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Swingers Forum - Why are people not answering?

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I would like to know if anyone else has noticed that there are alot of people not answering e-mails? I have noticed that there are alot of people out there that don\'t , I you are not intrested in someone that writes you reply No Thanks and block them. It you are not serious about the lifestyle then don\'t post anything on here. I have noticed alot of swinger wantabe\'s on here. Sorry having another bitchie moment..... But I would like to find someone that is serious about the lifestyle in my area.:v
I find the same thing to be true, but it could be because I\'m a single str8 guy.
Sweetie, put some pics onto your profile - that probably will help
Adding pics will help, but the problem is that people should REPLY! Not having pics up is not an excuse not to reply and say no thanks. It takes just a few seconds to send a no thanks or can we see a pic response. Is that asking too much? We have less then 1 in 4 reply to us.

How does one know that they are not interested, if they can\'t see what they are not interested in?
we agree a simple yes or not interested is curtious and polite trust me there are alot of people out there think they are better but we are all the same!!!

I think the key is they need to say something! You can look at a profile and get somekind of idea. You need to reply with something. Ask for a pic, say there is some interest or it was nice ot hear from you but not now. TO read and say nothing leaves one wondering what happend? It is the nice and right thing to do!

We have encountered that as well and have just accepted that some people don\'t have the courtesy to send back at least a no thanks. We now just take a no response as the answer and move on. Although we do find it very curious when we e-mail someone and they then put us on their friends list and/or yahoo chat list and we never hear from them again. Sometimes we even have a good chat or two with them and then they just drop away. Not sure what is going on there, but it\'s not that serious, so again, we just move on :) Sooner or later we find someone who actually likes to meet and play, so it\'s all good, very very good;)
Well now, it appears that others have an issue with members or others not responding to e-mails or other forms of contact and I must agree that having a picture does help but also cast my vote in the direction of \" what the heck\"... If someone has made an effort to contact and that contact is ignored then the polite behavior from considerate members is to respond regardless .....However we have also seen a very disappointing drop in the number of members actually using this site. Oh well ..best to you all for a Mery Christmas and a very Happy New Year. last be not least \"good hunting\"
For the past few weeks the site was either down or to slow even to check email no less try and answer, just my opinion....
If there are no pics we usually will not reply. Why you ask? Because we have engaged in far too many emails with weirdos, fakes, married guys etc who will never send pics. They want to see ours but we never see theirs. We hear every excuse like Im too well known, or my job won\'t allow it etc. They lie and make excuses and get hostile when we refuse to meet them without seeing pics first, up front. We will NOT just play with anyone no matter how good a game you talk, If we are not comfortable with you we are not going to engage in lengthy emails or meet you. This process begins with pics. The \"couple\" contacting us is usually a single guy. Seeing pics up front usually stops this game. We usually reply to emails but not all.
Sorry if you do not like that.
The real people here or any other site, always have pics or are willing to send pics when asked. The fakes here complain and never send pics. There are many reasons not everyone replies to emails. Maybe they are tired of the games and lies?
I think if someone takes the time to write to you then you can say no thanks. If after a rpley of no thanks they keep going thne put them on \"Block this Member\" and let it go. But then that is what I think is the right thnig to do! To each their own!

Mr Here!
As a rule we never meet without seeing a pic, and we mean a face not genitals, and we do not respond if while we are in NC someone sends an e-mail from Utah or Fla, or somewhere we know as they should that we donot plan on travelling to. We feel flattered that they notice us but be real, if you know meeting is not like;ly then let it go. We have really thought about how nice to meet someone and then saw they are 2000 miles away, a bit far to drive for a few hours of fun.
We try and respond to all the people that take the time to e-mail us. However if you don\'t have a picture we are not interested, usually because you are either to shy for us or you are a single male trying to pass yourself of as a couple. We have pictures and we expect the same if you don\'t have any don\'t waste our time or yours, we won\'t respond except to block you. If you don\'t like that then don\'t talk to us. There are to many people out there to worry about the ones that just want to play games.
we to wonder why alot on here doesnt reply,I myself knwo we aren\'t a dog ugly couple.
and what really burns us up is,,the ones who send you a e-mail saying they are interested and when you reply back with contact info,,,you never hear back from then.

