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Swingers Forum - Tell the truth. How many times...

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...have you flunked the reCAPTCHA log in test?

1) A few times.

2) More times that I will ever admit.


4) Dunno. With the horrific lag on the site recently I fall asleep before it ever logs in.

5) What the fuck is a store front even SUPPOSED to look like?!!?

6) More times than I've gotten laid from this site, that's for damned sure!

7) Meh, playing match the pictures beats watching Big Bang Theory reruns I guess.
8) All of the above
None. i guess I got lucky or something, all I've ever had to do is click "I'm Not A Robot", then log in. I never get the "Choose everything with an image of an incurable, fatal STD which people catch by being in the same zip code as a carrier" (or whatever). Of course, that's only on one of my desktops or laptops, which might have something to do with it. I have no idea what happens when using a "smart" phone.

Yet another reason (besides driving into a tractor-trailer, walking into a lamppost, etc.) to NOT use a phoine as a computer. Sorry, I'm one of those anachronistic people who thinks phones are for talking to people, not surfing the internet. Or for texting. I don't know whether my fingers are too big or the keys are too small, but if I could outlaw texting, I sure would. And I also think that the Safari browser on the Iphone is a piece of crap anyway.
I'd have to go with all of the above as well.

It's a bad edition. I can't even tell what the pictures are sometimes.