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just another pacific north west tree hugger. who cares
Good for her!!! Oregonians <b><u>RULE!</u></b>
oh well go lady gadiva
I would say that she has accomplished her goal of bringing attention to her cause. A tad extreme maybe, but that is what it takes to get noticed in this day and age. My only criticism of her approach would be the traffic accident potential. I admire anyone with a strong conviction for their cause and are able to demonstrate in a non-threatening way.

Side note: I know that calling someone a tree hugger is supposed to be a verbal slap. I call that a boomerang insult (which most are). It tells more about the person slinging the shit than it does the object of the name calling. In my opinion, anyone calling someone else a tree hugger is likely one of those who have little regard or knowlege of our natural environment. Environmental issues are generally too complex for small minds to embrace.

(Loved the woman who got all excited about the "genitalia" - she must have really good eyesight and attention to detail, lol, bi-curious perhaps?)
If I had kids, I think I would feel different, but I don't have them, so unsure, but I think she should be able to ride.

She is not trying to get people turned on or anything, she is drawing attention to her cause.

Why not?
Why teach your kids that they should be ashamed of their body?
I guess a Portlander needs to speak up now..........lol Geeze, I drive up Hawthorne all the time........Ive never seen her........but I must say ya gotta love the NW though! People have the right to speak their minds and here they do. If it makes her feel better and helps her cope with times as they are, the more power to her.......we should all take our clothes off and run around naked.......Also just because she likes to ride around naked doesnt make her a tree hugger, shes just trying to get her view across......and seems to me if ya take your clothes off........ it gets everybodies attention.....seems to have worked for her! Guess I better pay better attention to the cyclists riding around the Portland Metro........lol