Santa -All i want for x-mas is a want-a-be zapper so i can do some serious ZAPPING!
I have found that a lot of the profiles the users have not logged into the site for months. This is sad because it is a nice site.
I have also noticed people don\'t respond. I read the profile carefully, making sure they are looking for a single guy. (sometimes it\'s listed as an interest, but then in the description of what they are looking for the profile states the opposite.). I can check under my sent folder and see which ones have read the email. It\'s sad they can\'t even be bother with a \"no thank you\"

One thing I find even stranger is that some people will write you and I wrote them back asking questions and they read the email, but then decided to not respond. That seems rude to start a communication and then break it off without any explanation.

I for one respond to every message sent to me. Even if it is a \"sorry not interested\". It would make this site so much better if everyone could make a better effort at responding.
Not responding or responding rudely seems to be a common practice here and on all sites. I feel it is because we are all anonymous here. You and I don\'t really exist until an in person meeting happens. So people feel free to be rude, after all what are the consequences? It is a sign of the internet society I fear.
<meta http-equiv="robots" content="noindex"><meta http-equiv="pragma" content="nocache">
Well, I have to say that we almost always do respond to messages sent to us, but often our response is delayed. Neither one of us will respond until both of us have had a chance to read the message and look over the profile of whoever wrote us on an initial contact. I know it can be frustrating waiting for a response (esp. when it never comes - been there ALOT), but we WILL respond, even if its a "nice profile, but we don't plan on travelling to your part of the country anytime soon" for those long distance admirers or a "we're not interested, but thanks for emailing us" for those closer to home.

Some of the reasons we may not reply are guys getting hostile and making rude remarks when you tell them you are not interested. Even a \"no thank you\" will sometimes result in rude emails. We have just in the last two days here had a guy keep after us even though we told him politely we were not interested. He reads our posts here and decides he is the answer to our prayers. In the past we have ended up with stalkers by returning an email. Its often best to just not reply to someone you know is not a match right up front. We learned that it is common practice for people to not answer or dissappear after they ask you for a lot of information. Seems like there are far more bullshitters than serious people. Often times its just pic collectors replying to our profile. We just had a guy we told over a year ago we were not interested to email us again and ask if we wanted to meet him now. He had saved our email address from where we had emailed him one time. It would be nice if we could send a no thanks to all replies but it just isn\'t worth it sometimes. If its obvious that the person did not read our profile or they do not match at all what we seek they do not deserve a reply.
Don\'t be offended if you don\'t get a reply, thats just how it goes in swinging.
You are right, not responding to emails is rude. As a single guy, I feel your pain but it comes with the territory. Pictures definately help.
Yeah we have been going through the same problem! God if you don't wanna play than say 'no thank' it's so simple. Your wasting our time emailing ya- when ya don't respond. Have some courtesy for god sake!

There's form letters that is provided for saying no... in a nice way too!

We made a quick and easy letter saying, "we read your mail but we'll get back to you as soon as we can.", which is opposite of ignoring.

IGNORING. Seriously! thats what ignoring is, not responding! I doubt there's anyone that likes being ignored, no matter how thickheaded they can be.
I am finding that most don't even open the mail message up!
I understand that but here's a feature it seems most people don't know - You can find out whether or not of it being opened and read.

If it's read and nothing for days, We assume no interest and lack of curtesy (it takes time to compose a email and we read the profile carefully for a reason.)

Couples with a lack of curtesy is bad news and we don't bother again, reasonably.
<style type="text/css"> #donald a:link text-decoration: underline; color: #000000 !important; #donald a:visitedtext-decoration: underline; color: #4e6dab !important; .div1background-color:#000000 !important; width: 600px; height: 425px; position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; .addresseeposition: relative; left: 175 px; top: 20px; color:#384a5e; font-family: impact !important; font-size: 14pt; .maintxtcolor:#384a5e; font-family: arial !important; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; width: 395px; height: 325px; position:relative; left: 170px; top: 30px; overflow: auto; text-indent: 1.5em; scrollbar-arrow-color:000000;scrollbar-Track-Color:384a5e;scrollbar-Highlight-Color:8395a9;scrollbar-base-color:13181e;scrollbar-Face-Color:516e8e;scrollbar-Shadow-Color:293645;scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color:13181e;</style><script>document.write('<div class="div1" style="background-image: url(ht'+'tp://img95.imageshack.us/img95/235/newbackvw1.jpg) !important">');</script><p id="donald" class="addressee">Wildcraze,</p><p id="donald" class="maintxt"><script>document.write('<style type="text/css"> .div1, .maintxt, .addresseecursor: url(ht'+'tp://ww'+'w.layoutmyspacecodes.com/graphics/cursors/animated/blue_lightning.a'+'ni);</style>');</script>
Not everyone views non-response as a "lack of courtesy". We are among those that think non-response is the answer "not interested". We do not need it verbalized. I have yet to have anyone explain how hearing someone say it, makes it "courteous".

