
Brewton Swingers in Alabama

Brewton Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Brewton, AL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Brewton looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Brewton, AL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Brewton, Alabama Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Brewton, Alabama so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Brewton Swingers right away!

cartoons fuckies - - Marge & Homer are swingers!!! I had no idea.

Wedding ring pics - Just something alluring about those. Care to share? - Good heavens! What have you against wedding rings in on-topic photos? I find them a bit reassuring, even homey. They are a testament, in a way, to the fact that swingers are just people who enjoy a different sort of recreation.

Daybreak - Is the Daybreak area a hot spot for people in the LS? - There are a good number of swingers in both Herriman and SoJo (Daybreak) but no it's not even close to the picture you paint. Most of the houses in Daybreak are families with younger -teenage kids. There are a few local hotspots but they are all businesses. There are a few high-profile couples down here, but it's nothing like you have heard. LOL. And keep in mind they are couples, single males are generally called in to be a stunt cock/accessory, its not a roaming free-for-all a single male will just walk into.

At what point do you out yourselves to family and friends?? - - I completely agree with you on the fact about "IF" our son became a swinger oneday. We wouldn't care either way as long like you said he was making a responsible decision and not just going along with someone because he thought it sounded fun or he though hell mom and dad did it I can too. However I must say there are alot of ppl we know personally that would die if their children found out or indeed became swingers themselves,I am of the mind set ppll who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. But of course thats just our .02 and our son does know about our lifestyle and my bisexuality.

Swinging in Utah - What makes A Pretty Great State a great place to swing? - So I could be totally wrong about why I think Utah is right up there (at least considering our relatively modest population) with many places that are much more...well let's just say cosmopolitan. Thought an informal little poll would be fun to get some feedback as to why others think the lifestyle scene is so active here in Zion. 1) It's all the warm sunny weather and sexy, sandy beaches. 2) Something in the water...other than fluoride. 3) It's rebellion from the influence from the LDS church. 4) A younger population equals more hormones and horniness. 5) The high alcohol beer makes us lose our inhibitions quicker. 6) Utah is no different than any other place as far as the number of swingers, etc.. 7) It's so cold here we have to swing to stay warm. 8) We're wired for swinging because of our ancestors and their polygamy. 9) We grew up reading Prayboy and Repenthouse so we're just bundles of hormones waiting to burst! 10) The churches missionary program teaches us to share the gospel so we're all just trying to share the swinging gospel with others. 11) Because green jello is a natural aphrodisiac. 12) Because we're all curious as to what REALLY goes on behind those "Zion Curtains". 13) Because hottubs remind us of those nice warm baptismal fonts. 14) We're jealous of the polygamists who can have hard core swing parties without ever leaving home (and they are never sausage fests!). 15) It's a mutant virus spread by brine fly bites. So, here's your chance to let everyone know why YOU think we're all a bunch of horny little carrot snappers. [em]Emo_12[/em]

Isn't It All About Marketing? - Interesting what people post in profiles and pictures - I find all aspects of the lifestyle interesting. One of the most interesting is what swingers post on these types of sites - who they are, what they are looking for, and their public and private pictures. Isn't it all about market ourselves? I will not make any judgmental remarks here, because we should not be judgmental in the lifestyle; however, sometimes I wonder what they are trying to communicate. Because I am a professional website designer I probably look at things differently, also because I am a voyeur I like to see good quality images - ones that show me something about what can be expected in sexual play. I also wonder if I am reading/seeing more in things that are posted than are really intended - i.e., personality, intelligence, playfulness, etc. Thus my questions: Do people take the time here to make a good impression? Are they trying to open doors or to close deals? Do they do well at marketing themselves? Do you have opinions about what is good marketing on a swinger site? Cheers, Charles for Lauri and Me

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - our 1988 325i M only one in america... only one of 5 in the world... my baby..this was its 2001 magazine photo in englands 'total bmw' magazine

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site -


Well said. After all, I think that is why there is a swing-oriented sections and a "just talk" or open area. It all boils down to tolerance.

-Don- "Ich habe einen kleinen Vogel in meinem Kopf."

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A paradigm shift - polyamory - Your thoughts? Here are mine... - This is a big big topic... good one. It is true to say that an amazing thing about being human (thank any God figure you'de like :)) is that we have an INFINITE capacity to love. It is most obvious in women but exists in us all. I understand all of the comments about walking a path together, finding the one and only, etc and that is a great way to live but the fact is, we can love more than we do. We can choose to want to be with a certain person more than any other but we can love many. The easiest way to show this is that when a child is born they make the parents feel as if they could never love like they do this first beautiful child but when others come along what we experience is an expansion of our capacity to love. It is limitless. As mothers and parents can love many children so can we all love many others. We dont need to, some dont want to, but some feel it is a natural and Godly way to live. The biggest obstacle to it is jealousy or feelings of ownership which Swingers have largely learned are "lower thinking" attributes and, at least as far as the physical goes, they are beyond jealousy etc (of course I mean the healthy ones). Big Love is a real deal. It scares many people, even swingers but it is the next and logical progression in the more enlightened thinkers out there, which many swingers are. We swingers have at least tackled the threat that comes from "physical" sharing but many are scared to death to hear their loving sharing spouse express feelings of love for another man or woman. A great book on this topic is "The Future of Love" by Daphne Rose Kingma. It's excellent. Im sure this idea (polyamory) is not for everybody but it is natural and can be as rewarding and freeing as swinging is I'm told...(Jealousy, guilt and ownership are unnatural 'learned' behaviors). I already know I cant be 'everything' to my loving partner but am I strong enough to allow her "love" someong else? Oh wait... is that really my decision? Thats my 2 cents... Dave

What sets you apart from other swingers - Lets see whos looking for what. - I think ironhorse needs to cum to UT for a visit....I LOVE the single men ;) Oh wait the thread....LOL What sets me out from the crowd: Well I dont think Im better then anyone else, but I do like to make sure everyone around me is having a good time. :) I have a "bouncy" personality. When I do get to go out, I make the most of it and have a GREAT time whatever I'm doing. What gives me an edge: I think because I am VERY expressive sexually. When Im being pleasured you can see, hear, feel, taste, and smell the enjoyment. I have been told that I am better then watching porn. I LOVE being on cam. I LOVE knowing that I can excite people just by them seeing me. Maybe it's a little power trip, but its fun, and I sometimes do pretend while I'm on cam but that's only at night after the little ones are in bed and I can REALLY show off. ;) My talent is the ablity to turn on everyone in the room. I am great entertainment. I love to make sure everyone is having a good time. I have also been told I give great lap dances. My weakness...... I'm not going to let out ALL my secrets hehe. My spot is my neck just below my ear. Lightly kissing and licking that area sends zingers down my legs and makes them quiver. Oh my. hehe Of course my G-spot gets me squirting like a faucet. Better have lots of towels handy around when you even get close to there. ;)

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