
Bayou La Batre Swingers in Alabama

Bayou La Batre Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Bayou La Batre, AL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Bayou La Batre looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Bayou La Batre, AL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Bayou La Batre, Alabama Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Bayou La Batre, Alabama so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Bayou La Batre Swingers right away!

First time stories, wanna share? - - Our first experience wasn't so great. There was mis-communcation, and it was fairly awkward. Actually, when my wife and I left the hotel in the morning, we decided swinging wasn't for us. A few days later we decided not to let one experience be the final judgment. We joined Swingular and started talking to a couple that contacted us. My wife and I were a bit worried by their much higher experience level, but than we decided maybe that would be better. We were right. They were nice and respectful and did a great job of making us feel comfortable, and we ended up having a really fun night with them. I think being with experienced swingers allowed us to just be ourselves and only have to concentrate on our own boundaries. If we had been with another newer couple, we'd all have to worry about going to far. We had a good enough night that we have kept in contact with them and continued to slowly check out the lifestyle. We're still Soft Swap, and full swing couples have been really gracious to us, letting us join them and get a better idea of the lifestyle, and letting us get our feet wet, before diving in to the deep end. :) We've had no bad experiences, but some could have been better if we had communicated on our end better. We're still learning how to do that. Overall, these early experiences have been a lot of fun, and we're finding that easing into the lifestyle isn't as rocky as we feared. It's been a fun journey so far.

Swinging with Vanillas - Any success stories? - well first off we were all Vanilla at one time. We were the other couple being introduced to swing by good friends. We knew they were swingers, not because they told us but someone else "outed" them. it was just sexy flirting and a slow build, Not "hey we are swingers lets fuck". our suggestion, because they are friends take it slow, put it out there and read how they take it. if they are good friends either way they will still be friends. As for those looking for the Unicorns we have had better luck with Vanillas than we have in the lifestyle.

Christain Swingers? - - We have to say from our church background and understanding of scripture (and we were both unpaid ministry when we married...how things change lol!) that the answer is a big NO. Now we do not practice our faith at all and have totally fallen out due to some other reasons that we don't really want to get into. Not trying to start a flame war or change anyone else mind, if you still have faith, more power to you!:D This is just our personal understanding of the Bible, for us being a Christain Swinger is the same as a Jewish Nazi, it's just not going to work. Of course the church thing has had us so screwed up anymore that we hope we are wrong. We are on here as well, so you know who our friends are. Just two more people the church has shot in the back of the head and rolled into the ditch, Art and Dawn

Same Sex Marriage - If you support - I support gay marriage. I support my sister's right to love whom she chooses, to give her heart and soul to the person she chooses. My sister just happens to love another woman. Why is her love any less than yours or mine? How does her being able to marry the person she loves hurt your marriage or take away from your relationship? Gays would take the same vows would they not? They'd make the same commitments? They'd love, cry, fight, makeup just the same? I'm tired of the sanctimonious, claims of how gay marriage will weaken straight marriage. Is your marriage that damn insecure that someone else being allowed to marry will cause issues for you? I'm tired of the what next argument. Folks will be marrying goats. BS! How about this one, swingers shouldn't be allowed to marry because of how they trash their vows to remain faithful? Not too cool? Stay out of the love lives of others and you'll get the same in return. You want your version of love and commitment respected, how about giving some of that respect in return?

OK LETS BE HONEST - - I haven't seen this "poll" but I can tell you this was 100% my idea not his. That being said my interest is based in my bi-sexuality, this doesn't mean I'm only interested in the female aspect, but if I were straight I seriously doubt I would have ever been interested in this at all. If I woke up tomorrow morning "straight" I'd probably turn in my swingers card give my website subscription to a needy couple on a temporary account. Just being honest as you asked. :-)

Why we ORGY - Why we ORGY - HUGE orgy tonight at the Sheraton downtown. Buttloads of swingers have been bussed in for the event (Don't believe me? Drive down 5th South tonight). Don't miss out. Top secret security clearance required (that's one level BELOW Swingular VIP Verified fyi)

swinging... - - It was my idea at first to swing with some good friends of ours.... Very bad idea..... The swingers site was his idea.... Very good idea!!!!!!

Swingers Party - Doesnt mean who ever is there is open to everyone elsa - Shawn: We feel you handled the situation in " high road" fashion, and certainly gain our respect for having done so. To be there to back your wife up if "no" wasn't accepted, is not only proper, but is in fact the only way swinging can matain any civilized credability. We also agree that violence is the absolute last option to chose. Going to the host of the party as was stated already is a very good idea. We have been to several really large parties that were totally open to singles, and only one time was there ever a problem. The hosts were informed, and the violater was asked to leave by a group of the men ( host included), and that was the end of it. It would be unfortunate if this one incident were to make you swear off all clubs or parties as they can be alot of fun in a totally different way than meeting a couple or a small dinner party can be ( although we certainly could understand you being skeptical about it). T and V P.S. we hereby promise no tounge for at least 10 min. after meeting...lol

Do your friends and family know about your lifestyle? - - Our 23 year old daughter figured it out, when our son kept telling her we were going to some convention here in town....she looked to see what conventions were in Vegas that week and put two and two together. We also have friends who arent swingers that know. We dont mind telling people but we're selective about who we mention it openly to, just because some people just dont get it.

Finding a balance - Swinging and Religion - - This has always been a tough controversy. Religion, swinging. I am agnostic and my GF was LDS. Her family is hardcore LDS still and pushed the faith on their daughter (my GF) and her kids even. They preach that they want their whole family in the religion cuz they need to know "right from wrong". I asked the kids (8 & 6 yrs old) what they learn in church.. seems to me all they learn about is how great their "savior" is, how he loves us, and we can look to him, and family is a "unit".. they dont seem to learn anythign about right and wrong. Yet.. her parents try to preach to me that their religion teaches them right from wrong and that their "right & wrong" is the correct one. They are also very controlling, judgemental, pushy, 2-faced, and negative in every aspect... OMG! is this what u learn in church and how family is supposed to be?? They found out we swing, and told me its adultry and we're cheating and its immoral.. OK, umm.. we;re not married and what we do is 100% consentual... funny, but seems like the more LDS we meet, the more seem to be JACK mormons. so why are LDS swinging or why are swingers in religions that condem it? is it just for the prestige and status of being in the church and to shut the family up?? Ok, #1, I hate ppl who follow a faith and feel theirs is the correct one so much that they push it on everyone and judge other beliefs as the wrong ones rather then understanding tolerance and the fact that there is no such thing as right or wrong... only opinion and difference... what works for you may not work for me. #2, I hate hypocrates. ppl who preach about how much they follow their religion, go to church and lie in front of everyone there about how much they follow the rules and how the church has saved them.. Then, behind closed doors, they go against everything they believe in. Then they preach about how much they follow their churches rules and its "right & wrong" is the ultimate. Those ppl are called liars and 2-facers.. #3, Kids should be taught "Right & Wrong" from their parents, not a group of ppl that i described in examples #1 & #2. WTF do they know?? Kids should also be introduced to church by their own choice and when they are old enuf to understand it. [b]In my opinion, If you wanna swing, then it doesnt seem like u really believe in ur church's beliefs... why are u in it? If u believe ur church's teachings above all.. then why are you swinging?[/b] [b]I have nuthing against either, but I think its best to pick a side. Thats why I dont follow any religion.. I dont believe in any of them... too many hypocrates, liars, 2-facers, judgemental, stuck-ups... people who are willing to bend and cheat their own rules, morals and beliefs behind closed doors and especially when its to their benefit...[/b]

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