Let me ask you this... Do you reply to all your junk mail? Do you reply to every offer you get in your email or snail mail for that matter? You have to remember, these are strangers and not your friends. You owe them nothing, just as they owe you nothing. Like a car salesman, they are trying to sell you something. It just so happens that the product is themselves.

We'll drop a return email if we feel like it. However, there are lots of people who cannot take rejection and send flames back. It is often not worth the heartache to send a rejection letter to someone, when most can draw the same conclusion with a non-response. You are intitled to find it run or discourteous. I would love to hear what makes it so.

I think one should have a thicker skin when delving into the world of swinging. We should all realize that this a culturally diverse environment and what is considered "rude" to some is acceptable to others. You can't expect everyone to fit your idea of proper etiquette. We should learn tolerance for our differences. Trust me, I know how tough it is. I have strained not to tell some of these retarded fuckers how I trully feel for the sake of peace in the community. Yes, I know that I am someone else's "retarded fucker". HAHAHA! That's what makes this so fuckin fun. At least I am honest with myself.

Totally agree with you T4REAL69.

The email we get here is actually pretty slim and we believe that is a product of our profile and that people are obviously reading it and deciding if they think there is a modicum of common ground or interest. It works, as at another online service were inundated with the random "wanna hook up messages" (our profile there is lacking in any details)... we believe these are just the general spam of people looking for something to do and don't really mind who it is... we feels those should be addressed to "Mr & Mrs Pad8 or Whomever is sitting at the computer".

We always try to respond to email.. although sometimes it takes a while (life gets in the way). But we also agree that if we don't get a response within a couple of weeks that a definite sign of No interest.

Just out of curiosity how many people reply to the "Someone Likes you" email messages?
My 2 cents worth is that people should put in their profiles exactly what they are looking for and answer any that write that fit the description they are looking for. So many in all groups will say they are looking for single males in the heading and then get insulted when one writes them. Editing their profile to match their expectations is the ultimate politeness to all that view them.

If you don't want single men writing you, say so in your profile and edit your "Looking For" section to exclude them. Doing a profile search would pass over you if you do this.

As far as not answering, they should answer any email that meets their expectation and do so politely.

I have noticed that the swinger groups seem to be overloaded with rude people.....not an accusation, just an observation.
We agree with T4REAL69 in that receiving email on this or similiar sites is not analogous to junk mail. If it were SPAM, sure, that's a perfect analogy, and even more so to a regular email account. However, the email we receive from this site comes from people who have read our profile and have shown an interest. We joined the site for the purpose of making connections; therefore, we can anticipate that we will get messages from those we are interested in and some with whom we are not. In either case, their message to us is far from impersonal junk mail. It just seems like common sense that it is courteous to reply when somebody takes the time to view our profile and say hello. A reply doesn't obligate us in any way.

However, if we get a message that basically says nothing of substance, such as "wanna have sex?" then it doesn't deserve a reply. Such a message is rare, and actually, we haven't experienced it all from this particular site.

TR (Don) is right in that you have to have thick skin, though. If we reply with something to the effect of "not quite what we are looking for" and we get a reply asking us to further explain, that is when we will choose not to answer.

Even if we think it is discourteous to fail to reply, all we can do is make a mental note about that person/couple and move on. Frankly, if it's been a few days, we probably forgot we sent the original message...we certainly aren't waiting around with baited breath for somebody to respond. We have that whole "real life" thing going on.

It would be nice if we were all courteous regardless of our interest in hooking up with others, but just like the rest of society, all we can do is control our own actions and not be the ones who are discourteous...and that's what we try to do.

When it comes to rudeness in the lifestyle it unfortunately doesn't stop at emails. We've been contacted by people, met them, had a great time only to have them seeming dissappear from existance... or in the case of two couples we met leave unpleasent messages on our phone.

Were honest open and explain precisely what were looking for in our profile... on the part of the contacter (as opposed to the contactee) is it not also rude to not full read the profile and make assumptions.
Unfortunately, this exists in many places, not just on a swinger's website. I am sure many of you have done job searches online, and never hear anything after you apply for a job, that you feel you are clearly qualified for. It is basically the same thing.

