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Utah is getting a clue. Just 20 yrs behind.
DUSTY wrote:

Utah is getting a clue. Just 20 yrs behind.

Utah is actually pretty progressive... We've lived in Montana and I've worked in South Dakota, Oklahoma and Kansas. They are far more discriminatory in "them thar" states. Hell, in Montana, I don't even think the Pony Express guy has delivered the message that the Civil Rights movement was successful.
Yeah I'd use the term "relatively" progressive (although that word sends shivers down the spines of most in this state as they see it as akin to communism, socialism and/or Catholicism-lol). But yeah we could have it worse here in Utah. Extremely conservative religion based politics aside I just find it completely ironic how much emphasis is placed on "the family" and "protecting children" from say, the evils of letting them see a drink being mixed (although apparently seeing it served and consumed is just fine) when we're last in per student spending on education. Keep 'em dumb and compliant I guess. Costs too much money to educate the little whippersnappers anyway. We barely have enough money to send message bills to Washington. I'm just glad they're finally spending time on getting rid of that pesky comma in the pledge of allegiance. Hopefully deleting it will clear some of the goop out of the air.

DUSTY wrote:

Utah is getting a clue. Just 20 yrs behind.
Utah is actually pretty progressive... We've lived in Montana and I've worked in South Dakota, Oklahoma and Kansas. They are far more discriminatory in "them thar" states. Hell, in Montana, I don't even think the Pony Express guy has delivered the message that the Civil Rights movement was successful.

Oh I have lived in parts of Idaho don't tell me. Yeah we don't gun them down and hang them but Progressive is a stretch.
DUSTY wrote:

Oh I have lived in parts of Idaho don't tell me. Yeah we don't gun them down and hang them but Progressive is a stretch.

Actually, MOST big employers in Utah allow same sex work benefits. (Including LDS owned Coca-Cola and IHC) - Now, Capital Hill is another story.. but seems like Utah'ns just stamp "Republican" in the both out of shear laziness. (or ignorance)
Ok, just a little terminology update. We no longer say "transgender people," we say "trans people." Because gender is not binary, and trans individuals may identify with some, but not all aspects of a binary gender role, but choose to exist in the middle. Being trans doesn't always involve operations anymore, and gender is evolving as parents are starting to avoid hetero-normative cues for their children, so that they can more truly find their own identity. Trans individuals have a 2x higher rate of suicide than the general population, and workplace harassment/violence is one of the reasons. Believe it or not, the most LGBTQ-friendly company I worked for in Utah was Wells Fargo. (We used to win the Pride Parade float award!) I believe there is even a trans group within the company, just like there is a Hispanic group, disabled group, etc.
Midgetmafiosa wrote:

Ok, just a little terminology update. We no longer say "transgender people," we say "trans people." Because gender is not binary, and trans individuals may identify with some, but not all aspects of a binary gender role, but choose to exist in the middle. Being trans doesn't always involve operations anymore, and gender is evolving as parents are starting to avoid hetero-normative cues for their children, so that they can more truly find their own identity. Trans individuals have a 2x higher rate of suicide than the general population, and workplace harassment/violence is one of the reasons. Believe it or not, the most LGBTQ-friendly company I worked for in Utah was Wells Fargo. (We used to win the Pride Parade float award!) I believe there is even a trans group within the company, just like there is a Hispanic group, disabled group, etc.

Whatever !!
It might matter more if you were trans, admittedly.

DUSTY wrote:

Oh I have lived in parts of Idaho don't tell me. Yeah we don't gun them down and hang them but Progressive is a stretch.
Actually, MOST big employers in Utah allow same sex work benefits. (Including LDS owned Coca-Cola and IHC) - Now, Capital Hill is another story.. but seems like Utah'ns just stamp "Republican" in the both out of shear laziness. (or ignorance)

Of course anything affiliated with the LDS is starting to change witch equals everything in the state. They are leaning toward siding with homosexual's because if they don't and the world has they will be discriminating witch is not Christ like and they will loose tithing payers. Just like the blacks and the priesthood. When the blacks got their rights back the church said " OH MY GOD, IT'S BEN REVIELED TO US BY GOD THAT THE BLACKS SHOULD BE ABLE TO HOLD THE PRIESTHOOD " good timing now they don't look like biggets and they keep the respect of the rest of the world that = more tithing. So the only reason the state is now looking at this equal right's thing is to maintain the respect they have. Gays and "trans" have been fighting for rights for years and years my brother who is gay has told me some gruesome stories about pride week a long long time ago. So the only reason this is in the news is because the state or the Mormons know the writing is on the wall and if the don't recognize they will look like hillbillies. So it's gone from a sin next to MURDER to ok they can hang as long as they don't fuck and we will let them keep their jobs. Not exactly forward thinking, progressive like we would hope more like oh shit Braveheart has found more men lets make a deal.

