
Coden Swingers in Alabama

Coden Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Coden, AL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Coden looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Coden, AL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Coden, Alabama Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Coden, Alabama so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Coden Swingers right away!

How Old Is Old - - Since we know the OP very well, I can tell you they are a really fun couple that are VERY lively and never give the lifestyle a bad name. I would answer B&L's question with ( when you find yourself just sitting on the sidelines with no play left. As long as I have known both of you I would guess TOO OLD is in about another 25-30 years..... Maybe we will not be playing with the 26 year olds anymore, but I can tell you I will fill my cock with cement before I am done!!!!! PS. Don't forget to send your dues for the OLD SWINGERS HOME!! ;)

Monogamish - - Seems like a day doesn't go by without a new article on the high failure rate of traditional monogamous relationships and the "new" trend toward open relationships. Are swingers ahead of the curve or is this all just new age hooey? [url=https://www.yahoo.com/health/should-we-all-be-in-monogamish-relationships-109895587302.html]Monogamish[/url]

Fantasy Friday - Share them! - [quote=EVILDOERS]I know it's only Thursday (or Thorsday, if you prefer) but Friday can NOT get here fucking soon enough so I'm going to start this a little early and see if it can get some traction that will carry this thread into the weekend. We thought it might be fun to share some of our naughtiest sexual fantasies with each other. Let's either share some written fantasies or, maybe, even some pics or gifs (or videos!) of any fantasies that are rolling around in your brain right now, or that HAVE rolled around in there in the past, or that might pop up based on something you read about someone else's fantasy. This is the place to post your deepest, darkest, wildest sex thoughts even if it might be something you don't necessarily ever want to act out. Oh, and just for fun, please post a "Yes", "No", or "Maybe" about each fantasy depending on whether it's something you def would like to happen, def DON'T ever want to happen IRL, or MAYBE would like to happen given the right circumstances and/or people involved. And PLEASE, no judgments about someone else's fantasy...unless it like involves kids or something illegal or really disgusting. Who knows, maybe it will strike a chord with other swingers and it might start a dialog or something that could lead to meeting people IRL who share your fantasy and want to help you fulfill it. I'll start it off with a fairly mainstream one of Ms. Evil's and this is a 'maybe' but most likely closer to a 'yes'! :-) [img]https://images.sex.com/images/pinporn/2016/07/21/620/16187171.gif[/img][/quote] YES

Ugly people and swinging - - Thank you SHEKKI..for clarifying the why's of your forum posting. However...even as a "last straw" knee-jerk reaction to some pushy couple that you perceived being perhaps a little obnoxious and assertive (not to mention fat, old and ugly), your approach was...well...reproachable. Bringing an otherwise personal issue to the public eye, and targeting just one demographic group of swingers based on a narrow set of physical attributes: Totally uncool dude! In actuality, if it was indeed pushiness that tossed that proverbial last straw, and not the fact they were ugly...it was more of a personality turn-off than a physical one, don't ya think? ~J~

This is F**ked Up! - You might want to Lock up your Self Made Swinger Sex Tapes after this! - That was great! Thanks for posting it! We are entering a time where, now that the swingers of the 70's are getting to retirement age, this could easily start happening more often.

...or do i just suck? - Site Slow? - My son has a t-shirt that says, "It's not lag, you just suck!" Is it just me or has Swingular been REALLY laggy of late? 1) Nope, you suck, Evil. 2) In fact your sucking sucks so bad it sucks! 3) Yeah I blame constant monitoring by the NSA (and prolly the Family Research Council) for the lag. 4) Try logging in on something a little newer than that Commodore 64, Evil. 5) Whine, whine, whine. There are swingers in poor countries who only have dial up! 6) Don't EVEN get me started on tech glitches on Swingular. 7) Could be worse. Could be the early launch Obamacare site. 8) It's all those damned pop up adds for single males that slow shit down. 9) Don't worry, Windows 10 will fix EVERYTHING! 10) YOU try pleasing a bunch of horny swingers. They're raging hormone monsters who compulsively log in 50 times a day! 11) It's all the 12 year old boys logging in when their parents are out that slows everything down. 12) We should all just meet at Jordan Landing 24 and fuck in the back row.

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - Naw. check out more of my threads if ya wanna see some really schizo shit. :-)

The Hunt Club of Brevard is in the news - And I thought Utah was a news hog - this subject opens a can of worms.... there is alot of heated discussions... but this is by far a favorite of mine... basically in a nut shell .. like the popos stated there wasnt anything illegal going on... just a bunch of snooty neighbors thumbing their noses because they feel they can...just because "Swinging" isnt socially accepted as of yet... i state that because of the fact as society changes and evolves more widely things are accepted... now in some states they legally recognise gay and lesbian unions, marriage as lawfull comitments as hetrosexual unions and marriages and both spouses are entitled to benifits as male female marriages so its going to be interesting to see what evolves the next 10 years.... like ive said before... who is to say what is normal and acceptable as a society... all we have is learned values and been told what is right and what is wrong... what if for the last 2000 some odd years someont told us that multiple sex partners while in comitted relationships and or marriages is normal and acceptable.. thus people would now have houses where like minded people whom only wanted to have sexual relations with their spouse would go to have fun... and indulge in what would be considered their life style and swingers might be protesting them... so who is to say what is normal and acceptable..... some pompus un informed tight spinchered duff some 2000 years ago and people started believing him and followed suit..... not to ruffle feathers but for over a century F-LDS has belived in poligamy (a whole diferent subject) but they had a good start on passing beliefs down through generations.. but when they allegedly involved minors they broke laws set forth by our forefathers and thus brought into light their beliefs... but thats a interesting mixture of church and state.. church's beliefs vs what the state says is the law....whole new subject but back on topic.... id love to open a club here for one i dont like my fuggin neighbors... and two... its intriuging... those who know us know what i mean when i say that... im working on a play room at work... that has alot of things too big for most peoples houses... but then again a new topic... but the hold up on a club here locally i dont feel there is adequate support in this area... alot of ppls in this area arent as open as sara and i... we cant get fired or ridiculed at work... then again those who know us will laugh at that one... but back one last time to the topic at hand... we need more places to open their doors to groups of like minded people to get together and have fun and not be pushed around by snooty neighbors so people realize "OUR" groups are here to stay and will be soon accepted in societys mainstream..... and be whats considered as the "NEW NORMAL"... a far cry n a hopefull wish... but as accepted ya itll happen as enough people come to light. and as a new normal maby in a few thousand years... cool... dennis and sara

Geocaching - - We are keen geocachers. We were wondering if there any other swingers into this hobby. Anyone up for a Meet & Greet & Cache?

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Unspoken by the Lucky slice it has a ghost on the door. The LS friendly night is Friday.

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