When we e-mail someone and do not receive an acknowledgment, we simply move on. If we receive an e-mail from someone, we will respond to them. Honestly, you are already on the site, checking your mail, how hard is it to answer?

8THHOUSE - we totally understand that.. on another site we were contact by a (rather suspicious) couple who were travelling to the area for 2 days and wanted to meet. We reponded politately that we didn't think we were compatable and we were looking for different things.

The responed with a rather unpleasent email and flamed us in the forums. Sometime not replying is safer but still we like to give everyone the benifit of the doubt and treat everyone as we would want to be treated.
Thank you 8THHOUSE I never thought of it that way, make sense..
<style type="text/css"> #donald a:link text-decoration: underline; color: #000000 !important; #donald a:visitedtext-decoration: underline; color: #4e6dab !important; .div1background-color:#000000 !important; width: 600px; height: 425px; position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; .addresseeposition: relative; left: 175 px; top: 20px; color:#384a5e; font-family: impact !important; font-size: 14pt; .maintxtcolor:#384a5e; font-family: arial !important; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; width: 395px; height: 325px; position:relative; left: 170px; top: 30px; overflow: auto; text-indent: 1.5em; scrollbar-arrow-color:000000;scrollbar-Track-Color:384a5e;scrollbar-Highlight-Color:8395a9;scrollbar-base-color:13181e;scrollbar-Face-Color:516e8e;scrollbar-Shadow-Color:293645;scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color:13181e;</style><script>document.write('<div class="div1" style="background-image: url(ht'+'tp://img95.imageshack.us/img95/235/newbackvw1.jpg) !important">');</script><p id="donald" class="addressee">T4REAL69 & BNB,</p><p id="donald" class="maintxt"><script>document.write('<style type="text/css"> .div1, .maintxt, .addresseecursor: url(ht'+'tp://ww'+'w.layoutmyspacecodes.com/graphics/cursors/animated/blue_lightning.a'+'ni);</style>');</script>
I disagree. Just because you shop at a store for groceries (we all do), doesn't mean you have to respond to every coupon offer with a reply of no thank. When you are on this site, you are trying to market yourself to strangers, with the hope you will spark someone's interest. It's the same as soliciting. Trying to paint it with the feel good brush doesn't change reality.

Please someone explain why a non-response is rude? What about "No thanks" gives you anymore closure than a non-response. If they are interested in you, they will reply. How is it discourteous to reply only to those you are interested in. I just don't see it the same way. I think a No thanks reply is a waste of time for both parties. It's also not worth the amount of poor attitudes you get from insecure thin-skinned people that take rejection badly. Just my opinion.

P.S. 8THHOUSE thanks for being my echo! Eloquently put.

<sub>Proud member of <a style="text-decoration: none !important;" href="groups.php?action=group&groupid=284">"Free Thinkers"</a></sub>
I suppose there's plenty of ways to say "no":

Nooo thank you
Thankyou but we're not interested
Thankyou, but we feel we're looking for something else
No way Jose
Not gonna happen
Don't call us, we'll call you

...and let's not forget: "s i l e n c e"

Honestly, no is no...if you don't hear a response, then there's your answer! Why worry about sugar coating a turn down with euphemisms? Just move on and redirect your energies into finding someone that IS interested AND compatible, and gosh...they just may respond with a "yes"!

We've ALL had rejections, and no one will always be spared the experience of it...just a part of life. :)

We have replied with a (Thanks but we are not interested or no thanks) and still they keep on sending emails. some times you can say no and we think that they are not sure what a (no) is and thinks that means keep on sending email still you give in to them. We have went out and met some couples to find that what there profile says is not what they are once you meet them. We think that some of the picture's they use was about 20 years ago and not how they look like now. Know you have seen them people out there. We think they feel once you meet them that it will all change and be ok then. Don't think so,, if they can't be honest on there profile then how could they be honest when you was to meet them for real.
Tequilarose: A non response is rude because it shows that you don't appreciate the time and effort that it took for someone to compliment you by expressing their interest. It shows that you are selfish and lazy because you don't take time to press a few keys to say 'thanks, but we're not interested'. Someone took the time to say that they like your pictures and your profile enough to send you a compliment, and the polite thing to do is at least thank them. I doubt you're getting more than a few emails per day from people here expressing interest. If you don't have time to reply to them, then you definitely don't have time to meet anyone!

