree and reasons to disconnect from people by having a special "top five" forum category that is one of the 2 most divisive topics on the planet. It's tough enough to find couples that we connect with at enough levels to be play-friends. So, I'd say, there are plenty of other places to fight about politics (or religion), we don't need it here and since you are asking for opinions here's mine: If you leave it in there will be some well thought out points made but it will be a source of argument, anger, and name calling... we've seen it before, just like anywhere else, people get ugly here too. If you take it out only a few will miss it. There are other places, plenty of them, to debate the un-win-able debates. This is a play place, a fun safe place to escape the mundane and intolerant mainstreamers. We don't need to create ways to find intolerance and anger within this community too. I want to know how sexy and fun you are not what your politics are... (at least not till after breakfast in the morning! wink) As my sweetie loves to say "Be excellent to each other and party on dudes!" :) D

what is soft swing - - Classy- you really think that 'hard' swingers actually have random sex ??? We've never done anything random or haphazardly or out of desperation. We choose our partners carefully, get to know them and when the time is just right, we go for the gold. Nothing awkward or uncomfortable about it. Everyone knows what's going to happen- fucking isn't that big a deal, we've all done it a time or two. We're not afraid of fucking new people, you are. Big difference. Again: our OPINION is that soft swap is a big tease. Mrs U has expressed her displeasure many times when things ended up with foreplay rather than culminating in some of that random, awkward penetration.... Most of the time we risk getting arrested after such an incident by getting it on in the car.... Now that's a reason to follow through after getting the motors running- it isn't worth spending the night in jail for reckless driving or indecent exposure just because our chosen partners are afraid of penetrating each other. I'm done bitching about this. Off to fuck someone. You softies have fun groping each other.

Other activities? - Do you only meet swingers for sex? - 90% of the people we meet we meet for friendship only......... there are only 10% that we click with to go further. We think the open friendship is the best part of the lifestyle. Its nice to have friends for clubbing, camping, bowling, etc......... One\'s that aren\'t shocked at your behavior...LOL Our lifestyle friends are probably the best friends we\'ve ever had..... Must be what we have in common huh?

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - Actually many fat people are hot. But this is a good way to cool down. [img]http://sadgirlsguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ocFJQhc.gif[/img]

Why swingers are happier. - - They have booze. We got snookered on wine at the little Cajun restaurant in Pirates of the Carribean then Ms. Evil gave me head on the It's A Small World ride. Still get a chubby when I hear that song.

PurfectLV party this weekend - - We know in some circles it is considered bad form to reply to your own post, but we thought an update on PurrfectLV would be useful for some. We went to the party last Friday night and we really enjoyed it. The venue at the top of the Mandalay Bay is fantastic. The swinger group has a separate room with a bar and with music at a low volume so conversation is easy. You can also go mingle in the main club/bar if you want to dance. There is also a great outdoor patio/balcony with a view of the Strip. The crowd (at least those we talked to) were mostly out of towners - for example, there was a whole party from Alaska who had only arrived in Vegas that night. There did also seem to be some regulars. Everyone seemed very easygoing and friendly - like most swingers. You can buy the admission ticket online before hand (we did) - it is more expensive to pay at the door. Online cost was $40 (plus a fee) for a couple with no additional charge for our third (a single female). Adding a single guy would ramp this up significantly. We are not sure how this compares to the regular admission to the club but it seemed reasonable given the private room. Bar prices were a bit steep by SLC standards - $14 for a glass of wine. Iman is a gracious and efficient hostess. She does this every week and has obviously streamlined the process. One really nice touch is that PurrfectLV guests don't have to stand in the regular line and are given a wristband. This gets you into the private room and means that you can also recognize other swingers even in the main bar. The main party runs from 10.30pm. At 1.30pm many people moved on to the after party which is in a hotel suite. This party is effectively a private house party and is BYOB. We didn't go so can't comment but it is definitely a full swing party. Iman circulates at the main party and distributes a second wristband for those interested. There is an additional contribution for this ($20/couple, single female again free).

Swingers clubs in Amsterdam - - I was just in Amsterdam a few months ago and Tinder actually worked really well. Also going to bars or clubs works well because lots of people on vacation wanting to get wild are there as well. If you are looking for a couple or to strictly swing there is the "Candyclub" and "Paradise Club" I haven't been to either since the Mrs was back in the states but I was told by some friends that either of those can be great. Most of the people you see no matter where you go will be anything but dutch. Amsterdam is a melting pot of nations and you'll see people from all corners of the world. As for places to stay "The Albus" is centralized in the city and all the fun things to do within walking distance. Getting around in a car is not needed and actually would suck way more than just riding a bike, walking or just taking the very inexpensive public transit. If you are looking for some unique fun that you can't really get in the states the Red Light district has live sex shows that were hilarious and very well done for $40/person you won't get any action but it was well worth it and the girls we were with LOVED it. Also I've been told that the prostitutes are highly regulated; are tested daily to be STD free; and are open to couples. They are also drop dead gorgeous. You can see them as you walk down the street. The ages range from 21 all the way up to 60. All you need to do is wave to them they will come out and you can do whatever. I myself can't give an opinion on if it's worth it to get a prostitute or not since it isn't my cup of tea, but the better half of a couple I was traveling with said it was worth every penny. I hope this helps if you have questions let me know.

seniors - why is it so difficult to find senior swingers or single ladies? - all i can say is WOW

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - Well we are barely 30 and we find that we usually end up with couples mostly our age, not for any particular reason its just how it seems to work out. We have hung out

Black Rings - Do Swingers really? - [quote=just4funxxx11]WE read an article recently about swingers wearing black rings to identify each other (any finger but the middle as that seems to be reserved for asexual community). Is this actually a thing that people do, or even know about? Any other ways that potential swingers identify if a normal community setting?[/quote] [img]http://www.quickmeme.com/img/5e/5e9b4d465af8dee335d2f8d42451e0ed56d373b62554a68ad658ed54888b21bc.jpg[/img] Also, please take that child out of your only photo. You guys have your faces blurred into oblivion but the bat mitzvah girl and half of your relatives are clearly visible. In fact, I see Matt there.

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