
Kennedy Swingers in Alabama

Kennedy Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Kennedy, AL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Kennedy looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Kennedy, AL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Kennedy, Alabama Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Kennedy, Alabama so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Kennedy Swingers right away!

What to wear to a swingers party??? - - We would really like to attend the Valentines Day party but we are new at this and we are wondering what to wear? What do men wear? What is appropriate and what is not? ;) XOXO

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - We just really do couple to couple time according to schedules, Tiffs parties when we can ;) there's plenty of people to meet, and haven't planned our full moon summer party yet..lol

Hot Tattoo! - Puff the Magic Dragon - Hey TR, Jealous much, don't have the guts to do something so permanent? Why are you such a hater? Why do men accuse other men of being Gay when they are jealous of them? are you a homophob? If you understood Gay people at all you would not sling your sexual accusations around. Why cant gay people be swingers?, you don't mind Bi-females do you? They are gay you know?

finding a couple with a bi female - - Heck, if single girls are unicorns, couples with bi females are, if not blades of grass, at least rose bushes, or something else that isn't exactly everywhere but that there are sure a whole lot of. Why? Who knows? I'd guess, first that there are just more bi females that there are males in the world. Then a bi female is obviously going to have to go outside the marriage to play with girls, so what better place than the swingers world? Whatever the reason, there are a lot of them. For that matter, we're one of them, although I have no idea whether Dana would fit whatever it is you're looking for. As Delisciouslywet already said, check the profiles. Pretty much every couple on here that has any pics has a pic of the girl. Do a search. Use the advanced search to specify bi or maybe even bi comfortable. If you have an age limit, specify that. But don't set it too low, you'd be surprised how many really hot women there out there who are older than many people think is the point at which good looks stop. Guys too, but for some reason to a lesser extent. Maybe we don't take as good care of ourselves as the girls do or something. In any case, you'll get to see what people look like before you contact them. Do not specify that the girl has to have a yes for "plays alone". Some couples put maybe, or even no, for that because she won't play alone with guys, and they don't want to deal with all the emails from single guys, but she will play alone with girls. Go through the results, send an email to those that seem attractive to you. And ask if the female would be interested in playing alone with you. I'd be surprised if it took you very long to find the right person. And, hey, those Risque Soiree guys are having a Halloween thing, "7th Annual Exotic Erotic Halloween Ball" in SLC next Saturday. I'd imagine there'll be a lot of folks there, it might be worthwhile to go to it and see if you meet anyone who can solve the problem.

Swingers of Color - - Were here and we are a mixed couple. I have seen more than just a few on here......

Why are people afraid to give out their email address - -

E'ONE, The Don

This issue is easily remedied. You can give out your email address. We have two. One for strangers and spam, the other for friends and family. We use one to register for shit and communicate with strangers and potential friends. The other is given the potential friends and strangers. As long as you are not giving out personal information on the false front email, you have not worries. There is no risk. There is no arguing, you are as safe as your browsing habits. You do stupid shit like post personal shit that you don't want to be know, you can expect to be revealed. There is always a risk of compromising your indentity, when you allow it to be on the internet. So, If you don't want shit known, don't post it. As for the original subject. It all has to do with anonimity. They paid money for features on this site. One was email to correspond with other swingers on this site. Clicking an icon to open swingular is no different than clicking your Outlook icon. So, I see no issue with it. Do what makes the other person comfortable. If they don't want you to have their email... They don't want you to. People are not going to change because someone has an issue with how they interact. There are a few fucktards on this site that tried to get me to think like them and I still refuse. Fuck those fuckin whiney little cum dumpsters. HAHAH! Anyway, Have fun and fuck em if they don't like how you operate.
-Don- "Ich habe einen kleinen Vogel in meinem Kopf."

Note: Best if viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7

Swingers gone bad?? - -


It is a double standard, because it is wrong both ways. A teenaged boy is in his prime during this age and is victimized by the older woman because she is using his heightened libido as a means to seduce him. He, being underaged and immature, is not able to make a sound decision just as a female, the same age, would not be. Many people don't view it the same way because guys, as teens, would not usually decline such an offer. We fellow guys can sympathize with the kid. It is not the kid we are talking about though. It is the adult commiting the crime. So to ask guys what they would've done in that circumstance is irrelevant. It is still a matter of an adult taking advantage of the na

Why swingers are happier. - - Evildoers; I know it is for fun but I shake my head and chuckle. I now know what you do for a living. You must work as a spin doctor for a political organization. Because no other intelligent individual could take that much info about the general public and make it apply to everyone in this lifestyle.[em]Emo_17[/em]

Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - [quote=BMSHELL]I should probably add that if you didn't get tickets and you'd still like to attend, let me know and I can put you on the waitlist in case someone else cancels... (which, given how many people there are coming, is likely that a few spots will open up). Sorry for the thread-hijack Looking4Fun.... Back to the topic! Who wants to hang out with M&T? They're HOT! (Can vouch!) [/quote] Who are M&T? I also have to say Bshell, you do a great job of promoting without being pushy. I always admired that about you two. You seem very authentic and kind. We like that!

Another way to identify swingers - Totally hot T-Shirts - they look like nice party wear.. or swinger event wear.. I would buy a few The main problem is We would have to buy like 5 tops for her. and well a couple of items for me because we're always looking for something different.. Maybe we'll just get one of each of the buttons.. on a side note I do like my pendant I got at the bliss NYE party.. Those are awesome and discreet. The main problem is getting ALL Swingers to embrace a certain LOGO Its like AFF VS SWINGULAR VS SWAPPERNET VS SLS>. Etc.. All pretty much the same Yet different too LOL

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