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Anybody have any reviews for lubes with L-Arginine? e.g. Sensura, ID Pleasure, Climax Intensify.
Not for lubes, but I've used vitamin supplements with it and I think it makes a difference.

I too have not heard of lubes with Arginine. I take Arginine as a supplement daily and have had good success with increasing load size.
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Hate to break it to ya. Just like many other urban legends, the big dick pill is a road that will deplete your funds and leave your cock the same little guy he's always been. Like single woman being "unicorns", the "big cock" is over-rated. What you should do is focus on pussy eating techniques. It's seems to work for this average joe.

Think of it this way, you can have a 10" cock, but if you are dumber than a fuckin stump or a fucking asshole, the only love that "fuck club" is gonna get is your own palm or latex glove full of warm mayonaise.

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That's how we weed out the little dicks. We look for the profiles that say "I'm amazing at oral and can eat you all night long". We look for the ones that say, can fuck like a horse on Extenz until the cock crows.. If those dick pills worked we'd all be packin 10 inch cocks. One things for sure, it's marketed for guys. Most women want a good lover, adequate size or better that knows his shit in the sack. I think if guys could have, what in their mind is the "Dream cock", they'd be lonely critters. Women don't want to fuck elephants. They want quality, passion, good kissing, good hands, good minds, and a decent (sustainable) hard-on. With those qualities, she'll think you're John Holmes.. ;)

I doubt L-Arginine would be very effective in a topical application. Arginine has a long way to go before it can aid in sexual function, so applying it to the skin will probably do nothing at all.

Here's why.

Arginine is a precursor to something called nitric oxide (not nitrous, nitric). Nitric oxide, or nitrogen monoxide, aids in relaxation of the tissue surrounding blood vessels, resulting in a condition called vasodilation. I.e., it opens up blood flow - very similar to the goal of the erectile dysfunction drugs on the market.

The theory is, you take arginine, the arginine hits your bloodstream, gets converted to NO, and then NO causes a relaxation of blood vessel constriction body-wide, and this in turn increases blood flow. More blood to your unit means it's easier to obtain and maintain an erection. But your body must synthesize the NO for vasodilation - you can't just put arginine-enriched cream on your cock and get a rise from it.

In the average male's diet, he can benefit from as few as 2 gm/day, but more like 6 gm/day in two 3 gm doses is more effective. That's for a 150-200 lb. male. The reason people who watch their nutrition vigilantly use arginine (athletes, bodybuilders, sports enthusiasts, etc.) is because increased blood flow also means increased nutrient delivery to tissue. Increased nutrient delivery in post-workout conditions means, theoretically, you could reduce recovery time and your body's ability to perform.

Arginine has benefits, but they're not going to be very noticeable speaking from a seat-of-the-pants feel point of view. But they do, over time, create a noticeable performance increase when included in a balanced diet and exercise program.

Yes, you'll benefit maximally from arginine if you exercise. Otherwise, I wouldn't waste my time with it. You'll only take it and pee it out a few hours later. You might see *something* from it, but I bet that's more in your head than actually in your johnson. ;)

And if you're going to take an Arginine/NO product, I strongly suggest using a substance called diarginine malate. It is the most bio-available form of arginine, and is sold in a horrible-tasting bulk powder. I buy capsules and make pills out of it. Again, two (2) three (3) gram doses per day for a 150-200 lb. person.

And if you have heart problems, never take arginine or NO products. Ever.

That's my well-educated $0.02 on the subject. Y'all have fun.


-R (& T)
I do not know any lubes containing the substance in question but I have a little pill dose wich I take on a daily basis which has helped me in the past.

1500 mg L-Argenine
1000 mg Ginseng Complex (Siberian & Korean ginseng)
500 mg Horny goat Weed
250 mg Maca
50 mg Niacin

I know the dossage is high but combined with a reg exercise routine, it does help with stamina
& maintains your package capillary fill.
DJCHINO69 wrote:

I do not know any lubes containing the substance in question but I have a little pill dose wich I take on a daily basis which has helped me in the past.

1500 mg L-Argenine
1000 mg Ginseng Complex (Siberian & Korean ginseng)
500 mg Horny goat Weed
250 mg Maca
50 mg Niacin

I know the dossage is high but combined with a reg exercise routine, it does help with stamina
& maintains your package capillary fill.

And what is the name of this supplement? Where does one obtain it?

My physician noted the other day that at my age, (47) I should be glad to have only had two episodes where the plumbing wasn't functioning properly. It seems that he had some statistic from some medical journal that stated over half of men over 45 have had at least one episode of "diminished ability".

He did recommend increasing my exercise routine from twice weekly to four times weekly, and reduction or elimination of animal fats from my diet. The second part of that advice is easy. I'm not that much of a red-meat eater, nor do I generally consume much animal fat in the first place, although I'm not a vegetarian. The Mediterranean Diet is closest to how I eat anyway.

But a little natural help can't be a bad thing... So what is this stuff?

Enquiring minds, and all that...
I dunno how this would enhance a lube, but as an NO booster, it sucks and doesn't do diddly-squat.
Try Korean Red Ginseng.