DUSTY wrote:

Oh I have lived in parts of Idaho don't tell me. Yeah we don't gun them down and hang them but Progressive is a stretch.

Actually, MOST big employers in Utah allow same sex work benefits. (Including LDS owned Coca-Cola and IHC) - Now, Capital Hill is another story.. but seems like Utah'ns just stamp "Republican" in the both out of shear laziness. (or ignorance)

...and what is the reason they stamp liberal in Northern CA, MA, OR, NY...dare we say shear laziness...that's right they are just smarter? This coming from a true middle of the road guy, big on helping the poor, big homeless advocate, diversity advocate...don't even get me started on how much I love and respect refugees, better pay for teachers (my daughter is truly one of the best), serious path to citizenship advocate, gay marriage, and our state liquor laws are a joke! My biggest pet peave with a lot of liberals is this constant need to try and state (in extremely belittling and degrading terms) the 'straw man' argument of people that are conservative. I seldom ever see or hear a true objective analysis from liberals. Guys like John Stewart (don't get me wrong he is funny) and his 'ilk' have done a bad thing in my opinion for a large percentage of liberals, that don't like to think for themselves. His whole schtick is to find comments from people in the news (mostly conservative talk show hosts or politicians) put what they say in a 5 second soundbite, and literally make the actual comment as funny and unrecognizable as possible. The (real) funny thing is I generally will go back and put the comments into context and by far most of the time is doesn't even resemble the 5 second soundbite, but he will try to be funny and move the bar of the person he is dissecting as far towards crazyville as he can get it. I don't listen to any of the conservative politicians or talk show hosts that he dissects, but generally when he does this the full context of what was actually said can be found. I know he does a little bit on liberals, but he leaves their bar somewhat intact, but then his followers try to follow his really misrepresented, but funny schtick, and treat it as if he is taking it straight from (choose your holy book) Koran, New testament or the book of Mormon. My overall point is their is laziness on both sides...by the way, I believe Barack Obama is truly underqualified for the position he is in, not because Rush Limbaugh, Shaun Hannity or Bill O'Reilly, told me, but from CBO reports, articles from Economists, and objective thinkers in the Wall Street Journal and related. Given all the 'straw man' comments about Republicans, that I see on here constantly...just thought I would add that!

DUSTY wrote:

Oh I have lived in parts of Idaho don't tell me. Yeah we don't gun them down and hang them but Progressive is a stretch.

Actually, MOST big employers in Utah allow same sex work benefits. (Including LDS owned Coca-Cola and IHC) - Now, Capital Hill is another story.. but seems like Utah'ns just stamp "Republican" in the both out of shear laziness. (or ignorance)

...and what is the reason they stamp liberal in Northern CA, MA, OR, NY...dare we say shear laziness...that's right they are just smarter? This coming from a true middle of the road guy, big on helping the poor, big homeless advocate, diversity advocate...don't even get me started on how much I love and respect refugees, better pay for teachers (my daughter is truly one of the best), serious path to citizenship advocate, gay marriage, and our state liquor laws are a joke! My biggest pet peave with a lot of liberals is this constant need to try and state (in extremely belittling and degrading terms) the 'straw man' argument of people that are conservative. I seldom ever see or hear a true objective analysis from liberals. Guys like John Stewart (don't get me wrong he is funny) and his 'ilk' have done a bad thing in my opinion for a large percentage of liberals, that don't like to think for themselves. His whole schtick is to find comments from people in the news (mostly conservative talk show hosts or politicians) put what they say in a 5 second soundbite, and literally make the actual comment as funny and unrecognizable as possible. The (real) funny thing is I generally will go back and put the comments into context and by far most of the time is doesn't even resemble the 5 second soundbite, but he will try to be funny and move the bar of the person he is dissecting as far towards crazyville as he can get it. I don't listen to any of the conservative politicians or talk show hosts that he dissects, but generally when he does this the full context of what was actually said can be found. I know he does a little bit on liberals, but he leaves their bar somewhat intact, but then his followers try to follow his really misrepresented, but funny schtick, and treat it as if he is taking it straight from (choose your holy book) Koran, New testament or the book of Mormon. My overall point is their is laziness on both sides...by the way, I believe Barack Obama is truly underqualified for the position he is in, not because Rush Limbaugh, Shaun Hannity or Bill O'Reilly, told me, but from CBO reports, articles from Economists, and objective thinkers in the Wall Street Journal and related. Given all the 'straw man' comments about Republicans, that I see on here constantly...just thought I would add that!
Oh dear, you're damned if you do or damned if you don't. If you don't follow society you're screwed and if you do you're screwed... so what if the church decides to make changes? If you aren't apart of it then why waste your time with it? Why don't you talk about things that you love and want to promote instead of promoting hatred... Hating anything whether it's accepted by the majority or not is what's keeping this world from progressing. So shut up with your bad mouthing fingertips and spread something joyous, maybe even some smiles ya?
Federal anti-discrimination law extends to sexuality now, which doesn't mean that discrimination won't happen (ask any disabled person how they feel about being public with their condition at work), but it does go a long way toward letting the community and the companies know that the law is behind them, and that they are not a second class anymore. As a disabled person with an alternative sexuality (no, I'm not ready to share on that any further), I know that protection comes as a little comfort to me. Most states are usurping these laws by becoming right-to-work (right to fire) states. Out at Kennecott, they are making employees sign contracts of employment....that specifically allow the company to do as it pleases, while requiring financial restitution from the employee should they leave. Like, $30,000 for "training" expenses.

