
Coy Swingers in Alabama

Coy Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Coy, AL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Coy looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Coy, AL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Coy, Alabama Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Coy, Alabama so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Coy Swingers right away!

Happy 6/9 - Best day of the year - Happy 6/9! Congress is voting on making June 9 National Swingers Day. Post your favorite 6/9 photos!

Porno 4 Parties POLL: - Good porno ideas for your next party: - What are some of the specific porno movies that you have playing in the background when you host a party? We like to have movies that most reflect the "playing" environment. Since we usually have another couple up to the house, series like "Wife Switch", "2 Chicks Same Time" and anything with "foursome" in the title are popular for us. Of course for an all around comedy/porno series would have to go to the "Parody" porno movies. These offer some great sex scenes and everything else is just comedy...like anyone pays attention to the plot or acting anyway! ;) LOL! This is a list of various movies that we have in a streaming folder and would play them for our play date couples should they want to listen or watch them as we play: - 2 Chicks Same Time - AFF Guide To Threesomes - Award Winning Sex Scenes (4 hr compilation) - Bachelor Party Fuckfest - Big Butt Oil Orgy - Big Tit Soccer Mom Orgy - Breakfast Club Parody - Cheerleaders - Various "Naughty Allie" foursome videos - My First Orgy - Neighborhood Swingers - Nurses - Orgy Sex Parties - Star Wars a XXX Parody - Teachers - Trading Spouses - Very Best of Peter North - Wicked Sex Party - Wife Switch - Your Mom's a Hottie

Lake Powell Party 2012?? - - We are there now but not for the swingers, Have the entire family for our annual family vacation. But either way it's a kick ass trip. Hope everyone that is there is having a great time. We're camped in rock creek if anyone needs anything. A fall trip would be cool tool

Do your friends and family know about your lifestyle? - - Its funny that this post came out, I was swimming laps last night at the pool in town, and the lifeguard came up to me and started telling me how she heard there was a swingers community in Blackfoot, and how what a wild town its becoming.

Rules - - This is not merely an issue on Swingular, but is a mind-set that we have encountered on every site we have belonged to, in every geographical area, and at many parties. Seemingly the single ladies get the accolades, while their counterparts, the dreaded single males, get the proverbial foot in the ass. Is it fair? We don't think so. However, it is what it is, and not likely to change soon. I'm sure that everyone has an opinion as to why this occurs (opinion/assholes being synonymous; everyone has one). Here are a few of our thoughts.... Perhaps one could say that this disparity is due to the fact that most couples are searching for females...either single or part of a couple? This is only PARTIALLY true as there are many swingers that are not looking for singles of either gender. Many couples are, in fact, only looking only for other couples to share friendship and intimacy. Perhaps the old adage "Men are a dime a dozen", comes into play? Well...one has to admit that yes...us guys really are rather numerous. Regardless of being within the Lifestyle or out....you can always find a guy, willing to hump your wife. Go to any vanilla event to find that out. Many might say that all single guys are pushy ass-wads, that lack the intelligence, class, or sophistication to show respect and patience towards a couple that's willing to share intimacy with them. Again, not totally true. We have met many polite, kind and respectful single men. We have also had numerous run-ins with females...both single and married, that have been just as crass, obnoxious and presumptuous as the most obnoxious single guy anyone could imagine. We like to call them the Bi-Nazi's: you know...the "it's-all-about-the-women" types. This brings me to yet another mentionable. There is also an unspoken "assumption", that just because any individual of the female persuasion is involved in swinging...she's automatically "bi-curious", "bi-sexual", or "just doesn't know that she wants to be yet". The obvious outcome of this mind-set is that unwanted advances, groping and attention comes towards the females/couples that are not looking for this type of interaction. Ironically, the same advances made by a male, married or single...would be dealt with severely in most cases. However...with the ladies...many consider it "appropriate", if not expected. Do you see the double-standard? Somewhat hypocritical I would say. Many get so caught up in stereotyping, and outcomes having to look a certain way, they are quick to assign social roles to various members of our Lifestyle. In the process, they forget objectiveness, compassion, and open-mindedness. Isn't that what we, as swingers pride ourselves on, "open-mindedness", and being "out of the box"? Ok..since sweeping swinger social changes (wow, say that fast three times...haha), are not likely to happen...Siren and I elect to manage what we know we can, and that's ourselves. We never expect anyone or anything to be anything but themselves, and let their actions and behaviors be the ultimate factor as to how we interact with them, regardless of marital status, gender, or seeking preferences. J

since when did swingular become a dating site?? - - Well if they both want to b swingers....that is a perfect match haha... But it dies seem odd if ur just looking for love to b on swingular..

sh*t swingers say - to preach to the choir - Guilty as charged! Lol.

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - Black Lincoln MKX

Who is going to Younge swingers week HEDO? - anyone going? - This sounds like a blast. We were thinking about attending Risque Soiree's Hedonism event, but this also sounds like it would be a ton of fun!

That little nudge many of us need - - [quote=PARTYINLV][quote=EVILDOERS]There are plenty of people on Swingular, ourselves included, who strongly prefer to meet and get to know people a bit (sometimes over weeks or even months) before any kind of 'sexy time' happens. In fact, for us at least, we're happy just to hang out and be friends even if sex NEVER happens. There are also avowed demi-sexuals here who absolutely need some kind of emotional connection (and no, it doesn't necessarily have to be romantic or love or anything beyond friendship) before they can feel sexual attraction to other people. Perhaps your wife is more oriented in that direction. Beyond that, maybe it would be more above-board to just hang out with vanillas and see if you can slowly evolve your friendship towards something more sexual. Just a thought.[/quote] We have friendships with vanilla couples who we think are smoking hot and wish they were in the lifestyle. lol. Perhaps this is a question for another forum thread. But, how does one broach the subject with a vanilla couple who are friends? Does anyone have any success stories of how you converted a vanilla couple friendship to the lifestyle? We would be afraid about outing ourselves or maybe even losing a friendship. [/quote] Personally, we think the best way to broach that subject with vanillas is to just, at some point in the friendship, put it out there that you're swingers and then let the other couple process, digest, and come to terms with that information and do with it what they will. We feel like there are FAR too many swingers who enjoy 'vanilla hunting' and use unfair tactics (alcohol, late nights, etc.), if not outright subterfuge, to try to 'convert' them as, I guess, some kind of power trip. If you let people have the space to come to a rational, informed decision on their own there is, IMO, FAR less chance for drama (or WORSE!) as a sequela.

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