-brian and sherrie
I agree totally. The most aggravating are those who send an email expressing interest, you reply courteously and never hear from them again. Might as well reply to their email with " Take a long walk on a short pier", or "Kiss my ass" for all the good it does. And those who do it know who they are...even more disgusting are those who do answer emails, schedule a meet and then disappear, never to be seen or heard from again....or they do schedule a meeting and never show up....(how many cups of coffee is a realistic amount of time to wait? ) then you realize you have been "had again". Seems to me there is an inordinate number of voyeurs vs. swingers. Jim
I agree totally. The most aggravating are those who send an email expressing interest, you reply courteously and never hear from them again. Might as well reply to their email with " Take a long walk on a short pier", or "Kiss my ass" for all the good it does. And those who do it know who they are...even more disgusting are those who do answer emails, schedule a meet and then disappear, never to be seen or heard from again....or they do schedule a meeting and never show up....(how many cups of coffee is a realistic amount of time to wait? ) then you realize you have been "had again". Seems to me there is an inordinate number of voyeurs vs. swingers. Jim
This is really simply a preference of communication. Some couples/singles will find it a courtesy to respond due to the fact that they would like a response to emails they have sent. Others will not send a response and if they send an email and receive nothing back, well, great! They aren't interested. It would appear that INTENSECARESS is part of the
Very well-put MUELLER!
Thank you ~J~!

If anyone of you recieve a response from Thoughtgarden. RESPOND BACK! They are one of the hottest and nicest couples on here. You should be so lucky to get an email from them.
Again...ty Mueller!
<style type="text/css"> #donald a:link text-decoration: underline; color: #000000 !important; #donald a:visitedtext-decoration: underline; color: #4e6dab !important; .div1background-color:#000000 !important; width: 600px; height: 425px; position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; .addresseeposition: relative; left: 175 px; top: 20px; color:#384a5e; font-family: impact !important; font-size: 14pt; .maintxtcolor:#384a5e; font-family: arial !important; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; width: 395px; height: 325px; position:relative; left: 170px; top: 30px; overflow: auto; text-indent: 1.5em; scrollbar-arrow-color:000000;scrollbar-Track-Color:384a5e;scrollbar-Highlight-Color:8395a9;scrollbar-base-color:13181e;scrollbar-Face-Color:516e8e;scrollbar-Shadow-Color:293645;scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color:13181e;</style><script>document.write('<div class="div1" style="background-image: url(ht'+'tp://img95.imageshack.us/img95/235/newbackvw1.jpg) !important">');</script><p id="donald" class="addressee">INTENSECARESS,</p><p id="donald" class="maintxt"><script>document.write('<style type="text/css"> .div1, .maintxt, .addresseecursor: url(ht'+'tp://ww'+'w.layoutmyspacecodes.com/graphics/cursors/animated/blue_lightning.a'+'ni);</style>');</script>
We have no issues meeting individuals on this website. Furthermore, replying to <i> strangers</i> serves no purpose but to prolong the inevitable. A non-response is enough to show that you are not interested. When you reply to your junk mail, then come talk to me. What does a "no thanks" give you that a non-response doesn't? Do you need to be told verbally? No you don't. Acknowledging your "time and effort", does what for you? Your response doesn't not explain why it's rude. All it tries to justify is your need to waste people's time by trying to prolong correspondence with people that are not interested in you. No, you would rather put the couple through a guilt trip and make them justify why they didn't choose to interact with you. It serves no purpose, but to ease your ego and or insecurity. No one on this site owes you anything. The day you can justify your point is the day fish jump out of the water and say <i>"no thanks"</i> to your bait or everyone starts replying to junk ads in the mail.

MUELLERMTNBIKER, Well put man. Everyone should be tolerant and not expect others to conform to what they consider manners or etiquette. If that were the case, we're all wrong according to mainstream society, just by being in the lifestyle.

<sub>Proud member of <a style="text-decoration: none !important;" href="groups.php?action=group&groupid=284">"Free Thinkers"</a></sub>
We have also had the problem with no email replies from many more than do reply. Personally, I think if you haven't been blocked for some reason or the other. The website should have some sort of rule, that you must reply to a certain percentage of messages sent you. Or, loose your membership status. You say people don't respond because so many are playing games. If that is your attitude. You don't need to be here at all. If you get an email and simply do not reply. You are also playing games. Also, how do you know if someone is serious or not by just simply reading and deleting their email. We reply to all emails. All are not positive but, at least the other party gets a response. There is absolutely NO reason to not reply. If someone you do not want to email you. Then block them. Otherwise ANSWER. I would rather get a HELL NO. Than no response at all.