I'm not sure what exactly you just said lol... but did you mean "this is the dumbest thread ever?" Because I would agree. [quote=SHADOWINGWHISPERS]Oh dear, you're damned if you do or damned if you don't. If you don't follow society you're screwed and if you do you're screwed... so what if the church decides to make changes? If you aren't apart of it then why waste your time with it? Why don't you talk about things that you love and want to promote instead of promoting hatred... Hating anything whether it's accepted by the majority or not is what's keeping this world from progressing. So shut up with your bad mouthing fingertips and spread something joyous, maybe even some smiles ya?

Gays and trans odds of suicide are 2 to 3 times higher than a hetro person because of harassment in the work place or where ever. What if that was you son that killed himself because he was ridiculed? Is that dumb you ignorant bitch?

Oh dear, you're damned if you do or damned if you don't. If you don't follow society you're screwed and if you do you're screwed... so what if the church decides to make changes? If you aren't apart of it then why waste your time with it? Why don't you talk about things that you love and want to promote instead of promoting hatred... Hating anything whether it's accepted by the majority or not is what's keeping this world from progressing. So shut up with your bad mouthing fingertips and spread something joyous, maybe even some smiles ya?

WTF ??
GOODKARMA1211 wrote:

...and what is the reason they stamp liberal in Northern CA, MA, OR, NY...dare we say shear laziness...that's right they are just smarter? This coming from a true middle of the road guy, big on helping the poor, big homeless advocate, diversity advocate...don't even get me started on how much I love and respect refugees, better pay for teachers (my daughter is truly one of the best), serious path to citizenship advocate, gay marriage, and our state liquor laws are a joke! My biggest pet peave with a lot of liberals is this constant need to try and state (in extremely belittling and degrading terms) the 'straw man' argument of people that are conservative. I seldom ever see or hear a true objective analysis from liberals. Guys like John Stewart (don't get me wrong he is funny) and his 'ilk' have done a bad thing in my opinion for a large percentage of liberals, that don't like to think for themselves. His whole schtick is to find comments from people in the news (mostly conservative talk show hosts or politicians) put what they say in a 5 second soundbite, and literally make the actual comment as funny and unrecognizable as possible. The (real) funny thing is I generally will go back and put the comments into context and by far most of the time is doesn't even resemble the 5 second soundbite, but he will try to be funny and move the bar of the person he is dissecting as far towards crazyville as he can get it. I don't listen to any of the conservative politicians or talk show hosts that he dissects, but generally when he does this the full context of what was actually said can be found. I know he does a little bit on liberals, but he leaves their bar somewhat intact, but then his followers try to follow his really misrepresented, but funny schtick, and treat it as if he is taking it straight from (choose your holy book) Koran, New testament or the book of Mormon. My overall point is their is laziness on both sides...by the way, I believe Barack Obama is truly underqualified for the position he is in, not because Rush Limbaugh, Shaun Hannity or Bill O'Reilly, told me, but from CBO reports, articles from Economists, and objective thinkers in the Wall Street Journal and related. Given all the 'straw man' comments about Republicans, that I see on here constantly...just thought I would add that!

Did you just make a huge "Conservative" assumption that I am a "Liberal" - was just defending that Utah is not 20 years behind, nor as bad as some other places we've lived when it comes to civil rights (including sexuality rights) I (we) are as middle of the road as they come.

