
Camp Hill Swingers in Alabama

Camp Hill Swingers

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corvette - any one up for a group ride - [quote=KRAZYGIRL]Its not a Bow Tie but would love a reason to get these two sexy girls out and enjoy them. Let us know[em]Emo_85[/em] [/quote] Definitely doesn't have to be a bow tie. We have one of each in the garage, Dodge, Ford, & Chevy. Your Mustang is nice(so is the wife). Maybe we all should start a swingers car club. Haha

Best swingers club for a 26m/36f couple - - I know it’s a long haul, but the masque in Paris is pretty amazing. Maybe even worth a trip :)

Single male in this lifestyle.. - I have questions for couples and single females. - Heya Josh. These are all extremely well thought out responses. Take them to heart. I'd also like to add that quite a few couples opt to have the man from a friendly, familiar, and secure couple fill the role of the second man from time to time. Most of the people here have healthy, loving, and established lives with someone they trust deeply. The less in-roads for unstable elements, the better. Don't take it personally. When I was active as part of a couple screening all the single men was a chore. There is an unfortunately well-deserved stigma tied to single men in this scene. Many figure that swingers are an easy lay and end up simply being a nuisance, or worse, a creep or downright menace. Disrespect and deception abound. That's not a personal knock as I don't know ya. Be smart. Be respectful. Don't fret if you're not a hot commodity. It's the nature of the scene.

swingers helper... - I know some of us need this every now and again... - Beer anyone? Now is that bringing something to the party or not? LOL

Do you frequently have... - - ...dirty dreams? What's the naughtiest dream you've ever had? And remember, we're all swingers here so something akin to boinking the cute neighbor in the house down the street might cause us to yawn a little rather than get turned on. [em]Emo_49[/em]

Having a Swingres day at lagoon - Swingers at lagoon - sounds fun

Oprah show on Swingers - - WOW.. we need to watch that.. if there is something going on in our neighborhood, we want to know so we can join.

Couples oasis or Red Roister - Which do you prefer - "...in advanced stages of their lives or have been ridden way too hard and put away wet on far too many occasions." You say that like it's a bad thing! All I know is that the last time we were at the Red Rooster (admittedly probably 10 years ago) we saw THE largest couple we've ever seen in a swing club (or possibly anywhere else!). By the time they got up the stairs (single file as the stairway is NOT ADA compliant) they were sweating SO hard and were SO out of breath that we made a break for it before they got their second wind and took their clothes off. But you know what, good for them for being comfortable in their own...uh, skin and wanting to get their freak on in front of a small group of geriatric swingers. We did, out of morbid curiosity, scan the obituaries the next day because if someone there that night didn't have a coronary event then surely someone was crushed to death. And yes I'm a BAD person for saying that even if it's due to imbibing a WHOLE Redd's Wicked Apple Ale all by myself, on an empty stomach. Yeah, you heard it here first. The 'Doers KNOW how to party on a Saturday night! [em]Emo_57[/em]

Celebrity Fantasies... - - Well, isn't this site a swingers site? Well, then we should pick a foursome. The obvious for us is Brad and Angelina, but, we wouldn't kick Seal and Heidi Klum out of the bed for eating crackers. I could climb Heidi and Seal could certainly set the mood music. B and J.

Swingers unnerve families at hotel - - HeHeHe! TAMMYNWALT....too funny about the Swingers Pride Day idea. We\'ll help carry the flag! Sounds almost like our post on another site. Nobody cares anymore about WDW Gay Days but some questionable naughty (not law breaking or nekid) Swingers at a party and the whole world goes apesh*t. For heaven sakes keep those vanillas off of the beach they might see a thong or boobs! LOL! Geez! If they had broken any laws there would have been all kind of media chatter about the arrests.....hummmmm..... To each their own. We weren\'t at any NYE parties due to working taking care of idiots shooting each other and drunks. The shame of it all ( ; Happy New Year! :D

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