<style type="text/css"> #donald a:link text-decoration: underline; color: #000000 !important; #donald a:visitedtext-decoration: underline; color: #4e6dab !important; .div1background-color:#000000 !important; width: 600px; height: 425px; position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; .addresseeposition: relative; left: 175 px; top: 20px; color:#384a5e; font-family: impact !important; font-size: 14pt; .maintxtcolor:#384a5e; font-family: arial !important; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; width: 395px; height: 325px; position:relative; left: 170px; top: 30px; overflow: auto; text-indent: 1.5em; scrollbar-arrow-color:000000;scrollbar-Track-Color:384a5e;scrollbar-Highlight-Color:8395a9;scrollbar-base-color:13181e;scrollbar-Face-Color:516e8e;scrollbar-Shadow-Color:293645;scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color:13181e;</style><script>document.write('<div class="div1" style="background-image: url(ht'+'tp://img95.imageshack.us/img95/235/newbackvw1.jpg) !important">');</script><p id="donald" class="addressee">WKYMCJ,</p><p id="donald" class="maintxt"><script>document.write('<style type="text/css"> .div1, .maintxt, .addresseecursor: url(ht'+'tp://ww'+'w.layoutmyspacecodes.com/graphics/cursors/animated/blue_lightning.a'+'ni);</style>');</script>
That is absurd and it would never happen. No one owes you or anyone else anything. Trying to force someone to reply is ridiculous. It's not playing games. It's called "not being interested".

You say you would rather get "HELL NO" than no response. WHY? What does it do for you? How does it serve you? You are saying a non-response is "rude" and "HELL NO" isn't? That's ludacris! Why do you need it verbalized? Someone not responding says it all. Why do you need to hear them say No thanks? What does aknowlegement of your hard work from a stranger that isn't even interested in you serve? I think it's just you trying to inconvenience someone that's not interested in you as a means of making them feel guilty or payback.

When you are shopping for a car and you get ads in the paper showing you good deals on cars your not interested in, do you call all of the lots and tell them no thanks for the offer? No, you don't. Sex is a service just like any other. Don't expect replies when you are soliciting strangers.

Some of you people need to quit expecting people to conform to your ideas of morals and etiquette. It's ridiculous. I say get a thicker skin and deal with it. You have a diverse crowd here, not everyone is like you. Good day.

<sub>Proud member of <a style="text-decoration: none !important;" href="groups.php?action=group&groupid=284">"Free Thinkers"</a></sub>

I'm still having a hard time fathoming why everyone feels "entitled" to anything at all (i.e., a response)?

Tequila and Mueller have both summed it up rather succinctly: Silence speaks volumes, and none of us is accountable nor obligated to react simply because someone has taken the time to express an interest...

If either Siren or myself don't hear back from someone, we take it as a polite no, and simply MOVE ON.

Really people, why is is so hard to understand?


(I think I'm starting to sound like a broken record)
to me i think the one who do not reply think they are to pretty. they do not want to find out who you , just if you are as pretty as they are. i think we all are pretty in our own way and we need to talk to all just my thoughts thanks;)
There are time that we don't get on the site for several days. We recieve e-mail and in the mean time people think that we are ignoring them. Some people understand and other don't.
Well, I would not expect a reply from everyone. As whiteghost pointed out. Someone not replying just tells me they think they are better than me. Just as it is obvious, by his personal attacks, in all of his replies on here. DON(Tequilarose) is one of those that are very proud of themselves and I am sure, feels he is better than most of you. Don it has absolutely nothing to do with a car deal. It is just plain good manners to at least acknowledge a gesture toward you like saying hello to a stranger you meet on the street that speaks to you. OH but, I forgot, you are so full of yourself, you probably just look the other way and keep walking. Or so busy looking at yourself in the store windows you don't even notice them at all.

I just feel you should respect anyone, who takes the time to send you a message, a reply. Even if it is to say no thanks. I did not single out no one in my reply. Just giving my opinion. Don you make your personal attacks on here all the time. To people that just want to express their opinion. Just because their opinion is not yours. You do not have to show your ass to all of them. Anyone can disagree, without being just totally rude and out of line. Again, just my opinion. And yes opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and some just well are assholes.