Oh dear, you're damned if you do or damned if you don't. If you don't follow society you're screwed and if you do you're screwed... so what if the church decides to make changes? If you aren't apart of it then why waste your time with it? Why don't you talk about things that you love and want to promote instead of promoting hatred... Hating anything whether it's accepted by the majority or not is what's keeping this world from progressing. So shut up with your bad mouthing fingertips and spread something joyous, maybe even some smiles ya?

LOVE THIS!!!! People need to stop concentrating on hate and just love. Love everyone and everything around you for it's/their likenesses or differences. You can always find something to like or smile about instead of hating or disliking. Just try it and see how much better your life feels. Also, SHADOWINGWHISPERS, you two are happy and INCREDIBLY SEXY!!! My husband and I were LOVING the pics! UM, I wish I had your body but I'll settle for tasting it! ;-)

I'm not sure what exactly you just said lol... but did you mean "this is the dumbest thread ever?" Because I would agree.


Oh dear, you're damned if you do or damned if you don't. If you don't follow society you're screwed and if you do you're screwed... so what if the church decides to make changes? If you aren't apart of it then why waste your time with it? Why don't you talk about things that you love and want to promote instead of promoting hatred... Hating anything whether it's accepted by the majority or not is what's keeping this world from progressing. So shut up with your bad mouthing fingertips and spread something joyous, maybe even some smiles ya?

pretty much, just being more wordy.. lolz...
DUSTY wrote:


I'm not sure what exactly you just said lol... but did you mean "this is the dumbest thread ever?" Because I would agree. [quote=SHADOWINGWHISPERS]Oh dear, you're damned if you do or damned if you don't. If you don't follow society you're screwed and if you do you're screwed... so what if the church decides to make changes? If you aren't apart of it then why waste your time with it? Why don't you talk about things that you love and want to promote instead of promoting hatred... Hating anything whether it's accepted by the majority or not is what's keeping this world from progressing. So shut up with your bad mouthing fingertips and spread something joyous, maybe even some smiles ya?

Gays and trans odds of suicide are 2 to 3 times higher than a hetro person because of harassment in the work place or where ever. What if that was you son that killed himself because he was ridiculed? Is that dumb you ignorant bitch?

You have to come out with ignorant bitch? That kind of talk is harassment... keep promoting the love of everyone no matter what instead of focusing on the hate that goes on... there is so much of that crap that even if you're trying to make a positive difference, saying things like that just adds to the problem...
BIGREID8 wrote:


Oh dear, you're damned if you do or damned if you don't. If you don't follow society you're screwed and if you do you're screwed... so what if the church decides to make changes? If you aren't apart of it then why waste your time with it? Why don't you talk about things that you love and want to promote instead of promoting hatred... Hating anything whether it's accepted by the majority or not is what's keeping this world from progressing. So shut up with your bad mouthing fingertips and spread something joyous, maybe even some smiles ya?

LOVE THIS!!!! People need to stop concentrating on hate and just love. Love everyone and everything around you for it's/their likenesses or differences. You can always find something to like or smile about instead of hating or disliking. Just try it and see how much better your life feels. Also, SHADOWINGWHISPERS, you two are happy and INCREDIBLY SEXY!!! My husband and I were LOVING the pics! UM, I wish I had your body but I'll settle for tasting it! ;-)

o0o0o teasing, i see!!! :) I just hate the "politically correct" crap with this stuff, making it so much more complicated than it should be.

DUSTY wrote:

[quote=PICKYCOUPLE]I'm not sure what exactly you just said lol... but did you mean "this is the dumbest thread ever?" Because I would agree. [quote=SHADOWINGWHISPERS]Oh dear, you're damned if you do or damned if you don't. If you don't follow society you're screwed and if you do you're screwed... so what if the church decides to make changes? If you aren't apart of it then why waste your time with it? Why don't you talk about things that you love and want to promote instead of promoting hatred... Hating anything whether it's accepted by the majority or not is what's keeping this world from progressing. So shut up with your bad mouthing fingertips and spread something joyous, maybe even some smiles ya?
[/ Gays and trans odds of suicide are 2 to 3 times higher than a hetro person because of harassment in the work place or where ever. What if that was you son that killed himself because he was ridiculed? Is that dumb you ignorant bitch?
You have to come out with ignorant bitch? That kind of talk is harassment... keep promoting the love of everyone no matter what instead of focusing on the hate that goes on... there is so much of that crap that even if you're trying to make a positive difference, saying things like that just adds to the problem...[/quote]

Your right and I relay do try to be your way! Peaceful take the low road. People that know me know that about me. But no one said a word about that narrow comment but me and it seems a little one sided. Make a comment to her. What a joke!!